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Example sentences for "reaction"

Lexicographically close words:
react; reactance; reactant; reacted; reacting; reactionaries; reactionary; reactionists; reactions; reactive
  1. In his surprise at the quantity and quality of the latter, Carter may have returned it, or Mrs. Leslie may have mistaken the reaction of her own grip for answer.

  2. The reaction of his shove had thrown Helen in against him, and her touch recalled his mission.

  3. His work represents the reaction of flatness after a period of literary activity.

  4. From the middle of the eighteenth century there are signs of a reaction against a laxity in pronunciation, influenced perhaps by Lord Chesterfield and Doctor Johnson.

  5. They are often strongly laic, and even sceptical, by a natural reaction from ecclesiasticism.

  6. The wholesome modern reaction against these dreadful old customs has led some hosts into another error.

  7. It drives the victim into a reaction against the religion that tyrannizes over him, and makes him anti-religious, when without pressure he would have been simply and inoffensively non-religious.

  8. I differ from you as to the chances of reaction in this country.

  9. We are not accustomed to copy, and shall treat the reaction in France, Austria, and Prussia rather as a warning than as a model.

  10. I venture to differ from you as to the probable progress of reaction in England.

  11. There was a pretty humility in her behaviour to him, as if mutely apologising for the over-strong words which were the reaction from the deeds of the day of the riot.

  12. It is, to a certain degree, the reaction after the powerful opiates I have been obliged to use.

  13. The political character of this reaction against the growing power of the high priests and the town of Amon was pointed out for the first time by Masporo in 1878.

  14. It is, however, not safe to conclude from these examples that the artists who executed them would have developed Egyptian art in a new direction, had not subsequent events caused a reaction against the worship of AtonĂ» and his followers.

  15. The weary exile felt that not in his day would the reaction come.

  16. But the reaction Louis Napoleon so confidently hoped for did not come.

  17. But did you think of the reaction of the townsmen and peasants?

  18. You saw the reaction of the Duke when he realized that Flor was actually a serf?

  19. He thought he got the drift of the story now--a sheer one enough but with Mr. Piper's present reaction toward abasement and his obvious wish to believe whatever he could, it had evidently sufficed.

  20. It came to the public simply as Materialism; and Materialism lost its peculiar purity and dignity when it entered into the Darwinian reaction against Bible fetichism.

  21. In the nineteenth century we talked very glibly about geological periods, and flung millions of eons about in the most lordly manner in our reaction against Archbishop Ussher's chronology.

  22. Samuel Butler was the pioneer of the reaction as far as the casting out was concerned; but the issue was confused by the physiologists, who were divided on the question into Mechanists and Vitalists.

  23. Ever since the reaction against Darwin set in at the beginning of the present century, all scientific opinion worth counting has been converging rapidly upon Creative Evolution.

  24. A day of reaction will come; and the effects will be fearful.

  25. I fell beneath a reaction of feelings too powerful for human nature to struggle with.

  26. Reaction Against The Worship Of Images And Other Superstitious Practices By The Iconoclast Emperors Of The East.

  27. The limits of this essay allow me not to discuss the chances of an iconolatric reaction in our days.

  28. In the reaction following the excitement of battle, dread and despondency seem to have shadowed his soul.

  29. The fourth variation brings a reaction toward a brighter mood, flashes of sunlight through parting clouds, fitful gleams of spasmodic gaiety, half hope, half defiance, showing intermittently against the somber background of grief.

  30. They did not represent a violent reaction against it, but a natural and inevitable progress within and beyond it.

  31. There was a universal European reaction against the Enlightenment and the Revolution.

  32. These prevented any real study of that nature in the midst of which man lives, in reaction against which he develops his powers, and to which, on one whole side of his nature, he belongs.

  33. That reaction was not simple, but complex.

  34. The political reaction was specifically Latin and Catholic.

  35. The England of the period after 1815 had indeed no such cause for reaction as obtained in France or even in Germany.

  36. It was part of a general religious reaction against ecclesiasticism, as were also Jansenism in France, and Methodism in England, and the Whitefieldian revival in America.

  37. He recognised the reaction of modes of life and practice, and of external circumstances on the history of thought.

  38. The reaction in the world of thought, and particularly of religious thought, was, moreover, as marked as that in the world of deeds.

  39. This again is a reason for including our reference to the reaction here.

  40. It has seemed, therefore, feasible to append to this chapter that which we must briefly say concerning the general movement of reaction which marked the century.

  41. Again, we should deceive ourselves if we supposed that the reaction had been felt only in Roman Catholic lands.

  42. The churches had developed, in consonance with their Puritan character, a theology and philosophy so portentous in their conclusions, that we can without difficulty understand the reaction which was brought about.

  43. The never-ending progress of events shapes and readjusts not only the present materials of history, but also by reaction the materials of the past.

  44. And in this freedom he preceded and prophesied the reaction of the last years of the nineteenth century against the tyranny of maxims and conventions in society, in morals, and in religion.

  45. This was borne to a wearisome extreme in fiction, and in these last days a comfortable reaction from it has arisen.

  46. That reaction has in many ways been carried beyond the proper limits of what is just and beautiful.

  47. Politics, like devotion, are a woman's reaction from the weariness of loving and being loved.

  48. It came at the end of May when, at the height of the reaction against the whole year of prejudice, I was chosen for the college senior society.

  49. The reaction was almost as hysterical as the movement itself.

  50. This reaction was probably only a part of the general reversion to conservatism which we have been noticing in the action of the government in religious matters.

  51. Now a reaction seems to set in against the flowing tide of admiration for everything Greek;[747] but it was too late to arrest the flood.

  52. Happie cried, crimson with anger and the reaction from her fright.

  53. The relief of the reaction from her fright, the irresistible fun of the situation was too much for the pedagogic dignity of the sixteen-years-old teacher.

  54. We are concerned with the action of Erasmus upon these events and their reaction upon his course of life.

  55. It was not until the wave of the Catholic Reaction had begun to rise into a furious torrent that a definite policy of disapproval of Erasmus on the part of the Roman authorities took the place of the former leniency.

  56. In France the reaction against arbitrary laws, empty forms, and the unjust privileges of rank, led to the French Revolution.

  57. The reaction from it would probably have been serious, if she had not had the distraction of work.

  58. A natural reaction set in at once, and this proof of practical, modern life banished the shadows from his mind effectually.

  59. They could not turn the tide but they stemmed it, and their attacks upon the whole theory of Satanic power and the methods of persecution were potent in the reaction to humanity and a reign of reason.

  60. I could move us out into a self-sustaining orbit by using more of the reaction mass.

  61. Sears Oliphant had always claimed that if only Ed could be harnessed in sleep to the reaction chamber.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reaction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acknowledgment; action; affect; affection; answer; antagonism; antipathy; antiphon; assumption; attitude; backlash; backsliding; backwash; challenge; clout; collision; comeback; comment; complaint; conceit; concept; conception; conclusion; conflict; consideration; contradiction; contraposition; contrariety; counteraction; defiance; demur; dispute; dissent; echo; emotion; estimate; estimation; ethos; experience; eye; feeling; force; foreboding; friction; idea; ideal; impact; impress; impression; imprint; insanity; interference; judgment; kick; lapse; lights; maladjustment; mark; melancholia; mind; monarchism; mystique; neurosis; nonconformity; notion; objection; observation; obstinacy; opinion; opposition; paranoia; passion; position; posture; presentiment; presumption; print; propulsion; protest; psychosis; reaction; rebuff; receipt; reception; recession; recidivism; recoil; reflection; reflex; reflux; regress; rejoinder; relapse; reluctance; remonstrance; repartee; repercussion; replication; reply; repugnance; repulse; repulsion; rescript; resistance; response; retort; retroflexion; retrogression; return; reverberation; revolt; revulsion; riposte; rise; royalism; schizophrenia; sensation; sense; sentiment; setback; sight; stance; stand; theory; thing; thinking; thought; throwback; undercurrent; nonconformity; notion; objection; observation; obstinacy; opinion; opposition; paranoia; passion; position; posture; presentiment; presumption; print; propulsion; protest; psychosis; reaction; rebuff; receipt; reception; recession; recidivism; recoil; reflection; reflex; reflux; regress; rejoinder; relapse; reluctance; remonstrance; repartee; repercussion; replication; reply; repugnance; repulse; repulsion; rescript; resistance; response; retort; retroflexion; retrogression; return; reverberation; revolt; revulsion; riposte; rise; royalism; schizophrenia; sensation; sense; sentiment; setback; sight; stance; stand; theory; thing; thinking; thought; throwback; undercurrent