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Example sentences for "political character"

  • In fact, for the first nine years the Conference passed no resolutions of a political character at all, and those which it adopted during the decade that followed expressed little more than confidence in the leaders of the party.

  • The King's speech on the opening of Parliament is, of course, written by them; and they prepare any answers to addresses that may have a political character.

  • Nothing can be more marked than the effect of industry on political character in the case of England.

  • It is needless to dwell on anything so obvious as the effect of an insular position in giving birth to commerce and developing the corresponding elements of political character.

  • Sidenote: Political character of the Teutonic and Gallic races.

  • For one pamphlet of a political character, entitled The Crisis, he was expelled from parliament for libel; but upon the death of Queen Anne, he again found himself in favor.

  • To each religious party, there was a political character, ranging from High Church and the divine right of kings, to absolute levellers in Church and State.

  • Then, the very circumstances under which the National College was born and the National Schools affiliated to it were opened, gave them a political character.

  • They accepted the decision of the majority about the non-political character of the college, but no one could deprive them of the use of their pen and tongue.

  • Mr Justice Stephen in his History of the Criminal Law, that to give an offence a political character it must be "incidental to and form part of political disturbances.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "political character" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cold feet; could look; ever laid; fair hair; mushroom catsup; neutral position; perfect being; political agitation; political career; political conditions; political events; political instability; political leader; political officer; political opinion; political opinions; political organization; political party; political point; political prisoners; political questions; political science; political society; political speech; political theory; upon pain