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Example sentences for "kick"

Lexicographically close words:
kiam; kiang; kibitka; kiboko; kibosh; kicke; kicked; kicker; kickers; kicking
  1. I dread meeting that insufferable prig Hainault, for fear I should kick him.

  2. He is inclined to kick over the traces, but I'll whip him in a little.

  3. At this juncture the backbone of the family fell desperately ill, and I flew to the hospital where he was, leaving Poppy to kick and stamp and lose tethering pins and dry up at her own sweet will.

  4. Magragh had lost his cudgel, but he strode up to kick his antagonist aside with his heavy boots.

  5. They rolled over together, Grimalkin bearing down his prey as a tiger will a deer, but the latter was frenzied with fear, and in his agony launched a desperate kick which caught Grimalkin upon the point of the nose.

  6. Grunter tried to press in after him, but a well-directed kick sent her sprawling upon her broad back, and she was obliged to wait outside until her mate was tired.

  7. Goes down sessions to see that they don't get too gumptious and kick off the swaddlin' clothes.

  8. The noise in the corridors grew louder, some one dealt a smashing kick on a panel, and Wetherell ventured to ask Mr. Bixby if he thought the doors would hold.

  9. He answered: 'Friend, if a jackass were to kick me, would you have me kick him back again?

  10. I warned him off my holy ground; but if he trespasses I shall most certainly kick his share of the Holy Ghost downstairs; and I expect that his share all lies in the seat of honor rather than in his carib skull.

  11. We see him with a sharp turn jerk the animal off its feet, and then a revolver shot rings out; there is a convulsive kick or two and the great steer lies dead.

  12. I see you get a surreptitious kick for giggling, which you richly deserve!

  13. On one side all the windows are continually shuttered, so as to prevent the mischievous action of stones, and in front the door is railed in closely so as to frustrate the efforts of those who might be inclined to kick it.

  14. The compass swung round in the binnacle anywhere, but the swell made the rudder kick heavily now and again, and gave the wheel a twist that flung the spokes out of the man's hand and woke him up.

  15. Poor Jack was in a terrible fright; kick as he would, his enemy still clung on.

  16. Before we started the driver brought an additional horse, and after a preliminary kick or two we took the road.

  17. Indignantly I suggested giving the fellow a kick for his drink money.

  18. In one yard there were cattle and horses, so densely packed that they could not kick freely.

  19. Chinese mules will kick as readily as their American cousins; and I can say from experience, that their hoofs are neither soft nor delicate.

  20. I'd no objection to kick the bucket; it would be a pleasant change anyhow to sitting in prison all one's life.

  21. On the whole he was one of the so-called defiant prisoners, who meant to kick against the pricks, and he was treated accordingly.

  22. It wouldn't do you any good for me to kick you about the room or I 'd do it.

  23. On this particular night Sis had just lost herself in her thumbworn volume of Grimm's Fairy Tales when--there came a kick on the outside door and the sound of two voices coming down the short hall.

  24. And Donaldson was saved from his impulse to kick the inanimate thing into splinters by the sound of her footsteps.

  25. The pain in McKenzie's side was beginning to make him wince when a kick of the wheel jarred his body, and the skipper noticed it.

  26. Grab that box with both hands and kick your feet out like a frog.

  27. Then after he came back he might have to kick around idle.

  28. Git some beef on those bunt-lin's, you hounds, or I'll kick some go in you!

  29. The conjectural illustration shows a Jamestown potter shaping a vessel on his crude kick wheel.

  30. Making Pottery In The Seventeenth Century The kick wheel used by the Jamestown potter may have resembled the one in the seventeenth-century engraving.

  31. A real bad one will squeal like a pig, fall back, roll over, kick and apparently tie himself into knots.

  32. That keeps the tail down (unlike a horse, which cannot kick when his tail is up); but when his tail goes up, then look out!

  33. He says yer refereed him out like a has-been, and never give him no chance to kick at de decision.

  34. He was apt, when pushed so close by hard luck, to kick the best dressed man he could see, and try to take command of the boat.

  35. They despise him, and kick him out from amongst them as though he were a dog," replied Evana.

  36. Howbeit, as he had beene layd low sooner than he had reckoned on, he prolonged his last agonies a goode deal, and gave one of y^e Persians a tremendous kick just as they were aboute to rifle his pouch.

  37. I had no idea they would kick up such a row!

  38. And I don't cry and wring my 'ands when people try to kick me back again.

  39. As James Stonehouse said in a burst of savage humour, "Kick Christine out of the front door and she'll come in at the back.

  40. As he detested such visitations, and as several of his callers, from their countenances alone, inspired him with an earnest longing to kick them down stairs, he hastened to avoid the nuisance by escaping into the street.

  41. The excellent Binat began to kick and scream.

  42. Even then, remember, we had to kick him out of his blankets before the fight began at El- Maghrib.

  43. This was not strictly true, for the Private had accomplished his own downfall, since it is the special merit of that leg-guard that the harder the kick the greater the kicker's discomfiture.

  44. One of the Three Men had a cut on his nose, cause by the kick of a gun.

  45. Mrs. Quist administered another kick to the Captain but seemed well pleased.

  46. Ming Yen," hastily shouted out Chia Jui, "you're not to kick up a rumpus.

  47. All because of this want of respect of yours, your elder cousin is so angry with you that his teeth itch; and were it not that I prevent him, he would hit you with his foot in the stomach and kick all your intestines out!

  48. And after the man had disgraced himself and shot you, after all respectable people had given him an extra kick to let him know he must stay down and had then turned their backs upon him.

  49. With a vicious kick he struck the Indian in the stomach, who at once decided that he had had enough of that sport and quickly retired, leaving Sam now to struggle with him alone.

  50. He is not only able to use his antlers, but can turn while swimming and kick most viciously.

  51. Sam, in his excitement, had put too much powder in his gun, and when he fired the kick of the weapon caused him to lose his balance and he tumbled to the ground.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kick" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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