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Example sentences for "complaining"

Lexicographically close words:
complainant; complainants; complaine; complained; complaineth; complainings; complains; complaint; complainte; complaints
  1. I write to you more tired, and with more headache, than any one but you could conceive!

  2. There was a strange affair happened on Saturday; it was strange, yet very English.

  3. But, besides this, enough remains unaccounted for in that way, no doubt, to render it highly probable that too many of those complaining of having been driven to work when sick, had just cause for such complaints.

  4. The little woman, who seems so weak, Yet bears her burdens day by day; And no one has ever heard her speak In a bitter or loud complaining way.

  5. Hence we find him at times complaining that the Church is not sufficient for his wants.

  6. We find him complaining at frequent intervals that he cannot give his studies the attention they demand.

  7. Yet it was by his act that we were injured, and we only refrain from complaining of him, because he did not know what he was doing.

  8. Now he was complaining that his toy had drawn the lightning.

  9. He was being dragged back from the memory of the sunlit down and the quick, laughing girl, back to this unhealthy, overheated room and its complaining occupant.

  10. And here was Grego complaining that he couldn't go to the Eton and Harrow match.

  11. While in her presence I felt rebuked for my complaining spirit.

  12. Raymond came upon the mule, pale and haggard, complaining of a fiery pain in his chest.

  13. I am convinced that he never returned; he was complaining that night of a disease, the wasting effects of which upon a younger and stronger man, I myself had proved from severe experience.

  14. Some of the people of Nansemond county had written, complaining of the banishment of Mr. Harrison, whom they described as an able minister and a man of splendid character.

  15. Early in June, 1676, Berkeley had written the King, complaining that his age and infirmities were such that he could no longer perform properly his office in Virginia, and requesting that he be allowed to retire from active service.

  16. I would write complaining sonnets on Olivia, and sing them in the dead of the night.

  17. I once saw a dying man who kept complaining they would not let him have hazel-nuts to munch!

  18. Samuel wrote to her complaining of the new ideas of his brothers John and Charles, and appealing confidently to her verdict in the matter.

  19. In 1825, complaining of the misery caused by his domestics.

  20. The tiresome sovereign now insisted on the Ancient Mariner removing his burden to the rear, complaining that the absent-minded creature would stare at him, and that he did not wish to be gazed at or wondered at.

  21. In the course of the day the Egg Counter to the Royal Household was dragged grovelling before me, complaining that the foxes had stolen one of the chickens under his care.

  22. Court of Directors, and complaining of the hardships which he suffered by the delay in admitting him to the exercise of it.

  23. She was complaining in her high querulous voice about her turkeys, the contrary little bastes, that would nivir stay to home at all, at all, no matter if ye give them the whole farm to ate up.

  24. They listened to him now, complaining away to the pink apple-blossoms; and, knowing it was very wicked and dangerous to laugh just then, they held themselves in convulsions of silent mirth.

  25. Nikolay Vsyevolodovitch, a captain who calls himself a relation of yours, the brother of your wife, and whose name is Lebyadkin, keeps writing impertinent letters to me, complaining of you and offering to tell me some secrets about you.

  26. I have read in the South African daily papers, correspondence from some of them complaining of their inability to make money.

  27. When she left town the Duchess was complaining of cold, sore throat, and debility.

  28. And yet the very last words she had spoken were words complaining of his conduct.

  29. When we had told him that we were not complaining of any grievance, he returned, and reported to the Major at once.

  30. Sometimes the prisoners chaffed or insulted the thin-skins I speak of, and then they would leave off complaining directly; as if they only wanted to be insulted to make them hold their tongues.

  31. I tell you if we all join in complaining we shall see what he has to say for himself.

  32. He did nothing but groan, complaining of all kinds of illnesses.

  33. At last when tired, he began Complaining unto Jupiter.

  34. To one complaining of his fate, Esop this fable did relate.

  35. For a long time we find Watt, in his letters, complaining to his partner of the failure of his engines through "villainous bad workmanship.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complaining" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.