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Example sentences for "suspend"

Lexicographically close words:
suspecte; suspected; suspecting; suspects; suspence; suspended; suspender; suspenders; suspending; suspends
  1. We should suspend driver's licenses, track them across state lines, make them work off what they owe.

  2. Bees of several species and genera, some unprovided with stings, and some in size scarcely exceeding a house-fly, deposit their honey in hollow trees, or suspend their combs from a branch.

  3. By day they suspend themselves from the highest branches, hanging by the claws of the hind legs, with the head turned upwards, and pressing the chin against the breast.

  4. At morning the dew hangs in diamond drops on the threads and gossamer which the spiders suspend across every pathway; and above the pool dragon-flies, of more than metallic lustre, flash in the early sunbeams.

  5. The judge agreed to suspend sentence on condition that the sheriff would deport 'em and keep 'em deported.

  6. It won't take us long to get your status, pay your fine, or get the judge to suspend your sentence.

  7. We shall not ask God to suspend the laws of nature, nor alter the courses of the seasons, for any wants, real or fancied, of our own.

  8. Innocent replied by placing England under the interdict, that is to say, he ordered the clergy to close all the churches and suspend all public services,--a very terrible thing to the people of the time.

  9. In spite of a patched-up reconciliation with the king, Becket proceeded to excommunicate or suspend some of the great English prelates and, as Henry believed, was conspiring to rob his son of the crown.

  10. By means of the interdict they could suspend the consolations of religion in a whole city or country by closing the church doors and prohibiting all public services.

  11. Mr. Gerstenberg recommended that the directors should take some step for the purpose of preventing the spread of such erroneous notions as that which lately prevailed on the Continent, that the Bank was about to suspend specie payments.

  12. They would not agree to suspend payments themselves, and permit the Bank of England to survive, and get all their business.

  13. For their information, I will suspend a while the more serious purpose of my Letter, and entertain them with two or three Speeches in the last Session of Parliament, which will serve them for politics till Parliament meets again.

  14. He escaped censure by agreeing to suspend them.

  15. It is both reasonable and generous to suppose, that persons not under immediate necessity, will suspend their right of drawing on the fund, until it acquire, as it will do, a greater degree of ability.

  16. Suspend the spool with thread from the top of the swing crosspiece.

  17. It is well to suspend the use of alcohol and tobacco for at least three days beforehand.

  18. The householder has to revise his or her ideas of fashion and, at least for the time being, suspend the use of fine garments which are not always worn to cover the body.

  19. I therefore venture to suggest to the students all over India to suspend their normal studies for one year and devote their time to the manufacture of yarn by hand-spinning.

  20. Will it revive him to see you enter, and suspend your own Ease and Pleasure to comfort his Weakness, and hear the Impertinencies of a Wretch in Pain?

  21. Hitherto you will be apt to think there is very little Cause of Complaint; but suspend your Opinion till I have further explain'd my self, and then I make no question you will come over to mine.

  22. Let me suspend with the questioning now, Mrs. Hunter, until Friday morning.

  23. That letter, and the enclosures state that you are entitled to counsel if you want counsel present, and if you desire to have counsel present I can suspend this now.

  24. At this point, we will suspend Mr. Schmidt's deposition until such time as we resume tomorrow in the presence of Mr. Ryder.

  25. Or perhaps a still more familiar analogy has suggested this singular theory; and it is thought that high laws may "suspend" low laws, as a bishop may suspend a curate.

  26. As early as May 26, an order was issued to suspend the assizes through England during the King's absence, lest his lieges who accompanied him might be subjected to inconvenience and injustice.

  27. Far other views our contemplation claim, Views that o'erpay the rigours of our life; Views that suspend our agonies in death.

  28. Suspend the o'erflowing tide of day, Divulge not such a love as mine, Ah!

  29. Never more, sweet sleep, suspend My enjoyments, always new: Leave me to possess my friend; Other eyes and hearts subdue.

  30. I suspend it, however, for your sake, till the present sheet be filled, and that I may not seem to shrink from my own offer.

  31. But the period was unhappily approaching which was to suspend the fine powers of Cowper's mind, and to shroud them in the veil of darkness.

  32. Cease your complaints, suspend each rising sigh, Cease to accuse the Ruler of the sky.

  33. On the present occasion Sir Moses Mainchance had little difficulty in persuading the meeting to suspend the salutary rule (No.

  34. He is not used to these baskets, in which we suspend our minds.

  35. I have to suspend my brain and mingle the subtle essence of my mind with this air, which is of the like nature, in order to clearly penetrate the things of heaven.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suspend" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abolish; abrogate; adjourn; annul; bar; bate; boot; bounce; break; bump; bust; can; cancel; cashier; cleanse; close; continue; countermand; dangle; debar; defer; degrade; delay; deliver; depend; depose; deprive; dethrone; discharge; discontinue; dismiss; displace; disqualify; droop; eliminate; except; excommunicate; expel; extend; fasten; fire; free; furlough; hang; hold; intermit; interrupt; invalidate; kick; liquidate; nullify; oust; override; overrule; overthrow; pause; pigeonhole; postpone; procrastinate; prolong; protract; purge; recall; recant; recess; release; remove; repeal; replace; reprieve; rescind; reserve; retire; retract; reverse; revoke; sack; sever; shelve; shut; sling; stall; stay; string; strip; surplus; suspend; table; unsaddle; unseat; vacate; void; waive; withdraw; dismiss; displace; disqualify; droop; eliminate; except; excommunicate; expel; extend; fasten; fire; free; furlough; hang; hold; intermit; interrupt; invalidate; kick; liquidate; nullify; oust; override; overrule; overthrow; pause; pigeonhole; postpone; procrastinate; prolong; protract; purge; recall; recant; recess; release; remove; repeal; replace; reprieve; rescind; reserve; retire; retract; reverse; revoke; sack; sever; shelve; shut; sling; stall; stay; string; strip; surplus; suspend; table; unsaddle; unseat; vacate; void; waive; withdraw

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    suspended animation; suspended following; suspended from