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Example sentences for "intermit"

Lexicographically close words:
intermingle; intermingled; intermingling; intermission; intermissions; intermitted; intermittence; intermittency; intermittent; intermittently
  1. The bell doth toll for him that thinks it doth; and though it intermit again, yet from that minute that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God.

  2. Lefèvre did not intermit his biblical studies.

  3. But presently becoming more gracious, she promised the noble suppliants to cause the persecution to cease, if the Protestants would intermit their conventicles and live quietly and without scandal.

  4. To make a short stop; to cease for a time; to intermit speaking or acting; to stop; to wait; to rest.

  5. The conflict of arms was over, but the partizans of the clergy did not intermit their efforts to get rid of the obnoxious vice-president; and at length, they effected pacifically, what they had been unable to do by force.

  6. General Scott, nevertheless, though equally anxious to terminate the conflict, did not for a moment intermit his military vigilance.

  7. Note: Remitting fevers subside or abate at intervals; intermitting fevers intermit or entirely cease at intervals; continued or continual fevers neither remit nor intermit.

  8. To rest; to intermit labor; as, we lay by during the heat of the day.

  9. Still the discharge could be observed to intermit (1427.

  10. Though banished for a time from his seat in the States General by the Catholics, Revolutionists, and Rationalists, he did not intermit his labors to lead back the masses to evangelical piety.

  11. Though often in feeble health, he seldom allowed physical languor to intermit his work.

  12. About ten at night it commenced raining; the rain probably caused us to intermit our caution; for shortly after it began, the Indians attacked our encampment, firing a shower of arrows upon us.

  13. We were perfectly aware how critical was our position, and determined to intermit no prudence or caution.

  14. The courage requisite to be put forth in an expedition such as that in which Mr. Pattie and his associates were cast, must be both active and passive, energetic and ever vigilant, and never permitted to shrink, or intermit a moment for years.

  15. If men are not obliged to intermit their worldly business, and that too by the express authority of God, they will give themselves but little trouble to repair to a place of worship.

  16. Admitting that he possessed the right, in a given instance, to intermit its obligation, it is not consistent to maintain that he did it; because he came to render perfect and universal obedience.

  17. Now as soon as the woman heard what Joab said, she desired him to intermit the siege for a little while, for that he should have the head of his enemy thrown out to him presently.

  18. So, in dependence on those prophets, they applied themselves earnestly to building, and did not intermit one day.

  19. The matter of regularity is, I find, of great consequence, and it will not do to intermit the galvanism immediately on the occurrence of a break in the neuralgic attacks: it should be continued for some days longer.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intermit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alternate; break; cease; circle; cleanse; cycle; defer; delay; deliver; discharge; fluctuate; free; intermit; interrupt; intervene; oscillate; pause; pulsate; pulse; purge; reappear; recess; recur; release; remit; remove; repeat; reprieve; return; revolve; rotate; suspend; turn; undulate; vary; wheel

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    intermittent fever; intermittent fevers