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Example sentences for "intermingle"

Lexicographically close words:
interment; interments; intermezzo; interminable; interminably; intermingled; intermingling; intermission; intermissions; intermit
  1. For them all together, which maintain'd so politique a state of euill, that they will not admit any good part to intermingle with them: but for which of my good parts did you first suffer loue for me?

  2. In truth, the imperfection of the science of the calculus obliges us very often (as will be explained in the next chapter) to intermingle algebraic and arithmetical considerations in the solution of the same question.

  3. As if the Mothon had overheard the Spartan, his voice here suddenly rose behind them, singing: "There the Beautiful and Glorious Intermingle evermore.

  4. Nought of her survives but beauty, Nought of me survives but fame; Here the Beautiful and Famous Intermingle evermore.

  5. There indeed intermingle the beautiful and glorious, but beauty purified from earthly sin, the glorious resting from earthly toil.

  6. Then there is not that present discovery of themselves, that may intermingle humble mourning with it, but a kind of unequal measuring their attainments by their desires, which in all true Christians are exceedingly mounted above themselves.

  7. But withal I must add this, that because he is your Father, you may intermingle confidence; nay, you are commanded so to do, and this honours him as much as reverence.

  8. Yet there is a living spring of sin within the godly, which is never ceasing to drop out pollution and defilement, either upon their whole persons, or, at least, to intermingle it with their good actions.

  9. Because that sin lurks in many corners of the heart now, therefore this joy cannot fill up the heart and all the vacuities of it, for it is of so pure and heavenly a nature that it will not compound and intermingle with sin or sinful lusts.

  10. The hand that scooped the grave had completed its word; and whose hand could it be save that of the mysterious being of doubtful quality, whom his rashness had invoked, and whom he had suffered to intermingle in his destinies?

  11. The young and old intermingle together; and those who are too infirm to engage in the innocent frolics of their youthful days, look on, while others react the parts they once performed.

  12. Many efforts have been employed to expose its absurdity, but if we intermingle with the uninformed inhabitants of a village, we shall have indubitable evidence that its influence still continues to operate.

  13. It has mountains forested to the upper rim on one side with tropic jungle and on the other with sturdy pine trees; at the crest line the children of the Tropics meet and intermingle with those of the temperate zone.

  14. In the coda the whole work is brought together again as one, since the leading motives of all the parts here occur and intermingle one with the other.

  15. The birds of the air, though clothed in the same dress of feathers, are divided into many classes, and one class is never seen to associate or intermingle with any but its own kind.

  16. It is a great sin to intermarry and intermingle the blood of the two races.

  17. These intermingle in a pleasant harmony with the reds and scarlets, blood-reds and clarets, and then lead again to yellows.

  18. But these two desires only intermingle in the innermost depths of his soul: he carefully hides from every eye the point at which they join; he would fain conceal it from himself.

  19. When syringing, do not sprinkle the flowers, as it would make the colours intermingle with each other, and cause them to decay prematurely.

  20. Most of shrubs require nothing more than to be pruned of straggling, irregular, and injured branches, or of suckers that rise round the root, observing that they do not intermingle with each other.

  21. For them all together, which maintain'd so politic a state of evil that they will not admit any good part to intermingle with them.

  22. This attack supplies us with a striking example of his forcefulness, whilst also showing us what curious ideas and expressions he was wont to intermingle with his well-meant admonitions.

  23. The Our Father is my prayer, I pray this and sometimes intermingle with it something from the Psalms, so as to put to shame the vain scoffers and false teachers.

  24. In Canada and Tahiti, the French intermingle with the native race: the Hurons are French in everything but name.

  25. To the playful gayety with which she used to intermingle her instructions suddenly succeeded an uniformity of manner, neither familiar nor severe, but which seemed to prepare me for some explanation.

  26. From the windows of my office I can see part of the famous Galata Bridge, where more races and nationalities intermingle with each other than anywhere else in the world.

  27. How strangely past and present seem to intermingle here.

  28. The potent songs Of voice and harp celestial intermingle And seem the animation of the whole.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intermingle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alloy; amalgamate; blend; coalesce; combine; commingle; compose; compound; concoct; conglomerate; emulsify; fuse; hash; integrate; interlace; interlard; intermingle; intermix; intertwine; interweave; jumble; knead; merge; mingle; mix; scramble; shuffle; stir; work