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Example sentences for "considerations"

Lexicographically close words:
considerate; considerately; considerateness; consideration; consideratione; considerd; considere; considered; considerer; considerest
  1. The regulation of weights and measures is transferred from the articles of Confederation, and is founded on like considerations with the preceding power of regulating coin.

  2. Though a wide ocean separates the United States from Europe, yet there are various considerations that warn us against an excess of confidence or security.

  3. Happy will it be if our choice should be directed by a judicious estimate of our true interests, unperplexed and unbiased by considerations not connected with the public good.

  4. There are, moreover, two considerations particularly applicable to the federal system of America, which place that system in a very interesting point of view.

  5. This is a power of very great importance, and required by considerations similar to those which show the propriety of the former.

  6. This conjecture is rendered probable, not only by many considerations of a general nature, but by the particular case of the Articles of Confederation.

  7. Several important considerations have been touched in the course of these papers, which discountenance the supposition that the operation of the federal government will by degrees prove fatal to the State governments.

  8. These considerations seem to afford ample security on this subject, and ought alone to satisfy all the doubts and fears which have been indulged with regard to it.

  9. But two considerations seem to justify the ideas of the convention in this respect.

  10. In addition to this general reflection, there are considerations of a more precise nature, which forbid all apprehension on the subject.

  11. These considerations teach us to applaud the wisdom of those States who have committed the judicial power, in the last resort, not to a part of the legislature, but to distinct and independent bodies of men.

  12. To the austerer Christian considerations of this kind are forbidden: 'It is not I, but Christ that worketh in me.

  13. What were all these critical and literary considerations to her?

  14. All these considerations tend to show how important it is, in the comparative study of religions, to investigate each religion in its whole sociological and geographical environment as well as in the etymological meaning of its terms.

  15. Apart from a few exceptional considerations of this kind, however, the local character of the deities is most marked.

  16. Michail conveyed this intelligence to his grimy companion, who grinned and scratched his shaggy yellow locks, and spat and made a gesture as though he now abandoned in our favour all previously observed considerations of discretion.

  17. No historian has so far been able to make the whole story very plain or popular, but a number of considerations are obvious enough, and it ought not to be impossible some day to popularize them.

  18. We should, in view of the considerations that have been mentioned, resent our supine credulity.

  19. Democritus was in no way a modern experimental scientist, but he met the Eleatic metaphysics with another set of speculative considerations which happened to be nearer what is now regarded as the truth than theirs.

  20. The sensible question to ask about a book is obviously whether it makes some contribution to a clearer understanding of our situation by adding or reaffirming important considerations and the inferences to be made from these.

  21. From these considerations I pass on to the Hebrew State, which I describe at some length, in order to trace the manner in which Religion acquired the force of law, and to touch on other noteworthy points.

  22. From all these considerations it is clearer than day that ceremonies have nothing to do with a state of blessedness, and that those mentioned in the Old Testament, i.

  23. And that is one of the considerations which make me prefer to start from home or camp without escort in the original instance, as it leaves one altogether unfettered by considerations as to the feeding, resting, etc.

  24. At length, however, his love for the beautiful widow, as might easily be foreseen, triumphed over all considerations of prudence, and he was secretly married to her.

  25. It would be wrong, however, to conclude that moral considerations have led up to this state of things.

  26. His reminiscences on this subject date from the Restoration, and are probably softened by considerations of expediency.

  27. This is insignificant compared to the size of the currents which several authorities have calculated from considerations as to terrestrial magnetism (q.

  28. He remained indifferent to her pleading, and smiled scornfully whenever she adduced religious considerations to support her petition.

  29. Two considerations will clench the case, and then we shall leave it.

  30. Two considerations heighten the merit of this merciful forbearance; Mahmood was the elder, a fact which slightly improved his title; and Mahmood, in a similar situation, had not spared the eyes of an elder brother.

  31. But why do we notice personal considerations at all, in a case where public relations to Affghanistan should naturally be paramount?

  32. Two considerations now began to occupy his mind: how was he to avoid falling into the fatal error of Thibron and becoming a burthen to his allies, whilst wintering in a friendly country?

  33. But there are further considerations which it were well you should lay to heart.

  34. Putting all these considerations together, they were not by any means impatient to march upon Lacedaemon.

  35. But moral considerations have nothing to do with political economy (says Mill).

  36. Therefore, moral considerations have nothing to do with human capacities and dispositions.

  37. Human capacities and dispositions touch moral considerations on one side, and they touch political economy on the other.

  38. He deserves honour among economists by inadvertently disclaiming the principles which he states, and tacitly introducing the moral considerations with which he claims his science has no connection.

  39. Moral considerations are too important to come in as an incidental qualification to business motives.

  40. From these considerations it is easy to understand how put out I was to find Mass over on this first morning of my pilgrimage.

  41. It matters not that the people who set the style were devoid of modesty and prompted solely by material considerations of self-indulgence and immorality.

  42. As regards the question of spoken prayers, we come upon considerations of a slightly different order.

  43. In a child's nature the faculty of imagination and the force of example are important considerations in the development of the spiritual feelings and the formation of fine ideals.

  44. Other considerations have superseded them.

  45. In some people it is highly developed and frequently determines the motive of conduct, in a fine, noble, compelling way which is directly opposed to material considerations of self-interest.

  46. It is easy enough to see that if these two instincts were lacking, or if any other considerations were allowed to impair their force, the scheme of the world would come to an end.

  47. These are a few of the considerations which led to the remark, in connection with our boy, Bob, that the question of schools and school education is one of the most perplexing and troubling.

  48. The considerations would still remain purely animal--prolonging life, getting the greatest sum of pleasure, avoiding the greatest sum of pain.

  49. Certain motives and considerations which used to be decisive have now ceased to dominate.

  50. Having no immediate occupation here at present, I feel quite free to accept it, but there are considerations that prevent us.

  51. These considerations produced an effect on Struensee, but Rantzau and his partisans did everything to efface the impression they had produced.

  52. These considerations put us on a bolder counsel.

  53. These private, guilty considerations I would continually observe to peep forth in the man's talk, like rabbits from a hill.

  54. Now is the time to set aside, nay, to forget altogether, minor considerations regarding our internal relationships, and to present a solid united front to the world animated by no other desire but to serve and propagate His Cause.

  55. Of course you would let them know that through certain considerations it would be best to have the design devoid of any cross as that in this country would particularise it to the Christian faith.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "considerations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.