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Example sentences for "might easily"

  • The count replied, "That if the duke really wished for peace, he might easily be gratified, as the Florentines and the Venetians were equally anxious for it.

  • The gills sometimes terminate rather abruptly and are not strongly decurrent, hence it might easily be mistaken for a Tricholoma.

  • From the pileus not being hygrophanous, at the first smooth and at length torn into fibrils or squamulose, it might easily be taken for a species of Inoloma.

  • Professor Peck notes that the species so closely resembles Cantharellus cibarius that it might easily be mistaken for a deformed condition of it.

  • Proceeding still farther we might easily construct a main stem with numerous succeeding fans of lateral branches, and thus reach, from our new empirical point of view, the theoretical conclusion already formulated.

  • But in this case also, we might easily ask on our side, Pourquoi non?

  • We might easily reach it by a dash--" "Scalp me!

  • He might easily be mounted, but how should I get him out of the channel of the stream?

  • He might easily be found in such a naked spot.

  • It might easily be a she-ass's," observed the curate.

  • We were certain that it could only fall over the raft, and the only danger was that it might slip backwards from the stump, in which case we might easily be sunk.

  • It was too far to fire with a certainty of killing, for though Trusty was quite as strong, he might easily be so injured as to be unfitted for the fatigue of our tour.

  • I believe that, nine days before Christmas, the mask is no longer allowed, and then I shall have to go to your casino by water, otherwise, I might easily be recognized by the same spy who has already followed me once.

  • The worthy man was the most honest of Dutch millionaires, but he might easily make a large hole in his fortune, if he did not absolutely ruin himself, by putting an implicit trust in my infallibility.

  • I saw that I might easily be discovered after the ball, but I defied the keenest eyes to penetrate beneath my present disguise.

  • If argument were necessary to show that such a system as this must be at variance with the ordinance of God, it might easily be drawn from the effects which it produces, both upon morals and national wealth.

  • It might easily be imagined that he had added a little to the couleur de rose of the future by an extra glass of Burgundy, for he positively appeared to exude an atmosphere of affluence, complacency, and gracious intention.

  • His course toward Strahan--one whom he might easily regard as a rival--is significant.

  • Her course would be well characterized by the Irish servant's lover, for here was a man who from the very fineness of his nature, if wronged, might easily go to the devil.

  • There was little doubt that, in a House of Commons in which the Tories had a majority, he might easily, with the support of the Court, be chosen Speaker.

  • The subject of those consultations, it was now said, might easily be guessed.

  • My uncle's reputation, and honor also, might easily be involved in his nephew's downfall.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "might easily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another song; chronic disease; great advance; last wrote; league from; look again; might appear; might fall; might find; might haue; might hope; might know; might lead; might venture; might well; mighty arms; mighty hard; mighty host; mighty hunter; mighty king; mighty nigh; mighty power; mighty well; saw that; thou shouldst; would have you know