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Example sentences for "suspending"

Lexicographically close words:
suspence; suspend; suspended; suspender; suspenders; suspends; suspensa; suspense; suspension; suspensions
  1. To the second objection I reply by denying, that we have a free power of suspending our judgment: for, when we say that anyone suspends his judgment, we merely mean that he sees, that he does not perceive the matter in question adequately.

  2. The apparatus being arranged is lowered to the required depth, a sharp jerk is then given to the suspending cord, which detaches the rubber tube and so opens the two glass tubes.

  3. The second case in which you may leave your seat is when some very uncommon occurrence takes place which is sufficient reason for suspending all rules.

  4. Such an expression of popular disapproval has the effect of suspending from office the offending official who can regain the office only by offering himself again as a candidate at an election called for that purpose.

  5. If a pair of ebonite rods be electrified by friction with flannel, then by suspending the one rod and presenting the other to it, it is easily demonstrated that a mutual mechanical force of repulsion exists between them.

  6. The suspended conductor or 'needle' is charged to a definite high potential, and the deflection produced is observed from the movement of a spot of light reflected from a mirror attached to the suspending fibre.

  7. The passage of a system of taxation, besides, would not obviate the necessity of the passage of the law suspending partially the non-importation act.

  8. But the gentleman says, that the pressure is so very great that some of the States have passed laws for suspending executions.

  9. At one end, on the outside, it is furnished with a broad flat hook, for the purpose of suspending the tube from a buttonhole or slit in the interior of the performer's vest or coat.

  10. The pin at the tip is for the purpose of suspending the rod from the end of a finger.

  11. He passes it through one hand, to show that it is not attached to any suspending medium, and then performs a series of feats with it, which apparently entirely upset the laws of gravitation.

  12. If we quadruple the length of the suspending cord we double the time of its vibration; if we increase the length of the pendulum ninefold, we increase its period of vibration threefold.

  13. The central umbo is surrounded with a series of rings of bronze set with small studs, and the two pins seen on the inner side have perhaps secured a strap for suspending it to the neck of the wearer when not in use.

  14. Suspending his senses that have been duly restrained from unworthy indulgence, he who lives engaged in Yoga meditation, is said to be a Brahmana.

  15. There had been a previous consultation at the President's (about the first week in November) on the expediency of suspending payments to France, under her present situation.

  16. The present alarm has had the effect of suspending our foreign commerce.

  17. Then crochet a string about eight inches long and attach to the ball, for suspending it.

  18. Tület´haipi The cords for suspending a shelf.

  19. James, more imprudent and arbitrary than his predecessor, issued his proclamation, suspending all the penal laws in ecclesiastical affairs, and granting a general liberty of conscience to all his subjects.

  20. It may be worth remarking, that the lord keeper refused to affix the great seal to the declaration for suspending the penal laws; and was for that reason, though under other pretences removed from his office.

  21. Suspending a pair of small light balls, by flaxen threads, to the end of his prime conductor, he turns his globe some time, electrising positively, the balls diverging and continuing separate all the time.

  22. The Dispensing Power and the Suspending Power were prerogatives by which the King claimed the right of preventing the enforcement of such laws as he deemed contrary to public good.

  23. He began by suspending the Test Act (S477) and putting Catholics into important offices in both Church and State.

  24. By dispensing with and suspending the laws without consent of Parliament.

  25. These will feel that the sea voyage, the sea change, suspending the normal human life, the life on land, tided her over a crisis that otherwise must have been disastrous.

  26. There's a hotel on the next corner," put in the butcher, suspending the violent smacking and sipping which attended his taking rolls and coffee.

  27. Allan, suspending his singing for a moment, and glancing back.

  28. In this type the bow receives the entire compression thrust, and the chords act merely as suspending members.

  29. One of two suspending posts in a roof truss, or other framed truss of simple form.

  30. But this truce of twelve years, which was enforced by the wise and vigorous government of Valentinian, by suspending the repetition of mutual injuries, contributed to soften the manners, and abate the prejudices, of the religious factions.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suspending" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.