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Example sentences for "tingling"

Lexicographically close words:
tinges; tinging; tingle; tingled; tingles; tings; tingues; tinhorn; tini; tinier
  1. As his voice died away to an echo, a tingling moment of silence settled over everything.

  2. A moment of tingling silence settled over the made-over bomb compartment.

  3. The old eerie tingling that had never in the past failed to serve as a warning of danger and death in the immediate future.

  4. So with a tingling cheek the maid withdrew abashed.

  5. Tom felt the blood tingling in his veins.

  6. He was a little abashed at the fury he had shown, and yet the savage joy of it was still tingling in his veins.

  7. That same afternoon Tom felt his veins tingling again as they neared the lone little hut amid the whiteness of the low-lying winter snow.

  8. Tom sat gazing before him with a stolid expression of countenance, which greatly belied the tingling which he felt through every vein in his body.

  9. The words must needs be tingling in your ears, and lying hot upon your tongue.

  10. He delighted in the feel of a horse betwixt his knees again; and the vagaries of the high-bred mare, who shied and danced at every flickering shadow, kept his pulses tingling and his heart aglow during the whole of that moonlight ride.

  11. There was a vein of reckless bravery and hardihood about him which imparted to the situation a species of stern delight, and sent the blood tingling once more through his veins.

  12. It seemed as though this tingling sensation was in some way communicated to the mare he rode, for she began fidgeting in a fashion which plainly told Tom that she was ready to do her part when the tussle should come.

  13. It was good to feel wet through on the tramp through the drenched tangle, to feel the blood tingling in the finger tips, the lungs full of quickening air, and the sunshine right in your eyes.

  14. His breath was short, and he was tingling with passion, but he had no glow of triumph.

  15. Oh," cried the young man, with an impatient gesture and a sudden flush tingling across his face, "you misunderstand me.

  16. He felt a peculiar tingling sense of joy, a keenness of perception, a fine, delicate tingling as of music.

  17. Siegmund was tingling with an exquisite vividness, as if he had taken some rare stimulant.

  18. She shook back her tawny locks, still tingling in every nerve from the fire of his kisses.

  19. Octavia had escaped in good earnest, every outraged fiber of her still tingling from her experience in a captivity that had become unendurable.

  20. Emerson hates the superlative, but he does unquestionably love the tingling effect of a witty over-statement.

  21. The steady nerves of William Murray Bradshaw felt unwonted thrills and tremors tingling through them, as he came nearer and nearer the few simple words with which he was to make Myrtle Hazard the mistress of his destiny.

  22. That gentleman was, in another moment, to have the tingling delight of showing the grand creature he had just begun to tame.

  23. So a woman is turned into a love-magnet by a tingling current of life running round her.

  24. It was as if it had just been unclasped from the arm of a yohng woman full of red blood and tingling all over with swift nerve-currents.

  25. Oh yes," said Miriam, from the midst of a tingling flush.

  26. At rare moments there would come a tingling from head to foot, a faint buzzing at her lips and at the tip of each finger.

  27. With a not unpleasant tingling of interest I sat down by my desk to read.

  28. The young folks shed no tears; they were not unconscious of the prevailing emotion, but with them it found vent in a tingling expectation.

  29. At this moment it was not fear but rather an exhilarating tingling of excitement of which Darsie was most aware.

  30. B; b4] have a tingling sensation in teeth.

  31. Ayúha nang ímung pagkiskis kay naglanggis, Try not to make it so spine-tingling when you scrape.

  32. He had paced this strand with every fibre in him tingling with pity for her!

  33. She hid her smarting, tingling wrist behind her.

  34. Men in great overcoats passed him, muffled to the chin, their whiskers frosty with the whitened air of life that came from tingling noses; ruddy cheeks abounded on this typical winter day.

  35. A curse came from the guard-room, the crash of an overturned bench, the tingling kiss of steel.

  36. The King's men lay warm about their watch-fires on the hills, fattening on good food, tingling for the trumpet cry that should herald the advance.

  37. Presently, he was conscious of a slight numbness at his wrists, a barely perceptible tingling in his knees and knuckles.

  38. I feel it tingling in my fingers, scorching my throat, tearing at my reason.

  39. The sun already high in the sky poured tingling heat on their heads and shoulders.

  40. XV: Talk by the Road The sun next morning was tingling warm.

  41. Its taste is bitter, but causes no tingling sensation.

  42. The solutions are bitter, but do not give the tingling sensation characteristic of aconitine.

  43. Immediately after chewing it he felt a sweetish taste, followed immediately by tingling of the lips and tongue, numbness of the face, and severe vomiting.

  44. He was short of breath, and after the day's work experienced aching of the forearms and legs and tingling of the fingers.

  45. The tingling and creeping sensations about the tongue, throat, lips, &c.

  46. The tingling and numbness had extended to the legs.

  47. When tasted, the peculiar numbing, tingling sensation lasted many hours.

  48. He complained of a burning sensation in the stomach, and a tingling and numbness in every part of the body, excepting his legs.

  49. The tingling was specially marked in the face and tongue--so much so that he was constantly moving the latter to and fro in order to scratch it against the teeth.

  50. In the neuralgic group there is tingling pain, a feeling of numbness, and sensations of cold in the limb, most marked along the ulnar border of the forearm; the arm is weak, and susceptible to cold.

  51. There in the wonderful tingling air, with the late sunset glimmering a little through the trees, an old poem began to sing itself through her head.

  52. A man was lying lazily at the bottom of the boat tingling his guitar, and one or two women were dancing monotonously and singing at the same time to his music.

  53. I strike off the heads of the wicked, and I notice that my axe is tingling to do so.

  54. For two girls so full of conscious life, tingling to the finger points with active faculties and power, it was a chilly home-coming, yet not so unusual either.

  55. But the thought set him tingling with disgust.

  56. Odo rose to his feet, tingling under the rebuke.

  57. Now she felt the red blood tingling to her finger tips.

  58. Would she not spring on the woman, with all the tiger of her hot Southern blood from centuries of proud ancestry tingling in her tapering fingers, and tear those blue eyes from her head?

  59. Yet both boys were tingling with vexation and chagrin when the regal limousine rolled away at last.

  60. Every word that Breckenridge had spoken was tingling in his blood.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tingling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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