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Example sentences for "tinkle"

Lexicographically close words:
tinker; tinkered; tinkering; tinkers; tinking; tinkled; tinkler; tinklers; tinkles; tinkling
  1. I suppose that is why we didn't hear it tinkle again.

  2. Tell your mistress I've had news since I last saw her that Stephen is dead," were the words she decided on, before Violet's arrival was advertised by a tinkle of ice.

  3. But the nervous jerk she gave pulled out something else also--something small, which fell to the floor with a tinkle as of a tiny stone striking wood, when it touched a chair leg, and rolled under the chest of drawers.

  4. Then came the tinkle of a bell to announce that all was ready; Ed Tyler and Donald pushed back the sliding doors, and there, in the great square doorway, was the picture-gallery.

  5. All the glory and pride of the village was concentrated in the tomb and beautiful mosque of the saint whose name falls sweet on the ear as the music of a summer storm, the tinkle and boom of rain and thunder coming together: Sidi Bou-Medine.

  6. Up from that far blueness drifted on the wind a murmurous sound like Æolian harps, mingled with the tinkle of fairy mandolins in the fountain of the court below.

  7. Did he think now of his old home in the rich pasture-land, and the tinkle of the friendly cabestros’ bells?

  8. The noise certainly came from underground; and it was not as agreeable to my ears as the tinkle of the vanished fountain.

  9. Then he started to follow her; but as he reached the window the little crook-backed figure of Ser Peppe stood suddenly before him with a tinkle of bells, and a mocking grin illumining his face.

  10. But all was quiet, and so Gonzaga remained where he was until something flashed like a bird across his vision, struck sharply against the posterior wall, and fell with a tinkle on the broad stones of the rampart.

  11. The sound came from the other side of the hill, like a tinkle of silver bells on a lonely winter road.

  12. From just beyond came the tinkle of a bell, and, as he rounded the bend, he saw a flock of sheep grazing, and a fair-haired lad watching the flock.

  13. As I sat smoking after dinner out in the compound under the stars I heard the tinkle of bells coming along the road and drawing nearer and nearer.

  14. And with a farewell salaam he trotted off into the darkness and danger of the night; and the tinkle of the bells died away down the fatal road.

  15. The tinkle of a mandolin cut the soft air and the new-mown grass smelled sweet.

  16. A PEAL OF BELLS Strike the bells wantonly, Tinkle tinkle well; Bring me wine, bring me flowers, Ring the silver bell.

  17. There are many more birds below the Canyon rim than above it; and the dawn was filled with snatches of song from bluebirds and yellow finches and water ousels, whose notes were like the tinkle of pure water.

  18. Or you hear the tinkle of a bell, and see some little Navajo girl on horseback driving her herd of sheep down to a drinking pool.

  19. They heard chirping and singing, and a silvery tinkle, tinkle from the brook.

  20. The cows wear bells which tinkle as they walk, and the music of all the bells, in the stillness of the mountains, is very beautiful.

  21. The tinkle of the lamp stops as the young soldier puts it back on its table.

  22. But his hand shakes; one can hear it by the tinkle in its socket of the ring that carries an opal globe that screens the light.

  23. The thought of our narrow escape was still with me when, towards evening, I heard the tinkle of old Cleo's bell, coming musically down the mountain side, and went out to the corral to let down the bars.

  24. The storm had been gradually lessening, the rain had subsided to a mere drizzle, and, in the increasing silence, I plainly heard the musical tinkle of old Cleo's bell.

  25. Half-way down the avenue he heard the tinkle of Lloyd's harp, and then her voice beginning to sing.

  26. It's Gay," she explained to her mother who had come out into the hall at the first tinkle of the bell, thinking the summons might be for her.

  27. From below came now and again the tinkle of distant cow-bells.

  28. But before Edith could resume the attention of all three was called by the tinkle of the telephone bell in the library, which could be approached from the terrace through the drawing-room.

  29. From these ravings Jennie was summoned by the tinkle of the telephone bell.

  30. So still it was that a mosquito's thin whine sounded through the tent, the tinkle of a cow-bell came in from far pastures, a dog could be heard barking a long way off.

  31. For two weeks thereafter falling trees and the bell-like tinkle of a broadaxe disturbed the forest silence.

  32. There would be no outcry except the tinkle of the fragments.

  33. The only sound was a slight tinkle of a spoon against the coffee-cup.

  34. He made the tinkle of Jag Ear's bells heard in the silence of the dining-room as it was heard in the silences of the trail.

  35. Her voice suggested the tinkle of Jag Ear's bells floating away into space.

  36. The feelings of anyone who witnessed the breaking and heard the tinkle would be a criterion of his place in the wide margin between nerveless barbarism and sensitive gentility.

  37. There was no sound except Jag Ear's bells, now sunk to a faint tinkle in keeping with the slow progress of Prather's beaten horse.

  38. Jag Ear's bells with their warm and merry notes became a faint tinkle that was lost in the depths of the defile.

  39. And when Mrs. Barclay heard the piping treble of her son, and the tinkle of his guitar, her eyes filled with tears of pride.

  40. If he made a tinkle with his hammer at such times off she went at once, for she was as easily flichtered as a field of crows, that take wing if you tap your pipe on the loof of your hand.

  41. Later, the sudden tinkle of a bell across the grounds startled her into sitting posture.

  42. When she got very bad indeed, it was calm Mrs. Trevise's last, but effective, resort to tinkle a little handbell and scold one of the waitresses whom its sound would then summon from the kitchen.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tinkle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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