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Example sentences for "silence"

Lexicographically close words:
siknesse; silage; silang; silber; sildome; silenced; silencer; silencers; silences; silencing
  1. He had nothing more to say for the moment; and then a dread unbroken silence fell upon the little company.

  2. For once they are permitted to speak; for once the silence of heaven is broken.

  3. All is hushed now, and the silence is broken only by the hoot and screech of the owl, or by the rustle of the nightbat's leathern wing.

  4. A general condition in the management of a class is absolute silence and attention.

  5. I kept silence for a moment, reflecting upon the wisdom of telling her the truth at that juncture.

  6. The silence of our friends both in the Boulevard de Courcelles and the Rue de Lille is very ominous.

  7. In silence I stood at the foot of the bed watching my friend, who was now busy with his examination.

  8. Her beauty and her silence had struck a new, intolerable conviction of guilt into my heart.

  9. If you impose silence upon me, Leonie, it shall be as you wish.

  10. I desire your silence regarding an absolute secret," she answered in a hoarse half-whisper.

  11. Then we walked on together in the silence of the darkening gloom of the forest.

  12. Then again a long silence fell between us.

  13. The summer twilight was stealing on apace, and in the silence of the room there sounded the roar of life from the boulevard below.

  14. As we retraced our steps the silence between us was a sad and painful one.

  15. But I could only in silence sigh with the poet: "Alas!

  16. After a short silence she said: "I cannot accept help from any one who has not entire respect for me--" and she began to cry.

  17. The conversation changed into talk which became ever more intimate, and lost itself at last in a silence of looks and long-drawn breaths.

  18. All his master's attempts to silence him were in vain.

  19. The silence of the stairs and of the long, rather dark passage--never had it played such a game of whispers with her as it did to-day.

  20. As she entered Frans exclaimed, as if he had had difficulty in keeping silence so long: "What a beautiful home!

  21. Let silence be my only reply, for your sake, my husband.

  22. They have not publicly denied the statements; virtually (on the principle that under such extraordinary circumstances silence gives consent,) they concede their correctness.

  23. With all his accumulated testimonials that I am insane, and all his sophistries and reasoning upon false premises to establish this lie, he cannot silence this accusing monitor within himself, testifying to the contrary.

  24. And he pushed resolutely into the mist that surrounded the human soul, his Diogenes lantern glimmering, his brave, lonely heart undaunted by the silence and the solitude.

  25. I readily sink back into the silence of happiness; and if I talk, it is only to pay my ticket of admission.

  26. In one of his poems he described a landscape of metal, of marble and water; a babel of staircases and arcades, a palace of infinity, surrounded by the silence of eternity.

  27. After a silence of four years The Pillars of Society appeared.

  28. And has Keats ever fashioned a lovelier image than: "Let thy west wind sleep on the lake; spread silence with thy glimmering eyes and wash the dusk with silver"?

  29. Morrow echoed blankly, his mind filled with sensations of clear, cool mountain breeze and the smell of tall pines and the eternal silence of the woodland.

  30. She couldn't let the silence last; it worried her past bearing.

  31. They brushed and brushed; silence reigned in the Stronghold.

  32. Silence reigned, while their thoughts worked rapidly over the waiting of the last months--the impatient suspense of the last days, as the time drew near the date on which they had calculated they could get their first Australian mail.

  33. She hurried on, leaving silence behind her.

  34. With the chaos a dead silence greeted them; they could see neither Kate Kearney nor Jim O'Driscoll.

  35. There was a sudden and portentous silence in the cupboard.

  36. There was a dead silence while she gazed about and took in every detail of disorder down to a dropped match.

  37. So they stood in dead silence and looked at each other.

  38. In silence they glared at each other for a minute; then he turned to Kate Kearney, thrust his hand right into her protesting mouth, and walked off.

  39. He broke the silence with a jocose-- "This rivals Dinny O'Sullivan's donkey barrow!

  40. The Atom helped in a silence that was ecstatic.

  41. In dignified silence Denis sought valiantly to ram the sugar basin into the place where the milk jug belonged; he put a cup into a plate hole, the cup disappeared and ran about under the cardboard.

  42. She retired once more, and for a minute there was dead silence in the room she had left.

  43. Then he caught in the silence the sound of his wife weeping, for at Pierre's appearance she had broken into wild sobbing, and he spoke out of the base instincts of his heart.

  44. There was silence for a moment, broken only by the entreaties of the wretch on the floor.

  45. He cannot yet comprehend the silence of his conscience at this time of need.

  46. No one answered, but in silence the last of the men--there were eleven in all--entered and bolted the door behind him.

  47. Not a sound disturbed the silence of the night.

  48. At one place the garrison rushed out through the breaches in true Kshatriya fashion to do or die, whilst the women and children burned themselves in silence in their houses.

  49. We drink to you in silence now as Christmas comes again, To you who fought the wilderness through rough unsettled years-- The founders of our nation's life, the brave old pioneers.

  50. Besides, silence was imposed upon the Portuguese, although this was no part of the negotiations, so that they might not attempt by other means to do us all the injury possible (as the Sangleys who were among them tell us).

  51. As the silence of night deepened, the noise made by the Sangleys grew louder, for they were continuing to assemble and were sounding horns and other instruments, after their fashion.

  52. There was silence then, only broken by the splash of the water from the oars, and a dismal creaking noise of wood upon wood.

  53. There was dead silence on board, save a slight creaking noise made by the crutch of the big boom as it swung gently and rubbed the mast.

  54. For the gunner's plan was at once adopted, and in perfect silence a bed of chests was raised up close beneath the fore-hatchway, whose ladder was cautiously removed.

  55. Hilary, in astonishment, as he now realised the meaning of the silence over his head when he was awaiting the explosion.

  56. The darkness was terrible now that he had no longer to make any effort, and the silence was worse.

  57. Ay, ay," was whispered back in the midst of the ominous silence that prevailed.

  58. A dead silence ensued, during which he could feel the heavy throb, throb of his heart and the hard labouring of his breath, for his exertions had been tremendous.

  59. Then silence again, and he felt that the men must have given up the chase.

  60. There was the rub, and in the midst of a dead silence Hilary listened to the trampling of feet overhead.

  61. There was a dead silence below, for Hilary and his men were taken by surprise, and though the hatch was now open there was such a terrible display of weapons in the opening that an attempt to rush up seemed madness.

  62. The soft silence of it-- the remote aloofness--were the most perfect ever dreamed of.

  63. The rest is--silence," or as much silence as possible, and as much rest as possible.

  64. No revelation has burst upon the silence of midnight darkness which has brooded over the nations.

  65. The spirit world is moved, the silence broken, The ancient Seers from out the ground have spoken.

  66. The Khan rode off, escorted by Weseloff and his companions; and for some 15 time a dead silence prevailed.

  67. The moon had now risen, the horses were unfastened; and they were 20 in the act of mounting, when the deep silence of the woods was disturbed by a violent uproar and the clashing of arms.

  68. It was a time when silence seemed more expressive than any words.

  69. At her silence he turns furiously upon her.

  70. I can't bear the silence threatening me--day after gray day and every day the same.

  71. I feel as if the cold and the silence were crushing down on my brain.

  72. That music and this silence both affright; Pierrot can never be a friend of night.

  73. They look at each other in silence for a moment.

  74. There is silence for a long space, the old woman rocking and the woman on the bed giving an occasional low sigh or groan.

  75. She falls into silence for a few minutes.

  76. After another brief silence he finishes the refrain, but with a sudden return of the same quick, light mood in which he entered.

  77. I killed him and stood looking down at him with the knife in my hand dripping scarlet in the snow, frightened at the sudden silence and what I had done.

  78. It will strike the erring and the unrighteous no matter where they hide themselves; in the heart of the forest or in the silence of the cloisters, Indra's Judgment will descend on them.

  79. The silence is unbroken except for the measured tread of some one walking up and down on the poop deck overhead.

  80. The two women relapse into silence again, which is undisturbed for a few minutes.

  81. Laura spoke with such an air of modest virtue, and seemed so ready to forgive and forget, that Polly in her silence and confusion appeared worse than ever.

  82. Why could she not have treated this thrust with the silence and contempt it deserved?

  83. Then the light faded; the padres crossed themselves in silence and went home to their Mission!

  84. And after the shuffling footsteps had died away down the corridor, unbroken silence once more fell upon Durley Dene.

  85. Not a sound disturbed the silence of night.

  86. And the old gentleman relapsed into a silence broken only by the patter of the rain on the carriage windows and the clatter of the horses' hoofs on the macadam road.

  87. For many an hour we sat there--she at the foot, I at the head of the couch, and our conversation disturbed a silence only broken occasionally by the heavy breathing or moans of one or other of the motionless figures stretched round us.

  88. For a short space of time there was silence in the Oriental room.

  89. A distant clang disturbed the weird silence of the seemingly deserted mansion, but the bell was not answered, though Laurence waited for many minutes, deliberating in his mind the course of action he should take when admitted.

  90. I'd stand up to any man in the kingdoms, but that cursed silence and gloom and its 'orrors are a bit too much.

  91. Like all such natures, Hawthorne took his griefs hard and in loneliness; but in such a home healing influences were all about him, and even such a sorrow, which he deeply felt, could only add another silence to his life.

  92. He bade his wife and children good-by, and was perhaps convinced that he would never return; whatever thoughts were in his mind, he kept silence concerning them.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "silence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    answer; brain; brevity; calmness; censor; choke; composure; confound; confute; contemplation; contradict; controvert; cork; crush; curtains; curtness; damp; dead; death; decease; deck; defeat; demise; demolish; deny; disarm; disintegrate; dismiss; dispatch; dissolution; drop; drown; dumbness; extinguish; fell; finish; floor; gag; hamstring; handcuff; hide; hobble; hush; kill; lull; manacle; muffle; mute; muteness; muzzle; overcome; overmaster; overpower; overset; overthrow; overturn; overwhelm; paralyze; parry; passing; peace; peacefulness; pistol; prostrate; quash; quell; quench; quiescence; quiet; quietism; quietude; quietus; rebut; refute; repose; repress; rest; riddle; secrecy; serenity; settle; shoot; shut; silence; sleep; slumber; smash; smother; squash; squelch; stanch; stifle; still; stillness; stone; strangle; stultify; subdue; subvert; suffocate; suppress; surmount; throttle; tranquillity; trip; truss; undermine; upset; vaporize

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    silence fell; silence followed