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Example sentences for "calmness"

Lexicographically close words:
calmer; calmes; calmest; calming; calmly; calms; calomel; calor; calore; calorem
  1. Her last illness brought great bodily pain, which she bore with much calmness of mind and sweetness of spirit.

  2. Coming quickly to the council chamber he passed into the balcony, which overhung the kneeling regiment and the armed and maddened crowd, and he spoke with such calmness and courage that even then he was obeyed.

  3. Wrapping the blanket tightly about her, with the calmness of despair she prepared to step from the cell at the call of the impatient jailer.

  4. He saw, in fact, the goal arrived at which he would be able to sit still and wait with serenity and calmness for the event which would certainly relieve him of all further material anxieties.

  5. Morris sat down as he was told, but the calmness was not conspicuous.

  6. But, sir, we are told we should discuss this question with calmness and composure.

  7. But I soon perceived that his calmness was the repose of conscious power.

  8. This unheard-of calmness and composure, whence is it?

  9. This calmness reflected itself in the accent with which he said, throwing himself back to smile up at his sister: "You know I am not going to make any appointments for a week.

  10. All the while, her preternatural calmness sometimes seems only made to cover the intensest struggle in her bosom.

  11. At last the firing ceased and calmness reigned.

  12. In this way his progress is announced, causing calmness and confidence right along the line.

  13. He spoke, and it was the calmness of white-hot iron, which is something like the calmness of despair.

  14. Not a detail that I can recall must be forgotten; in all calmness I must proceed.

  15. Moreover, there was ever that calmness and solemnity which becomes the presence of God, and yet that deep earnestness which proved that man's serious condition was fully realized.

  16. The cowboys protested against this breach of hospitality, but Peden stood in his customary pose of calmness to enforce his bouncer's word, hand pushing back his long black coat where it fell over the holster at his belt.

  17. Well, they lie," said Violet, with the calmness of conviction.

  18. During this turmoil the Secretary's unfailing calmness was not disturbed, nor his uniform courtesy ruffled.

  19. The two ladies walked on first, chatting of the school arrangements and so on, whilst we behind admired, but could not imitate, the deliberate calmness with which they trod the highly polished parquet floors.

  20. Then, dearest, present or apart, An equal calmness let us wear; Let steadfast Faith control the heart, And still its throbs of care.

  21. You can understand, without explanation, why it is that the thought of them so entirely overwhelms me that I cannot touch upon them with sufficient calmness even to write about them.

  22. Her own words still speak for her, and speak with the same clearness and calmness as ever.

  23. His own view of the case was a very reasonable one; and the calmness with which he looked at the improbability of recovery, was at once an aid and a source of high enjoyment to me.

  24. But it was the example of his calmness that had strongest effect upon me; and I began to value human life at less, since I saw it estimated so low by others.

  25. You did wisely to refrain," replied the chevalier, with a tone of calmness that, to my unrepressed heat, smacked of apathetic frigidity.

  26. I bore it more calmly than I had expected; but I believe it was more the calmness of despair, than anything else, which supported me.

  27. Her talent for studying and penetrating the designs of her enemies, for facing or avoiding dangers with such sublime calmness and prudence, was partly inherited, partly acquired.

  28. Roland, by her quiet dignity and patient serenity, commanded silence and respect, and calmness and peace replaced angry and pitiful wrangling.

  29. That she was not a mother was, with her, an enduring sorrow; even that, however, did not alter her calmness and benign resignation.

  30. How quickly will a word, a tone destroy the well-maintained calmness of years; how strangely and suddenly will the voice of sympathy lift from the heart its veil.

  31. The delightful calmness of their beautiful retreat, the suspension of all anxiety, the total change of scene which was around them, had done much towards restoring peace, not only to Ellen but to her aunt.

  32. Mrs. Hamilton's shoulder, while the despairing calmness of her voice sounded even more acutely painful to her mother than the extreme suffering it had expressed before.

  33. A strange calmness now fell on my spirits.

  34. He was a good man, too, and he died with exemplary calmness in the absolute certainty of there being nothing in his composition but dust, to which he was as bound to return.

  35. Astonished at this, I paused in my hasty walk, and said with as much calmness as I could muster: "'What do you mean by that?

  36. Only Henrietta and the Watermelon were quite calm, the latter with the calmness of desperation, the former, of despair.

  37. Certainly," said the general with the calmness of one immune from the law.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calmness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.