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Example sentences for "calomel"

Lexicographically close words:
calmest; calming; calmly; calmness; calms; calor; calore; calorem; caloric; calorie
  1. Ointment of gallic acid and calomel is of repute.

  2. Calomel and all other preparations of mercury are to be especially avoided, as a mercurial medicine is apt to weaken the system, and sometimes even to produce a miscarriage.

  3. One of his pet ideas was that a copious dose of calomel would ensure his restoration to perfect health.

  4. But there was no balm in calomel for the captain.

  5. When attacked, apply spirits of turpentine to the loins, and administer calomel carefully; or give half a tablespoonful of copperas daily for one or two weeks.

  6. Calomel is frequently given as a vermifuge.

  7. And so finally the tablet form was chosen as the best and most convenient for candy medication--a form which was already in successful use, as has been stated, for the administration of calomel and of phenolphthalein.

  8. But this is nothing to other sailors, who at sea will doctor themselves with calomel off Cape Horn, and still remain on duty.

  9. Will a dose of calomel and jakp do you as much good?

  10. Calomel has been recommended by many as a Purge in Dysenteries; and Dr.

  11. Effects of it, especially when the Patient at the same time had Worms; in such Cases we joined it to Rhubarb as mentioned in the Text, or gave a Calomel Bolus over Night, and a Purge next Morning.

  12. However, many good Practitioners have recommended small Doses of Calomel to be given at Nights, and next Morning a Purge; in which Way, I think, I have observed good Effects from its Use.

  13. The lumbrici are destroyed by repeated doses of calomel and scammony.

  14. The bowels should be well opened by castor oil or by calomel followed by a saline.

  15. The preparation usually employed consists of: metallic mercury or calomel 1 dram, lanolin and olive oil each 2 drams; it must be warmed to allow of its passage through the needle.

  16. After washing and drying the affected patches, they are dusted with a powder consisting of equal parts of calomel and carbonate of zinc; and apposed skin surfaces, such as the nates or labia, are separated by sublimate wool.

  17. If this fails, the lesions may be dusted with calomel the last thing at night.

  18. If the surface is unbroken, it may be dusted lightly with a powder composed of equal parts of calomel and carbonate of zinc.

  19. He prepares a chemical extract of the fruit and plant which will, he feels assured, depose calomel for the future.

  20. By reason of its efficacy in promoting an increased flow of bile if judiciously taken, the Tomato bears the name in America of Vegetable Mercury, and it has almost superseded calomel there as a biliary medicinal provocative.

  21. This dose of calomel lodged in his stomach, and all the medicine afterwards freely administered by four very skillful physicians could not remove it.

  22. On doing so, they found the calomel lodged in the upper bowels, untouched by anything which he had taken to remove it, and as near as possible in its natural state, surrounded as it was with gangrene.

  23. Calomel is the most reliable medicine known to practitioners for diseases of the liver.

  24. Give one drachm of the extract of belladonna, three times a day, dissolved in water; or calomel and powdered opium, of each one drachm three times daily.

  25. Thus, the fortieth part of a grain of calomel was supposed to be equal to a five-grain calomel pill, and so on in proportion throughout the whole range of medicine.

  26. If ulceration occurs, it is well to dust powdered calomel into the eye twice daily, or apply to the eyelids a salve of yellow oxid of mercury, 5 per cent in lanolin.

  27. Calomel can not be given freely to cattle.

  28. Quinin and calomel in repeated small doses of one-half dram each three times a day are sometimes beneficial.

  29. But she did not administer calomel as she would have done in ordinary cases of torpid liver.

  30. I suppose the doctor knows what he is about," she said, "and there must be a Japanese equivalent to calomel in a country where it rains eternally.

  31. You may also give occasionally a grain or two of calomel with a little rhubarb powder.

  32. For four or five nights running give one grain of calomel on the tongue.

  33. Give her, then, a grain or two of calomel occasionally, and quinine three times a day, unless she exhibits any tendency to fits.

  34. Carbolic acid, hydrocyanic acid, bismuth, bromide of sodium, or small doses of calomel are remedies which meet the indication.

  35. He afterward progressively increased the calomel to a quarter of a grain twice each day.

  36. As calomel and blue pill have a sedative rather than a stimulant action on the liver, they are more useful in biliousness than are the true cholagogues.

  37. It should be borne in mind that one-half of a grain of calomel will have a distinct purgative action on many persons, and that one grain will rarely need to be exceeded.

  38. In an irritable state of the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane calomel in small doses is remarkably useful.

  39. Calomel is of ancient repute as a remedy in the early stages of diarrhoea.

  40. This application is to be followed by the use of an ointment consisting of thirty grains of calomel and three grains of morphia to one ounce of lard.

  41. In place of the calomel the blue mass was often preferred.

  42. One or two grains of calomel may be added to each dose of ipecacuanha with benefit.

  43. In small doses calomel is undoubtedly sedative to the mucous membrane of the upper portion of the digestive track.

  44. Jallup stood near the bed, portioning out some calomel and quinine.

  45. Its antiseptic power may be enhanced by the addition of calomel to the powder, in such amount as may be tolerated by the bowels.

  46. Many drugs are used for this purpose: caffeine and theobromine, digitalis and squills, potassium salts, carbonates, calomel and blue pill.

  47. I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr.

  48. American eagle screams with delight to see three drachms of calomel given at a single mouthful?

  49. By digging in calomel freely about their roots?

  50. How long would it have taken small doses of calomel and rhubarb to save as many children?

  51. Calomel is the medicine usually preferred, not only from its excellent qualities as correcting and purging out the vitiated secretions, but also on account of its supposed effect of preventing lymphatic effusion.

  52. The excited action is to be combated by leeching and exhibition of calomel in small doses, with or without opium frequently repeated, so as to arrest the lymphatic effusion, which is apt to supervene.

  53. With the same view calomel with antimonial powder may be exhibited.

  54. He carried his calomel about with him in a fruit jar, and when there was cutting job he stropped his scalpel on his bootleg.

  55. He probably owned a secret calomel mine of his own.

  56. The latter was a feeble child, and it was only by prodigious quantities of calomel that Lady Southdown was able to keep him in life at all.

  57. He recovered, rallied, relapsed again, having undergone such a process of blood-letting and calomel as showed the strength of his original constitution.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calomel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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