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Example sentences for "calor"

Lexicographically close words:
calming; calmly; calmness; calms; calomel; calore; calorem; caloric; calorie; calories
  1. Is it as hot in England |¿Hace tanto calor en as in Spain |Inglaterra como in the summer?

  2. No hace demasiado warm in summer |calor en nor too cold in |el verano ni demasiado winter.

  3. It is very warm in this |Hace mucho calor en country.

  4. Dejar la fría[256] atmósfera del colegio para venir a contemplar los rayos de este bello sol que da vida a mi vida y calor a mi alma!

  5. One was Wells Pearson, foreman of the Mucho Calor cattle ranch.

  6. Be gratified to see you ride over to Mucho Calor any time you strike that section of the range.

  7. Notice that the town of Calor would then be right in line with the eruption.

  8. Within a few moments the small convoy was moving down the mountainside toward Calor and the executive offices.

  9. It does not take an invasion of Calor to do this.

  10. Honorario found him in the police headquarters in central Calor and invited him to join the boys for coffee at a nearby cafe.

  11. They herded the population entirely around El Viejo, and established a perimeter from Calor northward, with the population confined to a narrow segment of the island along the seaward side.

  12. Flight after flight of huge transports roared in for a landing at the Calor airport, discharged the soldiers, and took off again at once.

  13. But when the governor pleaded with them to hurry to Calor to help save the people of the island, nothing happened.

  14. The mountain itself would protect Calor and the rest of the island!

  15. Not until they had reached the outskirts of Calor did they find what had happened.

  16. He had muttered something about going into Calor for a supply of cigars.

  17. Montoya stepped behind them as though taking a stroll through the Calor public gardens.

  18. It wasn't difficult; there was only one main road from the outskirts of Calor into town, although there were many side streets.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.