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Example sentences for "stanch"

Lexicographically close words:
stamps; stampt; stan; stance; stances; stanched; stanchest; stanching; stanchion; stanchions
  1. He was a generous, whole-souled man, was this russet-haired William Clark, and known to all the Indians of the plains as their stanch friend.

  2. The stanch police were holding firm, and keeping the space before the door cleared.

  3. Our stanch old friend the potato is to other vegetables what bread is on the table.

  4. Conflict spread; and the name of Luther became famous as a stanch antagonist of ecclesiastical abuses, and a fearless champion of reform.

  5. An influential leader of the popular party in Boston was the stanch Puritan patriot, Samuel Adams.

  6. Being at daggers drawn with Ada Gerrard, she naturally hailed Claire's public rebuke with rapture, and immediately became her stanch ally.

  7. She soon convinced Claire that she was a stanch and loyal confederate.

  8. She only felt, at that unexpected moment, that she loved Claire very much, and would always stay her stanch friend, no matter what bitter ill might overtake her.

  9. Ada Gerrard, fiercely unforgiving, headed this hostile faction; its remaining members were a few stanch personal adherents who had never been able to resist the dazzling fascination of Miss Gerrard's toilets and lunches.

  10. The squire was a stanch politician of the old school, and he did not like to think that, in repairing the stocks, he had perhaps been conniving at revolutionary principles.

  11. But surely there are persons here in whom you deceive yourself,--old friends of my family, stanch supporters of our party.

  12. He was a stanch admirer of Herbert, and secretly flattered himself that his own style in batting closely resembled that of the captain of Conway's.

  13. While a stanch Protestant, the author shows great fairness in recording and judging the actions of both parties.

  14. They saw more than trace enough of how he had tried to stanch the persistent flow from his wounds.

  15. It was only when spells of dizziness, recurring with frequency, warned him he could not keep the saddle much longer, that he attempted to dismount to stanch the drip of blood from his stirrup.

  16. Then came the damsel Savage, that was the lady Linet that rode with Sir Gareth so long, and there she did stanch Sir Gareth's wounds and Sir Gawaine's.

  17. Then answered Gawaine, It grieveth me but little; thy great words shall not fear me nor lessen my courage, but thou shalt suffer teen and sorrow or we depart: but tell me in haste who may stanch my bleeding?

  18. Determined to do something to stanch the flowing blood, a sailor tore his shirt into bandages, with which he bound up his captain's wound.

  19. It was on a bright August morning in 1864 that Admiral Farragut stood on the deck of his stanch frigate the "Hartford," that had borne him through so many desperate battles.

  20. She was a stanch three-master, carrying eleven guns to a broadside.

  21. It was hard for the jackies to apply the torch to so many stanch vessels, that would enrich the whole crew with prize-money could they but be sent into an American port.

  22. There are about the house Some stones that will stanch blood; see them set up.

  23. To the centurion, who pretended that he had come to his aid and who vainly tried to stanch the wound, he replied "Sero, et Haec est fides!

  24. They awaited his return just as certain stanch old Britons await the second coming of Arthur from the island of Avalon.

  25. Compared with her stanch riding gloves, how small was this!

  26. So he leaned forward again and gave his stanch heart to the task.

  27. As we should expect, these hardy settlers were generally stanch patriots.

  28. His father, a man of integrity, was a stanch patriot.

  29. In less than three hours our stanch frigate was again in fighting trim.

  30. The stanch refusal embarrassed her Mahometan conductor, inasmuch as his country's law forbade him to use extraordinary compulsion, or degrade the maiden with a whip.

  31. But Generalissimo Foch, with his stanch determination not to be done out of his reserve, held the Americans back, and they were destined to remain behind the main battle-line for three and a half months longer.

  32. He seized his handkerchief and tried to stanch the blood.

  33. I rushed forward, and tearing the scarf from my neck, knelt down and reached out my hand to stanch the blood.

  34. Dalberg should--and would I were young enough to go with you--as it is, I will hold things stanch for you here.

  35. Miss Archer and Miss Tuttle were the first to express their appreciation of the stand she had taken in their behalf, and her sweet reception of their overtures made them her stanch friends for all time.

  36. She found that she would be unable to carry it out alone, and so confided her scheme to Sadie, Miss Walton, the president, and Miss Felton, whom she now regarded as stanch friends.

  37. Thus the stanch advocate of "strict interpretation" cut loose from his own doctrine and intrusted the construction of the Constitution to "the good sense" of his countrymen.

  38. Even a stanch old Federalist like Gouverneur Morris or Josiah Quincy would have mournfully conceded both the prophecy and the claim.

  39. On behalf of nationalism and a perpetual union, the stanch old Democrat from Tennessee had, in his proclamation on nullification, spoken a language that admitted of only one meaning.

  40. This doctrine was savagely attacked by opponents of McKinley's policy, many a stanch Republican joining with the majority of Democrats in denouncing the treaty as a departure from the ideals of the republic.

  41. The Kaiser accepted the proposal and the President, with the fine irony of diplomacy, complimented him publicly on "being so stanch an advocate of arbitration.

  42. The majority of them were Dissenters, critics, not friends, of the Church of England, that stanch defender of the British monarchy.

  43. In a word, she was full of confidence and ingenuous reliance in him; and she felt as if she had suddenly found a stanch and sincere friend in the midst of cruel difficulties and deep embarrassments.

  44. You see in me, then, a cracksman and a prig: but I am stanch to the back-bone amongst pals.

  45. But Priscilla had been reared in the shadow of the stanch old Calvanistic church and the strictest of schools.

  46. Odalie's eyes followed the boy with a sort of belated yet painful anxiety, thinking how near he had been to parting with that stanch young spirit, and what a bereavement would have been the loss of that blithe element from their daily lives.

  47. The poor pioneers were exhausted with their long and swift journey; their hearts, which had been stanch within them, could but fail with the failure of physical strength.

  48. He has no thought of any wrong; He scans me with a fearless eye; Stanch friends are we, well tried and strong, The little sandpiper and I.

  49. Stanch as hound and fleet as hawk; Think of this, and rise with day, Gentle lords and ladies gay!

  50. Joachim was always a conspicuous Public Man, a busy Politician in the Reich: stanch to his kindred, and by no means blind to himself or his own interests.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stanch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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