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Example sentences for "stopple"

Lexicographically close words:
stoppers; stoppeth; stopping; stoppings; stoppit; stops; stopt; stor; storage; storax
  1. The material of which a plug or stopple is made.

  2. To take the stopple or stopper from; as, to unstop a bottle or a cask.

  3. When the bottle or decanter has grown warm, gently strike the stopple on one side, and on the other, with any light wooden instrument; then try it with the hand.

  4. After a while strike again as before; and by persevering in this process, however tightly the stopple may be fastened in, you will at length succeed in loosening it.

  5. Then let your vessels cool; unlute them; what remains in the retort pour into a crystal bottle, and stop it exactly with a glass stopple rubbed with emery.

  6. Now unlute your vessels, taking all possible care to avoid the vapours, and quickly pour the liquor out of the receiver into a bottle, which you must stop with a crystal stopple rubbed with emery.

  7. At the beginning of this operation dense fumes will rise out of the matrass, through the stopple of paper.

  8. Take an unglazed earthen pot, having an aperture in its side, with a stopple to shut it close.

  9. The oil will soon insinuate itself downwards, and the stopple may then be loosened by the hand, or by striking it lightly with a piece of soft wood.

  10. When a glass stopple is set fast, in a bottle or decanter, rub a drop or two of olive oil round it, close to the mouth of the decanter, and place it near the fire.

  11. The heat will cause the oil to run down between the stopple and mouth of the bottle.

  12. If the stopple cannot be taken out with the hand at the end of this process, repeat it, and you will finally succeed by persevering in it, however firmly it may be wedged in.

  13. Perchance Paul could loose the stopple in the cider-barrel.

  14. There is not a crumb of sweet-cake in the house, and the stopple is so tight in the cider-barrel that I cannot stir it a peg.

  15. I would I could stir the stopple in the cider-barrel.

  16. Then the witch-wife took up the flasket and pulled out the stopple and betook it to Birdalone, and said: Drink of this now, a little sip, no more.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stopple" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.