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Example sentences for "stamps"

Lexicographically close words:
stampeding; stamper; stampers; stamping; stampings; stampt; stan; stance; stances; stanch
  1. Heraldic Stamps for Linen or Books, with reversed Cyphers and Crests.

  2. However, amounts less than one dollar may be saved for deposit by purchasing a ten-cent postal savings card and affixing ten-cent postal savings stamps until the nine blank spaces are filled.

  3. In Germany the public schools have been furnished with automatic stamp vending machines, from which savings stamps in as small denominations as ten pfennigs (2-1/2 cents) may be had by dropping a coin into a slot.

  4. This is true even when the government mint, for a small charge, tests and stamps the bars at the request of citizens.

  5. Last year I worked a little case in that stiff stuff with holes in, to keep stamps in, and Kezia made tea-cakes.

  6. After Harry had gone, Lindsay got out their stamp album and we amused ourselves with it very well for more than an hour, as there were a good many new stamps to put into their proper places.

  7. Truth stamps conviction in your ravished breast; And peace and joy attend the glorious guest.

  8. For the Caution[2] entred into to prosecute the Appeal and Stamps 7.

  9. At this place stamps are used to reduce the more indurated substances, but they are so ill constructed as to produce but little effect.

  10. Stamps might be useful where gold is found in hard and brittle substances: but these would be more effectually pulverized by a heavy stone rolling upon its edge, not unlike a tanner’s bark-mill.

  11. Stamps sent on approval to responsible parties who send references.

  12. It was determined to carry through the Beer Bill and Beer Duty Bill, to throw over Stamps in Ireland, and carry Spirits.

  13. The amount will be received in clean, unused United States postage stamps of any denomination.

  14. Brazilian, Canadian, and Cuban stamps for a solid piece of flint the size of an egg.

  15. The following exchanges are also offered by correspondents: United States internal revenue stamps for United States and foreign postage stamps.

  16. Minerals and stamps for minerals and feathers.

  17. Twenty-five foreign stamps or minerals for fossils and minerals.

  18. Postage stamps and specimens of petrified wood for stamps.

  19. Danish stamps and Chinese coin for any other foreign stamps or coin.

  20. Postage stamps from Brazil, Hong-Kong, or Japan, for minerals.

  21. Rare foreign and United States stamps for ocean curiosities and Indian relics.

  22. You can get a very good illustrated catalogue of postage stamps by sending twenty-five cents to Scott & Co.

  23. Nevertheless in 1847 the Postmaster-General secured parliamentary authority to abolish or restrict payment in money and require stamps to be used, but the experiment proved so unpopular that it was eventually abandoned.

  24. The postmasters had nothing to gain by retaining letters not prepaid, but by neglecting to forward prepaid letters, they could keep the whole of the postage, for stamps were unknown.

  25. We accept Postage Stamps the same as cash.

  26. Containing valuable information regarding the collecting and arranging of stamps and coins.

  27. She cannot reach high enough; she stamps her little foot and cries.

  28. She cannot reach them, stamps her feet, cries; a boy comes and takes them down for her.

  29. The stamps were erected, with the water-wheel to work them; the stream dammed a hundred yards up, and a leat constructed to bring the water down to the wheel.

  30. But we should have to take the stamps and ironwork from the railway terminus to Bridger, and then down.

  31. During the last few days the miners had been at work blasting the quartz, and as soon as the stamps and machinery were in position they were ready to begin.

  32. The stamps were to be kept going night and day, and each could crush a ton in twenty-four hours.

  33. We shall be wanted to look after the stamps and pans," Harry said.

  34. Six more stamps were ordered to be sent from the east, with a steam-engine powerful enough to work the whole battery, and in September this and other machinery had reached the mine.

  35. He folded them just so, put the proper stamps inside the long envelope along with the manuscript, sealed the envelope, put more stamps outside, and dropped it into the mail-box.

  36. Would it not be a paying investment to put stamps on the huge pile of manuscripts under the table and start them on their travels again?

  37. He folded the stamps in with his manuscript, dropped it into the letter-box, and from three weeks to a month afterward the postman came up the steps and handed him the manuscript.

  38. Martin frowned inwardly at the citation of that worthy gentleman, and went on: "I put stamps on all my manuscripts and started them off to the editors again.

  39. It travelled across the continent, and after a certain lapse of time the postman returned him the manuscript in another long envelope, on the outside of which were the stamps he had enclosed.

  40. A stamp started it on its travels, but it was destined to receive many stamps and to be started on many travels in the months that followed.

  41. He had no stamps with which to continue them on their travels, and for a week they had been piling up.

  42. Later on he pawned his watch, and still later his wheel, reducing the amount available for food by putting stamps on all his manuscripts and sending them out.

  43. What specially stamps the works of Lalique is their striking originality.

  44. Characteristic of the Rand is the fine white dust arising from the crushing of the ore, and, close to the batteries, the incessant din caused by the stamps employed in that operation.

  45. With them the State lies under the like blame, since it justifies their having advantages and stamps it as a "privilege" or prerogative, but thereby derogates from its calling to become a "free State.

  46. The State, on the contrary, stamps the duel as a crime, i.

  47. A set of fancy card type for amateur printers' use, for one hundred and fifty foreign stamps (no duplicates).

  48. A set of five German or Bavarian stamps, for two stamps from the Cape of Good Hope, Mexico, or South America.

  49. Stamps or postmarks, for minerals or cowries.

  50. A printing-press, for a collection of stamps (no duplicates).

  51. Foreign and United States stamps, for stamps from Egypt, Cape of Good Hope, Cuba, and South America.

  52. Stamps from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and other countries, for stamps or coins.

  53. I came from Chicago, and I want to find a boy or girl who will trade postage stamps for minerals.

  54. Postage stamps and postmarks, for ocean curiosities and minerals.

  55. Correspondents will please state how many stamps they would require for album.

  56. Before him, open, were spread his three big stamp-books, and when they entered he was running his hands through a great pile of stamps that he had dumped from the back of one of them.

  57. He pulled out his purse the other day at Beach Cliff to get a medal that was in it, and he had only a nickel and two stamps to write to his aunt.

  58. To collect bottle stamps is certainly an uncommon hobby, but one that is not altogether devoid of interest.

  59. I'll cram the stamps down their throats with the end of my sword: if they attempt to rise I'll drive them out of town for a pack of rascals, with four and twenty men!

  60. They cannot force a man to take stamps who chooses to do without them," was the answer.

  61. Colden capitulated, and even gave up the stamps into the custody of the people.

  62. On the 1st of November, the day when the act was to go into effect, Colden, governor of New York, "resolved to have the stamps distributed.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stamps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.