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Example sentences for "stance"

Lexicographically close words:
stamping; stampings; stamps; stampt; stan; stances; stanch; stanched; stanchest; stanching
  1. His stance on the world, that concatenated state that gave him a sense of being grounded, was now showing its disarray.

  2. Within this ambivalence how was he to know that his obdurate stance would not crack and that he would not relent, allowing neediness to surge over him like lava, incinerate him and heave residuals homeward?

  3. In recent years, Tunisia has taken a moderate, non-aligned stance in its foreign relations.

  4. Its generosity with oil revenues and its moderate foreign policy stance have allowed it to play a vital role in the affairs of the region.

  5. Despite the fact that on the tee the man has everything in his favour, a perfect stance and a teed-up ball, he is given more space to play into and a greater margin for inaccuracy than in the case of any other shot.

  6. It is a stance to which Harry Vardon, after all his putting troubles, has nearly settled down, and many of the best men on the green, Tom Ball for one, are given to it.

  7. When a brave took his stance for a tee shot, it was looked upon as the signal for a perfect bedlam of yells and howling, which should have disconcerted the player but did not do so.

  8. That way which suits him and gives him confidence is the best, and one may find men putting marvellously well when their stance and attitude seem to be so ungainly and difficult as to cause them pain.

  9. Then with an expert eye he studied his brother's stance and swing.

  10. Now and again one of the coyotes, usually Nalik'ideyu, would come into view, express impatience in both stance and mental signal, and then be gone again.

  11. The first Tatar plodded into view, and by the stance of his body in the saddle, Travis knew the Red had him under full control.

  12. Glad to see you looking so well," the doctor said, taking a stance against the wall by the porthole.

  13. But he knew from experience that to show off his erect stance and 18-inch height advantage would make them find some unpleasant way to put him in his place.

  14. I failed to take up a giant's stance right in the middle of it.

  15. It's hard to maintain just one rigid mental stance when you're keeping a great many hard-to-control emotions bottled up in your mind with a clamped-down safety valve.

  16. Although he never had cared about ideology, he appreciated the importance of a correct political stance in the Islamic world, and therefore he frequently posed as the leader of an "armed struggle" against the "Zionist Enemy.

  17. Since he had always held a political stance slightly to the left of Che Guevara, maybe he secretly enjoyed being taken hostage by these self- appointed enemies of American Capitalism.

  18. It was a stance that normally received polite applause at best, and stony silence at worst.

  19. Adopting the states' rights stance more commonly associated with defenders of racial discrimination, Governor McConnaughy argued that by requiring segregation the War Department ran contrary to the wishes of individual states.

  20. There were reasons for the inconsistent stance in Washington.

  21. Its generosity with oil revenues and its moderate foreign policy stance have allowed the UAE to play a vital role in the affairs of the region.

  22. No pains as to position, stance and angle of the club-head are taken; an iron shot in the direction of the green being the stroke played, instead of an approach shot at the hole, which just makes all the difference.

  23. If on the other hand the ball lies on a slope below you, shorten your grip of the club, for the body will naturally fall a little forward in the downward swing, owing to the stance being on the slant.

  24. The term stance is applied to the position of the player's feet, when addressing herself to the ball.

  25. Then he had looked at her with an increasing interest, seeing what most men saw, the strong shoulders, the straight line of her back, the full strength of her figure, the firm stance she took as she played her game.

  26. Her mental stance upon the plane of thought became a negation.

  27. He stood in his customary slouch, a stance not improved by sacklike patched blue fatigues.

  28. The stance was slightly bent forward, long arms.

  29. PCR policy has sought to support the country's independent political stance by increasing its economic independence.

  30. I'd like to take a flat-footed stance as claiming that the end justified the means.

  31. If you had changed your stance and put that ball somewhere to the left you might have given me a chance to reach the green.

  32. The Colonel's first stance did not suit him, so he had to go all through the tramping process again.

  33. He had formed theories of his own as to stance and swing.

  34. Your swing is cramped, your stance is awkward, yet somehow you manage to get over the bunkers.

  35. Change your stance and drive to the left.

  36. Whether it was the keen competition or the evident interest shown by the spectators or the fact that the Bish insisted that Henry change his stance I cannot say, but the old man nearly missed the ball entirely, topping it into the bunker.

  37. Windy found it, half-way up the left slope, hidden in the weeds, and not a particularly bad lie except for the fact that nothing human could have taken a stance on that declivity.

  38. They could not understand the "mailed fist" stance implicit in the acts.

  39. The stance is facing the net with both toes fronting the line.

  40. The stance for this is the same as for the slice, but the ball is thrown slightly to the left of the head while the racquet passes up and over the call, travelling from left to right and slightly forward.

  41. Chalk, from which blanc de Troyes is manufactured, and clay are abundant; and there are peat workings and quarries of building-stone and limestone.

  42. It was the general custom that the dealers came to the market-ground with their cattle, and immediately before them, to the part of the market-stance where they wished them to stand.

  43. In selling lean cattle there is a great deal to be gained by choosing a favourable stance and showing them off properly to the buyers.

  44. They're about the hotel, I reckon," he said, taking his stance for a brassie shot.

  45. The moment she took her stance and grasped her club I noted a difference in her style of play as compared with that of the preceding day.

  46. He settled himself ostentatiously into his stance and placed his club-head stiffly on the ground three feet away from him.

  47. The weather was warm and sunny, I was bringing my golf clubs down with me, and I had just discovered (and meant to put into practice) an entirely new stance which made it impossible to miss the object ball.

  48. His rigid stance and curious lifting swing were the exact opposite of Elsie's supple movements, but for all that he outdrove her by nearly a hundred yards.

  49. Tunisia has long taken a moderate, non-aligned stance in its foreign relations.

  50. And thus, a pod from which all life has flown Must bid its earthly stance farewell And harken to a chillwinds' call To rest unto eternity.

  51. Perhaps the knowledge that further prompting would have no effect on my stance impeded harassment of any kind.

  52. This is why, I believe, there is a possibility for tension between ones self and his religious stance upon facing unpleasant or shattering news.

  53. Whether he would assume a romantic stance or pursue a totally platonic guise became a valid mystery.

  54. I had been raised under the same school of thought, and, until my views had been tested, my stance on various issues usually echoed those of my parents.

  55. If there was ever a working force to sway my personal beliefs toward a more assured stance with respect to an eternal life, it was after the death of my brother.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.