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Example sentences for "quash"

Lexicographically close words:
quartzose; quartzy; quarum; quas; quasdam; quashed; quashing; quasi; quass; quassia
  1. Under those circumstances no other course was open to us but to quash them.

  2. Indeed, after all that has been said, I have no hesitation in stating that if another case came here, and was presented to us in such a bald and unsatisfactory manner, we should again quash the conviction.

  3. This strengthened the Patricians so much, that they were able in each of those contests, to quell the efforts of the people by force, and quash the whole affair by the death of both the Gracchi.

  4. To bruise is more than to break; he shall quash thy head to death; so he also quashed the heel of Christ; which would, had not his eternal power and Godhead sustained, have caused that he had perished for ever.

  5. Sin is a fearful thing, it will quash and quail the courage of a man, and make him afraid to approach the presence of him whom he has offended, though the offended is but a man.

  6. Join to all this the rage and terror of men, which thing of itself is sufficient to quash and break to pieces all desires to come to God by Christ; yea, and it doth do so to thousands that are not willing to go to hell.

  7. Wherefore he chooseth to lay aside such needless and unwarrantable reasonings, and resisteth him with a direct word of God, most pertinent to quash the tempter, and also to preserve himself in the way.

  8. The thoughts of his greatness did quite quash them, and the thoughts of his holiness sunk them in despair.

  9. His advocate addressed a petition to the Emperor to quash the proceedings, and it turned out successful to-day.

  10. Golowski's advocate has presented a petition to quash the proceedings.

  11. It is strange, in modern times, to note the frequency with which the Parliament, and even the popular party in it, resorted to the fiction of Breach of Privilege in order to quash opposition to their proceedings.

  12. While he might condescend to hear the charges against the general managers, it is very evident that a motion to quash any proceeding against the corporation would be granted.

  13. After a legal tilt between the counsel on both sides, Judge Wood overruled the motion of defendant's counsel to quash the information, and postponed the case until September 5.

  14. But an order was given in the queen's bench to quash all the proceedings, since no action had ever been brought on that account.

  15. The malcontents therefore justly observed, the house of commons was so managed that the king could baffle any bill, quash all grievances, stifle accounts, and rectify the articles of Limerick.

  16. By this means it was hoped to quash the numerous new sects which were springing from the reading of the Bible, and the earnest discussions consequent upon it.

  17. It is believed the Egyptian Government will try to quash the trial altogether, and that the chief prisoners will be directed to leave the country.

  18. I would even appeal, as a favor, to the class to quash this Coventry resolution, and perhaps I might be considered to have some right to ask the favor, since the whole trouble grew out of an affair between Mr. Jetson and myself.

  19. I beg of you all, classmates, to quash the motion now before the class.

  20. Contrition is apt to quash or allay all worldly grief.

  21. To crush; to subdue; to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely; as, to quash a rebellion.

  22. It is a strange thing, but the beginning of war which I expected would quash all chance of writing has seen the beginning of my success.

  23. He tried the cause at the assizes, and won it; but it was then moved in the Queen's Bench to quash these proceedings as novel and contrary to all custom.

  24. It was resolved to send Cromwell to settle the disturbances in Ireland, but it was necessary to quash this communist insurrection first.

  25. We make a motion to quash the indictment in this case, if your Honor please,' said Hogjaw, as he held the bill up before the court.

  26. On October 9 Young appeared in court with the leading men of the church, and a motion to quash the indictment was made before the chief justice and denied.

  27. General Johnston had orders that would allow him to dispose of his forces without obedience to the governor, and the governor could not quash the indictments found by Judge Eckles's grand jury.

  28. She has to quash that flinching and brazen it out.

  29. Gwen's laugh rang out soon enough to quash its last ipse dixits.

  30. Ach, in moving to set aside or quash the indictments, stated that the motion was made for Schmitz and Ruef jointly, but that the defendants reserved the right to plead and to be tried separately.

  31. And between them, in this new move to quash the indictments, the defendants enlisted the ablest members of the California bar.

  32. Shall we let the defendant come in and quash the indictment, if there is any bias or prejudice, and then be enabled to protect himself against prosecution?

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quash" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abate; abolish; abrogate; annihilate; annul; cancel; censor; choke; cork; crush; damp; demolish; discharge; dissolve; drown; extinguish; gag; hush; invalidate; kill; muffle; muzzle; negate; nullify; overwhelm; quash; quell; quench; repress; reverse; revoke; silence; smash; smother; squash; squelch; stanch; stifle; strangle; stultify; subdue; suffocate; suppress; throttle; undo; vacate; veto; vitiate; abolish; abrogate; annihilate; annul; cancel; censor; choke; cork; crush; damp; demolish; discharge; dissolve; drown; extinguish; gag; hush; invalidate; kill; muffle; muzzle; negate; nullify; overwhelm; quash; quell; quench; repress; reverse; revoke; silence; smash; smother; squash; squelch; stanch; stifle; strangle; stultify; subdue; suffocate; suppress; throttle; undo; vacate; veto; vitiate