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Example sentences for "gag"

Lexicographically close words:
gaffed; gaffers; gaffing; gaffs; gafol; gaged; gages; gagged; gagging; gaging
  1. He played the Self-Sacrifice Gag and threw in a Dash of Marital Solicitude, and made an awful Try at imitating one who has been soaked by a Great Sorrow.

  2. Just as he ducked a Bullet and cut into the Alley back of the Post-Office, it occurred to him that the True Friend Gag had its Drawbacks.

  3. When a Legal Wolf wants to work the Do-Do on a Soft Thing, he always springs that Gag about a Mere Formality.

  4. Get that gag out of his mouth, while I hold matches for you to do so.

  5. With his arms bound behind him and a gag between his teeth, he was lifted to his feet and forced into the depth of the thicket.

  6. It also showed him that a gag had been forced between the old man's teeth and fastened there.

  7. I suggested; "let's do the selfish gag for once and leave the wives at home.

  8. Then the doctor got busy with the pencil gag and left me enough prescriptions to keep the druggist in pocket money throughout the summer.

  9. But Doctor Balthazard himself described the piece of cottonwool he examined as follows: 'This gag is made of two pieces, one rectangular, the other triangular and almost equilateral.

  10. Now this gag was at once put under seal, on the spot, without any possible mistake.

  11. As a gag made of one single piece (pear-shaped), as big as the fist.

  12. In order to kill her, the miscreants did not only force into her mouth a large gag with such violence that one false tooth, pushed back into the throat, was broken; they strangled her with a cord fastened twice round her neck.

  13. Japy died of suffocation owing to the introduction of a voluminous gag of wadding into her mouth; before she was dead, a cord was tightened round her neck; Mme.

  14. The materials for the gag were handed to Buttar, and though the bully made several attempts to bite his fingers, he succeeded in most effectually fixing a gag in his mouth.

  15. The gag was quickly produced; but as Blackall found it being adjusted, his courage, or rather his obstinacy, gave way.

  16. We must tie his hands again, and contrive something for a gag quickly.

  17. Find something with which to tie his feet and hands, and then we will contrive a gag so that it is not necessary to sit over him in this fashion.

  18. Ephraim twisted about as if it would have pleased him right well could he have spoken at that moment, but the gag choked his words, and he perforce remained silent however much he would have liked to use his voice.

  19. The gag which was put into the month of the unfortunate Saint Francis, had been brought from a place where there were forty or fifty others, of different shapes and sizes.

  20. My hands had been tied behind me, and a gag put into my mouth, sometimes with such force and rudeness as to lacerate my lips and cause the blood to flow freely.

  21. A gag was once forced into my mouth which had a large splinter upon it, and this cut through my under lip, in front, leaving to this day a scar about half an inch long.

  22. I did not move, expecting to die there, and in a state of distress which I cannot describe, from the tight bandage about my hands, and the gag holding my jaws apart at their greatest extension.

  23. Its dread nolo me tangere had forced Congress into the denial of the right of petition, and into the imposition of a gag upon its own freedom of debate.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gag" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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