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Example sentences for "stumble"

Lexicographically close words:
stultify; stultifying; stultitia; stultus; stum; stumbled; stumbles; stumbleth; stumbling; stumblingblock
  1. I am afraid to go forward, lest I stumble into pitfalls I do not see.

  2. These are liable to make a mule stumble if two feet are on the stones at once, but this is very seldom, although they always go sliding over them on the steeper trails.

  3. Here the mule would always be sure to stick one foot over and stumble a little bit, but regain its equilibrium at the next step, having clearly done it intentionally, and for no other purpose than pure maliciousness.

  4. The Police open a shut door in a high wall, and stumble unceremoniously among a gang of women cooking their food.

  5. Now and again the click-click-click of a scabbard tip being dragged against the wall, cut the dead sound of tramping naked feet, and a soldier would stumble up the narrow way into the sunlight.

  6. You may stumble across a picturesque piece of human nature that will unsteady your nerves for half a day.

  7. You can trouble the busy workers of half-a-dozen departments before you stumble upon the black-stained staircase that leads to an upper chamber looking out over a populous street.

  8. The enemy will come up to our trench on the south and west; they will stumble into it and be thrown into confusion.

  9. Passing across the room, you stumble against the manuscript of his last lecture, or put your foot in a piece of pie that has fallen off the end of the writing table.

  10. Do not strike us when we stumble or scare.

  11. If your daughter has made a runaway marriage--on which subject yourself and friends maintain a judicious silence--he is certain to stumble upon it, and make the old sore smart again.

  12. From pastoral graves extracting thoughts divine" is a profitable occupation enough, if you stumble on the little churchyard covered over with silence, and folded among the hills.

  13. We have the reward of receiving Christ's little ones set over against the retribution that seizes those who cause them to stumble (verses 41, 42).

  14. It is possible to stumble at noontide, as in the dark.

  15. Of course we may stumble upon a boat," continued Hamerton.

  16. I shouldn't be surprised if we stumble across some more wonderful creations of our dearly beloved German cousins.

  17. Can those who stumble at the doctrine of election, account for this difference.

  18. These are they that cause many to stumble at sin, and fall into hell.

  19. Now it's different; it's as much as a man's job is worth to leave anything lying in the passageways for his fellow workmen to stumble and fall over.

  20. But in spite of the seeming confusion all around them, Bob noticed how carefully the aisles and passageways were kept free and clear of anything the hurrying men might stumble over.

  21. I love her as my sister, and cannot help indulging in the hope that in seeking my father I may chance to stumble upon hers.

  22. Terrible gaps were torn in their ranks as they advanced; whole groups of men were blown out of the line, and those who continued to stumble on soon lost touch with their fellows.

  23. He continued to stumble along, sinking into new, smoking craters, now and then up to the waist, dragging himself out and crawling through the debris, lying still for short intervals till the shock of the explosions had passed.

  24. Give glory to the Lord your God, before He cause darkness, and before your feet stumble on the dark mountains, and while ye look for light, He turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.

  25. Give glory to God, before He cause darkness, and your feet stumble upon the dark mountains.

  26. As soon as we are outside we stumble upon a gathering of men.

  27. Little streams of water flow freely through them in places, and in spite of tentative groping we stumble on heaped-up timber.

  28. So you stumble into an accumulating pile of mud; it entangles you at the foot of the steps on this threshold of hell.

  29. We stumble and impede each other in the great waves of smoke.

  30. Our feet go down haphazard; we stumble and hold ourselves up by the wails, so that our hands are plastered with mud.

  31. What matters is to stumble only forward, and as straight as possible.

  32. I stumble upon a man who is crouching at the entry to a dug-out.

  33. The surface of the isle is diversified with palm groves, thickets, and romantic dingles four feet deep, relics of old taro plantations, and it is thus possible to stumble unawares on folk resting or hiding from their work.

  34. He says, "they evidently do not breathe freely over their work; but shuffle and stumble over their difficulties in a piteous manner.

  35. He simply faced a blank wall, in which no entrance was apparent, yet there must be one, if he was only fortunate enough to stumble upon it.

  36. We will have to stumble along through the dark.

  37. Now and then I would catch in the auditorium an eye of some intelligence, now and then in the manuscript would stumble on a richer vein of Harry Miller, and my heart would fail me, and I gabbled.

  38. Swishing close by Jack, it hit Guy with a dull thud in the thigh, causing him to stumble and crash down upon the grass.

  39. We would not stumble or wound their conscience, but we would seek to instruct it.

  40. The ostensible cause of his fall was the strife between his herdmen and those of Abraham; but the fact is, when one is not really walking with a single eye and purified affections, he will easily find a stone to stumble over.

  41. Many a passer-by would stumble down the steps from the street in sheer curiosity; others, familiar visitors, dropped in with the same comfortable emotion that a man feels on entering his club.

  42. But gropers both through fields of thought confined We stumble and we do not understand.

  43. Then one of the Ladies of the Court, mayhap, or one of the Lords or pages, would stumble across him; and if they fell down and hurt themselves, he took delight in their discomfiture.

  44. So in a little while he purposely let himself stumble into the ditch which ran by the wayside, and as he fell he cried out loudly: "Mercy, soldiers, mercy!

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stumble" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.