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Example sentences for "miming"

Lexicographically close words:
mimicked; mimicking; mimickry; mimicry; mimics; mimosa; mimosas; mimsy; min; mina
  1. Some nurse-girl or elder sister loosens her hair in front, so as to let it fall over her face, and pursues the little folk with moans and weird gestures, miming all the attitudes of the ghosts of the picture-books.

  2. All these verdant elevations rise from spaces of pale yellow sand, smooth as a surface of silk and miming the curves and meanderings of a river course.

  3. The chorus takes no part in the action, but speaks for the shite while she is miming the more engrossing parts of her role.

  4. And along with them (miming the action of leading a horse) goes Tsuneyo, with horse, armour and sword that scarce seem worthy of such names.

  5. Some actors, says Owada, here write in the air with their fan; but such detailed miming is vulgar.

  6. Both in the actors' miming and in the dancing an important element is the stamping of beats with the shoeless foot.

  7. On the Grecian stage, those performers who devoted themselves entirely to the Art of Miming originally came from Sicily and southern Italy, though the exact period is difficult to determine with any degree of certainty.

  8. I find the interpreter occupied with two large, loud-mouthed Arabs, quite naked under their filthy blankets, madly miming some story or other about a stolen chain.

  9. I have no Arabic, but from the Jew's miming and from the words Joustees of the peace, Joustees of the peace, which he keeps repeating, I get the gist of what he is saying.

  10. It is the mate of Miming Of all swerdes it is king, And Weland it wrought, Bitterfer it is hight.

  11. Besides Balmung and Joyeuse, Sigmund's and Charlemagne's celebrated swords, he is reported to have fashioned Miming for his son Heime, and many other remarkable blades.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.