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Example sentences for "knell"

Lexicographically close words:
kneeling; kneels; knees; knele; kneled; knelled; knelling; knells; knelt; knet
  1. Wolsey could not exist together, nor of church and state being straightway at issue, nor why not long afterward the knock of a heart-broken monk at the gate of the Abbey of Leicester was the knell of his own order in England.

  2. The knell of God strikes seldom But in the aptest hour; And when the life is sweetest, The worm will feel His power!

  3. I see his finger pointing where the shell Should fall to slay most rabble, And save foul regicides; or strike the knell Of weaklings 'mid the tribunes' babble.

  4. But the tocsin has burst on your festival hour-- 'Tis your knell that it rings!

  5. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours.

  6. The sound of oars still lingered in his ear; he was listening, as though to some funeral knell which told him that his illusions were vanishing like phantom dreams, when a hand was lightly laid upon his shoulder.

  7. Jean Oullier's words rang in his ears like a knell sounding his own death.

  8. It seems as if we heard the death-knell of the cause of freedom, equality and fraternity among men.

  9. They were ringing as his death knell in his ears.

  10. It was like a knell booming out; and the carriages went away with the company.

  11. It seemed so like the knell of all her hopes.

  12. They strike like a knell upon his ears--a death-knell to all his dearest hopes.

  13. The defeat of Austria and Hungary, in that same war, sounded its death knell and brought its dismemberment.

  14. He left Baireuth on the following day, and when he rode out of the gate he said, 'I heard my own death-knell here at Baireuth.

  15. I hear them night and day; they are always resounding in my ears like the death-knell of Germany; they are ever smarting in my heart like an open wound.

  16. It sounded the knell of all hope of redress of their wrongs.

  17. In the voice of Omnes Omnibus at Nantes my voice again--demanding the petition that sounded the knell of your hopes of coercing the Third Estate, did you not hear again the voice of Philippe de Vilmorin?

  18. A knell seemed ringing in her ears from her own conviction, a voice of her inner consciousness, which kept reiterating, "Father is going to die, father is going to die.

  19. It was a drop of comfort, and yet the awful knell never ceased ringing in her ears--"Father is going to die, father is going to die.

  20. Was it for her that the knell passed, and shall I find her gone from me?

  21. And indeed there was a voice from the belfry--but it was of the great bell alone, as of a knell for the dead.

  22. This strange traditional notion will die hard, but some time it will have to die, and at the moment of its death excellent and sincere persons will be convinced that the knell of the British Empire has sounded.

  23. The knell of the British Empire has frequently sounded.

  24. The knell from the church-tower was still ringing in my ears: by an almost superhuman effort I withdrew my hands from my countenance, and cast a shuddering look towards the house.

  25. Had the confederates but kept faith with one another Cesare's knell had soon been tolled.

  26. The talk of a treaty was the death-knell of the hopes on which she had been feeding.

  27. It seemed to ring out the death-knell of his freedom, if not indeed his life.

  28. The dead man's knell Is there scarce ask'd for who, and good men's lives Expire before the flowers in their caps, Dying or ere they sicken.

  29. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.