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Example sentences for "numbness"

Lexicographically close words:
numbering; numberless; numbers; numbing; numbly; numbre; numbred; numen; numerable; numeral
  1. A quiet numbness replaced the acute sensitiveness of his nerves, and made him for the nonce impervious to his devils, though it could not prevent his inner sense of loss.

  2. I am widowed; and the first numbness of the unexpected shock has not left me yet.

  3. For, when burdens grow unbearable, when one is taxed beyond that point at which nature sets her limit of endurance, there comes a condition of mental numbness in which men are apt for deeds quite transcending their normal natures.

  4. The mist of unreality had deepened and deepened until it had produced a feeling of numbness all over his body.

  5. He was far more interested in her than in her story, for as she went on speaking his numbness had disappeared, and he was conscious of a mixture of liking, pity, and distrust.

  6. But while he looked straight into the flaming eyes, it seemed to him that they were losing their light and terror, that they were growing tame and dull; the charm was dissolving, the numbness was passing away, he could move once more.

  7. He stood fixed, struck dumb, staring back into them with dilating pupils and sudden numbness of fear that cannot move, as in the terror of dreams.

  8. On awaking, a little numbness existed in the side which he had dreamed was paralyzed.

  9. I have often myself noticed this effect of cold in producing numbness and drowsiness, and on one occasion was nearly overcome by it.

  10. Such a cause may be the incipient numbness of a limb.

  11. Gordon shook his head to clear the numbness still lingering from the effect of Arlok's tentacle.

  12. The shock of the blasted air struck him sprawling into the bottom of the boat; the listener was hammered almost to numbness by the deafening thunder that battered and tore through the still air.

  13. This wet and cold situation produced a numbness which totally deprived him of the use of his limbs; yet he continued gay and cheerful.

  14. On wrapping one of them round my hand, immediately on being taken out of the fish, it caused so much aching and numbness that I could not endure it long.

  15. Many females also complain of a husky dry throat, numbness in the hands and feet, and a sudden sinking at the heart.

  16. A numbness fell on the mind of Connor as he saw his hopes destroyed by the demon of bigotry.

  17. Sometimes, a slight numbness of a single toe or finger is the first symptom of its approach; but at others a whole hand, arm, or leg is affected.

  18. The numbness induced by the horrible blow she had dealt him was beginning to give way to stinging stabs of pain.

  19. The numbness had all gone, the pain he felt had become almost intolerable.

  20. The numbness and weariness oppressed him so that he sat down at the root of a tree, and remained there in a state of half unconsciousness until Billy came from the house to look for him.

  21. His head ached sorely, and as the excitement died away it was succeeded by a numbness of despondency, the like of which he had never known before.

  22. A numbness had come over him as if he were already dead.

  23. A savage pain tore through the numbness in his limbs.

  24. A cry of hopelessness escaped her lips, for the numbness was already about her eyes, and creeping back like a pestilence along the open highways of her mind.

  25. Charter's physical energy was imperious, but the numbness of his scalp was a pregnant warning against the perils of heat.

  26. Now a feeling of chilliness and numbness and faintness had crept over me, a cold sweat was on my forehead.

  27. One afternoon I was in the Strand, coming from Charing Cross, when I was once more overcome by that peculiar feeling of cold and numbness which I had before experienced.

  28. Her cry pierced the numbness of his bewilderment and he stooped, instinctively throwing up his arm.

  29. A short distance below the hip it was numb, while above the numbness it pained and throbbed horribly.

  30. An extract of the bulbs when applied to open wounds has produced staggering, numbness of the whole nervous system, and paralysis of the heart.

  31. Lack of sleep to those whose work is muscular means a numbness in the nerve cells which guide those muscles, so that they disobey the will or act unreasonably and without direction.

  32. Excessive exertion produces a numbness and exhaustion so that the body becomes "dead tired," and sleep brings back life and elasticity.

  33. A prickling numbness gathered in every nerve, my right arm slipped without feeling from my lap to my side, and I could not raise it,--it swung helpless.

  34. Horror struck me, and I rushed for home, my brain whirling, a strange numbness growing in me.

  35. When Jasper woke at last in the grey dawn, he felt a strange numbness in his limbs; it was even with difficulty that he could lift himself up.

  36. His hat is gone, and the cool wind in his hair revives him somewhat, but the numbness remains.

  37. She has gone to her room to lie down, complaining of a very bad headache and a numbness in all her limbs.

  38. Now she lies upon her bed and complains of this continued pain in her head and the numbness in all her limbs.

  39. Her headache had left her, but the strange numbness still remained.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "numbness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    analgesia; anesthesia; apathy; blah; callousness; deadness; detachment; dispassion; dullness; hebetude; hopelessness; indifference; insouciance; lethargy; listlessness; narcosis; nonchalance; numbness; passivity; phlegm; resignation; sloth; sopor; stupor; torpor; unconcern; unfeeling