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Example sentences for "anesthesia"

Lexicographically close words:
anent; aner; aneroid; aneroids; anes; anesthetic; anesthetics; anesthetist; anesthetized; aneth
  1. Of remote ills of general anesthesia no estimate can be made, but that they are legion and of great severity is established.

  2. We learn, from the same authority, much which he gathered from literature about the history of local anesthesia, and it is from Corning's well-known book on local anesthesia that most of this history is quoted.

  3. Weakness of the patient enters also as a demand for the exhibition of a local anesthesia in such operations as resection of a rib for empyema, in which instance the action of the heart or lungs is embarrassed.

  4. The solutions used in the early days of cocaine anesthesia were much stronger than were found necessary afterward and it has now become the rule to employ weak solutions and to give them time to penetrate the tissues.

  5. Complete anesthesia of the cornea from the use of a two per cent.

  6. Work under this form of anesthesia must be done with rapidity not always consistent with thoroughness, and should therefore be employed only when a single incision or puncture is indicated.

  7. The ordinary needle, which comes with the usual hypodermic outfit, is about the proper length for the ordinary work already mentioned, but could be improved upon for anesthesia by being made a little finer in calibre.

  8. A single element which has entered as a factor in retarding the progress of local anesthesia in general surgery, is that of regarding the operation as one fitted to the method rather than to the patient under consideration.

  9. Beneath the skin in the loose connective tissue the fluid is deposited and causes anesthesia by acting upon the nerves just before their emergence into the skin.

  10. With a perfect technic, local anesthesia can also be employed with entire satisfaction for certain major operations, where the subject is suitable.

  11. Despite the howls of the dwarf, the operative forced an anesthesia cone over his face and Dr.

  12. Through a gathering haze he could see Carson approaching with an anesthesia cone and the sweet smell of lethane assailed his nostrils.

  13. He lay down on the operating table and the dwarf fitted an anesthesia cone over his face and opened the valve of the gas cylinder.

  14. Prolonged nitrous-oxide anesthesia is especially dangerous to a fetus, but a brief nitrous-oxide anesthesia for the extraction of a tooth may not bring on abortion.

  15. It is probable that total anesthesia is morally unjustifiable for the extraction of a single tooth if the tooth is not wedged in.

  16. Like pneumonia, anesthesia may kill the fetus if kept up for a long time, or if marked by cyanosis.

  17. The medical treatment is the only test to learn whether the heart can be put into a condition wherein it will withstand the anesthesia and the operation.

  18. It is known that anesthesia in women is often only apparent and local.

  19. Besides these erogenous causes of anesthesia there are also psychic causes likewise determined by the repression.

  20. This anesthesia may become permanent if the clitoris zone refuses to give up its excitability; a condition brought on by abundant activities in infantile life.

  21. Relaxation by general anesthesia permits lateral displacement of the dome of the diaphragm along with the esophagus, and thus makes possible a wider range of motion of the distal end of the gastroscope.

  22. Preparation of the patient and anesthesia have been mentioned under their respective chapters.

  23. To the less experienced esophagoscopist, examination under ether anesthesia is recommended.

  24. To attempt general anesthesia in a dyspneic case is to invite disaster (see Tracheotomy).

  25. In the first favorable subject--an emaciated individual with no teeth--esophagoscopy without anesthesia should be tried.

  26. General anesthesia is never used in the Bronchoscopic Clinic for endoscopic procedures.

  27. Local anesthesia is unnecessary as well as dangerous in children; and its application is likely to dislodge the foreign body unless used as a troche.

  28. It is the safest anesthesia for goiter operations.

  29. Deep anesthesia will relax the normal cricopharyngeal reflex closure as well as any abnormal spasm, thus assisting in the differentiation between an organic stricture and one of functional character.

  30. Obstructed respiration introduces into general anesthesia an enormous element of danger.

  31. In his first few esophagoscopies the novice had best use general anesthesia to avoid these difficulties and to accustom himself to the esophageal image.

  32. Hence, every adult patient should be examined with a throat mirror before general anesthesia for any purpose, and the necessity becomes doubly imperative before goiter operations.

  33. For local anesthesia (hypodermic) solution of from 0.

  34. Used as a somnifacient in motor excitement and mania; as a preliminary to anesthesia and in "twilight sleep," and locally as a mydriatic.

  35. This paresis of the legs was combined with complete anesthesia and analgesia.

  36. Head tremors and contractions, changing in relation to posture; glove anesthesia and local anesthesia of trunk.

  37. This anesthesia was not complained of, and might not be noticed until suggested to the patient by the physician.

  38. There was a total anesthesia for all sensations in the hand and fingers.

  39. Anesthesia to touch over the whole of the left leg.

  40. The anesthesia then began to retreat, so that four days later, the upper limit of anesthesia was somewhat below the groin.

  41. The anesthesia was probably a matter of medical suggestion produced in the course of examination during the three months of disability.

  42. After anesthesia had set in, it was found possible still to produce the spastic state by extending the legs; but a half hour after injection the spastic state could no longer be produced.

  43. There was a tactile, thermic, and pain anesthesia of the foot and leg as far up as the lower third of the thigh.

  44. The bladder disturbance and the sacral anesthesia persisted.

  45. Cure of anesthesia by faradism at one sitting.

  46. Anesthesia was practically complete on the right side.

  47. If an endeavor was made to reduce the contracture under full anesthesia and in complete unconsciousness, a spasmodic movement was provoked which exaggerated the abnormal attitude of the limb.

  48. The paresis of the leg and the anesthesia also cleared up without treatment.

  49. Induced anesthesia caused no phase of excitement, and the patient failed to regain his speech.

  50. Jenkins and various members of the anesthesia staff.

  51. Jenkins connect the anesthesia machine to the endotracheal tube which at that time was being run, I believe, by a Bird machine, and after making certain that the connections were properly done, I placed the equipment in Dr.

  52. Jackie Hunt, that the President had been shot and was being brought to the emergency room and for them to bring all the resuscitative equipment we have including an anesthesia machine.

  53. Jenkins described being called to attend President Kennedy, how he got there with his anesthesia machine, that he found an endotracheal tube had already been inserted.

  54. Yes; the anesthesia was begun at 1300 hours.

  55. Well, a tracheotomy was done, and then an adapter was fitted to this tube, and we had an anesthesia machine there by this time with Dr.

  56. The anesthesia machine had been simultaneously rolled into the room and Dr.

  57. I was notified while I was on duty in the operating suite of the hospital that anesthesia assistance was needed in the emergency room.

  58. Jenkins from the Anesthesia Department, and Dr.

  59. That's about it--that's the extent of the discussion, except with other members of the surgical staff and the anesthesia staff and these people.

  60. In certain instances, in adults, local anesthesia might be sufficient.

  61. The question of the best method of producing anesthesia in this condition of the heart is a serious one.

  62. Under any circumstances it is understood that the anesthetist must be an expert, as there can be no carelessness and nothing but the best of judgment in causing anesthesia when there is cardiac defect.

  63. This condition persisted apparently for five years more, by the end of which time the anesthesia had turned into a hyperesthesia.

  64. A striking symptom was that, when a sensory examination was made during the first few days during one of the periods when she responded well, she showed glove and stocking anesthesia, also anesthesia of neck and left breast.

  65. Nag-ipiktar na ug súgud ang anistisya, The anesthesia is beginning to take effect now.

  66. As has been mentioned in the chapter on diagnostic principles, if the condition is so painful that the subject does not relax the parts and crepitation is masked, local anesthesia is necessary.

  67. The same general plan which is ordinarily employed in correcting luxation is indicated here, but because of the heavy musculature of the hip, complete anesthesia is imperative in all such manipulations.

  68. This may be done by making use of cocain in solution for the production of local anesthesia as in lameness of the phalanges.

  69. The relaxation which attends surgical anesthesia will permit of reduction of the dislocated bone and manipulations such as have just been outlined may be employed.

  70. Its use spread rapidly to other branches of surgery, and cocaine local anesthesia became quickly an accomplished fact.

  71. Its great advantages are ease of administration and rapidity of recovery, making it especially useful for their purposes, while the difficulties attendant upon prolonged anesthesia by it makes it less useful for the surgeon.

  72. Anesthesia is necessary where absolute immobility of the patient is essential and where entire muscular relaxation is indispensable.

  73. Local or general anesthesia should be resorted to in painful and serious surgical operations, as operations upon all living creatures should be humanely performed and all unnecessary pain and suffering avoided.

  74. For complete anesthesia inhalations of chloroform are generally employed; sometimes of both ether and chloroform.

  75. Emotion is able to suppress sensibility entirely by producing absolute side-tracking, and that under such circumstances it was really a question of total anesthesia and not purely psychoanesthesia.

  76. Most of the medical men who believe, or claim to believe, that sexual anesthesia is so prevalent do so either to flatter their hysterical patients or because they have the mentality of the Hyacinthe of Zola's Paris.

  77. But, as a rule, the sexual anesthesia involved is not absolute, but lies in a disinclination to the sexual act due to various causes, in a defect of strong sexual impulse, and an inaptitude for the sexual orgasm.

  78. Examination showed an enlarged and retroflexed uterus and anesthesia of vagina.

  79. Geschlechtstrieb") that the prevalence of sexual anesthesia among German women varies, according to different authorities, from 10 to 66 per cent.

  80. Elsewhere (Ueber die Sexuelle Konstitution) Löwenfeld says it is only among the upper classes that sexual anesthesia is common.

  81. Do you know that the religionists opposed the use of anesthesia on the ground that God sent pain as a punishment for sin, and it was considered the greatest of sacrileges to use it--just think of it, a sin to relieve man of his misery!

  82. Anesthesia is the most humane of all of man's accomplishments, and what a merciful accomplishment it was.

  83. Simpson's application of anesthesia to the relief of pain in childbirth, and his open defiance of the religionists, are beyond the measure of words to evaluate.

  84. Not in their order, nor according to their significance, do I record the following: Anesthesia was discovered.

  85. As the head advances the anesthesia is deepened, and the mother sleeps soundly while the child is being born.

  86. Anesthesia Disorders { as in hysteria or paralysis.

  87. Anesthesia (absence of sensation) { as in the numbness of hysteria; in sensory { paralysis.

  88. This statement, so far as it refers to the drug when applied to mucous membranes, is not in accord with the facts and is true for injection anesthesia only when stronger solutions are used.

  89. The following paragraph, italicized as in the original letter, is the one in question: “Cotton Process Ether contains no components which do not occur in other anesthesia ethers.

  90. The anesthesia produced by this drug at the time of operation is good and the recovery of the patient might often be enhanced by its use if it did not have the serious drawback.

  91. It belongs to the procain rather than to the cocain type, that is, it belongs to that type which, while effective for injection anesthesia (especially when combined with epinephrin) is relatively inefficient when applied to mucous membranes.

  92. Electric Anesthesia [445] It is a well known fact that magnetism is used to demagnetize a watch, and that frost is drawn out of a frozen member of the body by the application of snow.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anesthesia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abatement; alleviation; analgesia; anesthesia; appeasement; callousness; chill; coldness; deadening; deadness; diminution; dispassion; dullness; ease; easement; easing; lessening; lulling; mitigation; narcosis; numbing; numbness; objectivity; pica; reduction; remedy; softening; soothing; stupor; unfeeling; withdrawal