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Example sentences for "narcosis"

Lexicographically close words:
naps; naptha; narcissi; narcissism; narcissistic; narcotic; narcotics; narcotine; narcotism; nard
  1. No special dose can be prescribed: it should be administered until slight narcosis is obtained and pain and vomiting cease.

  2. To carry it farther than slight narcosis and arrest of the most painful symptoms of obstruction is an abuse of the remedy.

  3. Not unfrequently, after pain and vomiting are relieved and slight narcosis kept up for some hours, the bowels relax and spontaneous evacuation takes place.

  4. The apostles of Mammon and Bacchus, the former by interest, the latter by the aid of a narcosis which paralyzes the higher sentiments and reflection, work in concert to maintain this foul swamp.

  5. When the narcosis increases the impotence becomes complete.

  6. Narcosis acts in a similar way on the genetic sense.

  7. Another peculiarity of the sexual appetite in alcoholic narcosis is its bestiality.

  8. This slight degree of alcoholic narcosis causes in man a temporary feeling of pleasure and gayety to which he soon becomes accustomed.

  9. Suicidal poisoning by chloroform will generally be indicated by the surrounding circumstances; and in no case hitherto reported has there been any difficulty or obscurity as to whether the narcosis was self-induced or not.

  10. According to Binx, chloroform narcosis in man is to be explained through its producing a weak coagulation of the cerebral ganglion cells.

  11. The symptoms of ether narcosis are very similar to those produced by chloroform.

  12. Notable narcosis; occasional Narcosis evident; the rest as in vomiting; the rest as in cats.

  13. There is but little outward difference between man and animals, in regard to the symptoms caused by breathing chloroform; in the former we have the advantage that the sensations preceding narcosis can be described by the individual.

  14. It is true that a nervous person might, under such circumstances, faint and become insensible by mere nervous shock; but a true sudden narcosis is impossible.

  15. It is well known, this observer points out, that after the period of excitation and muscular rigidity disappears, there is a lowering of blood pressure in chloroform narcosis and coincidently a sinking of the intra-ocular pressure.

  16. A word in regard to the effect of general narcosis on intra-ocular tension.

  17. Not only this, the intra-ocular tension of normal eyes during this narcosis drops several millimeters.

  18. Thus, Neuschuler has observed that narcosis causes an elevation of the intra-ocular tension of from 2 to 6 degrees as measured with Fick's tonometer.

  19. Deep narcosis and anesthesia were induced, and two hours after awakening his breath smelled strongly of iodoform.

  20. The teeth were placed in a tepid normal saline solution, and the child chloroformed, narcosis being induced in sleep; the gums were cleaned antiseptically, and 3 1/2 hours afterward the child had the teeth firmly in place.

  21. Antipeptone, on the other hand, was found almost wholly wanting in any constant effects, although in one instance deep narcosis was produced.

  22. Thus, the animal passed at once into a condition of narcosis resembling that produced by chloroform, accompanied by a fall of general blood-pressure so great that the animal was liable to die, as from asphyxia.

  23. With amphopeptone, there was far less narcosis and less diminution of blood-pressure, while the effect on the coagulability of the blood was more or less variable, frequently being entirely negative.

  24. And the state of chronic, though mild, narcosis in which the guzzler keeps himself, by still further injuring his reparative powers, contributes to the general result.

  25. It is thus probable that no alcohol can be transformed after narcosis begins.

  26. For reasons above given, however, it is probable that in cases of narcosis some alcohol always escapes.

  27. The muscular tremour of narcosis is unmistakable, and a depressed or fluttering pulse is easily detected.

  28. It is evident that the children of a drunkard, born after the establishment of nervous degeneration in the father's system, may inherit structural narcosis attended by a latent craving for alcohol.

  29. It is fair to suppose that under the continuous influence of tobacco-narcosis the nervous system becomes metamorphosed in some analogous manner, so that after a while tobacco ceases to be of any use and becomes simply noxious.

  30. The narcosis has no relation to the stimulation but one of accidental sequence.

  31. Similar, no doubt, are the symptoms which ordinarily worry the novice, in whom acute narcosis is liable to result from the lack of skill with which he draws in too large a quantity of the narcotic constituents of his cigar.

  32. There is no recoil; there is no stimulation; there is nothing but paralytic disorder from the moment that narcosis begins.

  33. Many men are doubtless in a state of chronic tobacco-narcosis; just as many men and women keep themselves in a state of chronic narcosis from the abuse of tea and coffee.

  34. He sees already that it is not stimulus but narcosis which is ruining the drunkard.

  35. In the great majority of cases, however, the incapacity has been probably induced by chronic narcosis resulting from the long-continued abuse of tobacco.

  36. Accordingly, deeper narcosis was undertaken, and the leg fixed at a right angle in a plaster cast.

  37. It was then proposed to the patient that another narcosis would rid him of the stiffness in his ankle-joint.

  38. Curiously enough, however, the chloroform narcosis had caused the deafness to disappear entirely.

  39. He wept as he was going under narcosis to be operated upon for an intercurrent appendicitis.

  40. He feared narcosis and was told that regular and energetic voluntary movements would also rid him of the stiffness.

  41. Ether or chloroform narcosis drives out the malady at the moment when it reveals its true nature.

  42. It was suggested to the patient that he submit to narcosis with the proviso that he would not be operated upon.

  43. Compare sentiments of a Russian in narcosis (Case 319, Arinstein.

  44. Compare the sentiments of a Russian under narcosis (Case 555).

  45. Another narcosis upon the patient’s insistent request was given but remained without results, and at the time of report, the patient though cheerful and intelligent-looking, was still mute.

  46. At this point the narcosis was suspended, and the irritation with the pin was continued until consciousness returned.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "narcosis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    analgesia; anesthesia; callousness; catalepsy; coma; deadness; dullness; high; lethargy; narcosis; nod; numbness; shock; sopor; stupor; swoon; trance; unfeeling