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Example sentences for "strongly"

Lexicographically close words:
strongest; stronghold; strongholds; strongish; stronglie; strontia; strontian; strontium; strook; strooke
  1. A reserved man--even when he is strongly moved.

  2. Had I been honoured by being asked to advise you on the use of your time when you arrived here I would have been strongly opposed to such a course.

  3. It is the peculiarity of Russian natures that, however strongly engaged in the drama of action, they are still turning their ear to the murmur of abstract ideas.

  4. The ante-room being strongly lighted, I could see under the veil the heightened colour of her face.

  5. When she withdrew her hand the little hat perched on the top of her head remained slightly tilted, with a queer inquisitive effect, contrasting strongly with the reminiscent murmur that escaped her.

  6. You remember that he came here strongly recommended to Peter Ivanovitch--possibly entrusted with important messages for him.

  7. Edith, as true in friendship as in love, was somewhat hurt at the severe strictures which escaped from Morton on this occasion, and which, perhaps, were not the less strongly expressed on account of their supposed rivalry.

  8. Stand strongly up and play the men--the worst that can befall us is but a brief and bloody passage to heaven.

  9. This only inflamed Mrs. Lincoln's curiosity the more, and while bravely disclaiming any belief in dreams, she strongly urged him to tell the dream which seemed to have such a hold upon him, being seconded in this by another listener.

  10. Among the applicants was an old acquaintance of Mr. Lincoln, who was strongly recommended by his friends.

  11. They strongly insisted that Mr. Chase would be an unsafe counsellor, and that he and his supporters favored a Northern republic, extending from the Ohio River to Canada, rather than the Union which our fathers had founded.

  12. We felt very strongly that it would be worse than a waste of time to try to train our men to use the sabre--a weapon utterly alien to them; but with the rifle and revolver they were already thoroughly familiar.

  13. No sooner were we on the crest than the Spaniards from the line of hills in our front, where they were strongly intrenched, opened a very heavy fire upon us with their rifles.

  14. We both felt very strongly that such a war would be as righteous as it would be advantageous to the honor and the interests of the nation; and after the blowing up of the Maine, we felt that it was inevitable.

  15. As it was, with a force half of regulars and half of volunteers, we drove out a superior number of Spanish regular troops, strongly posted, without suffering a very heavy loss.

  16. So strongly did she comprehend the sincerity of his passion for her voice that she could or would see nothing extravagant in this demonstration, which excited unrestrained laughter in every key from her companions in the boat.

  17. Yet the latter alternative appealed strongly to her sense of duty, and as it thereby threw her lover's commands into the background, she left it to her heart to struggle with Carlo, and thought over the two final propositions.

  18. The temples were strongly indented by the swelling of the forehead above them: and on both sides of the head there ran a pregnant ridge, such as will sometimes lift men a deplorable half inch above the earth we tread.

  19. He was too strongly impressed by the new vision of beauty in the house for his imagination to be flushed by the romantic posture of his devotion to a trailing flag.

  20. She seconded strongly the vehement persuasions addressed by Pericles to Vittoria.

  21. The letter was placed in his hands, and he sat as strongly thrilled by emotion, under the mask of his hard face, as a lover hearing music.

  22. Amy for an instant was strongly inclined to retort; but she did not give way to the feeling, and, preferring to walk behind with Dora, did not speak again till they reached the house.

  23. And so Miss Cunningham is your enemy for life," said Dora; "not that there is any fear of the London plan, for mamma is more strongly set against it than ever.

  24. His features were very strongly marked, and expressive of great intelligence, and might even have been called handsome, though his complexion was completely tanned by age, and many years' exposure to the variations of the weather.

  25. For the man in the chimney, assume a voice of low pitch, strongly resonant throughout.

  26. This may be done by means of a piece of string, or better still, whipcord, twisted round it, and pulled strongly in a sawing position by two persons, one of whom holds the bottle firmly in his left hand.

  27. This was seen most strongly in religious orders: there was a traditional life in them of which no mere knowledge could take the place.

  28. He strongly recommended Bossuet's Exposition, as being a faithful account of the Church's doctrines.

  29. How, especially, can the children of the rich be strongly impressed with Christian truth save by those who themselves bear the cross?

  30. He strongly recommended Klee's Manual of the History of Christian Dogmas, and Pouget's Institutiones.

  31. The country is cut on a broad and large scale, which contrasts strongly with the limited and smaller prospects in England.

  32. From the north tower is an immense view over the country, which has some eminences, but not strongly marked features.

  33. She showed me a passage from Padre Ventura, strongly setting forth the paternity of God the Father and the maternity of the Blessed Virgin in parallelism, and compassionating those who held either without the other.

  34. They are already strongly inclined to Catholicism: for the Greeks they have a supreme contempt; but they trust and respect the Catholics: in money transactions the Sublime Porte chooses a Catholic agent.

  35. And yet his feeling was not clear; in the partial wreck of his mind, which was leaning to decay, some after-thought was strongly present.

  36. So strongly do we feel on this point, indeed, that we are almost inclined to consider all who possess really well-conditioned umbrellas as worthy of the Franchise.

  37. I caught one glimpse of his short, squat, strongly built figure as he sprang to his feet and turned to run.

  38. From the first moment that he saw her he appeared to be strongly attracted by her, and I am much mistaken if the feeling was not mutual.

  39. This supposition would be strongly supported by the general mildness of Godoy’s administration, if one instance of cruel and implacable revenge were not opposed to so favourable a view of his conduct.

  40. The Council of Regency strongly recommended the Infante’s departure in the night; but Murat insisted on their setting off at nine in the morning.

  41. His first and unexpected promotion to the sovereignty of Parma had strongly impressed Don Carlos with the idea of Sebastian’s knowledge of futurity.

  42. The ideas of consistency and perfection are strongly attached by every sincere Catholic to his system of faith.

  43. Not so to our worthy divines, who, having had their dinner at one, and a cup of chocolate at six, feel strongly the necessity of a substantial supper before they retire to bed.

  44. It cannot be denied that indignation at the treatment we have experienced strongly urged the nation to revenge; but passion is a blind guide, which thinking men will seldom trust on political measures.

  45. Bearing strongly on the hilt he caused the board to fly up, revealing a little trap about a foot square.

  46. With their backs against the aforesaid widespreading old oak tree, well shaded by the far-reaching branches, sat two gentlemen of widely different color and nationality, united together most strongly by common bonds.

  47. He seemed to bear a charmed life: to covet danger; to laugh at death; the Indians felt a holy horror of coming in his way when they looked upon him, and therefore he was not as strongly opposed as a less terrible foe would have been.

  48. If I may be permitted here to offer my advice, I would strongly recommend that four hundred copies of the New Testament be left there in deposit, with those of Saint Luke in Gypsy and Basque which remain unsold.

  49. It was strongly backed by the Civil Governor of Madrid, within whose department the Censorship is.

  50. The balance of worthful opinion is however strongly in favour of its being by what we now call the Pass of the Little St. Bernard.

  51. It was only on the strongly expressed determination of the promoters of the Bill, that if these clauses were persevered in, it would be withdrawn, that they were abandoned.

  52. By the tightening of these pulleys, the flanges of the wheels, instead of gliding along the outer rails, press strongly against them, and thus the train is able to overcome curves unaccomplishable by any other means.

  53. Thus the District Engineer and the Locomotive Superintendent of the Punjaub Railway report strongly in recommendation of them.

  54. But they were strongly suspected of intention to do so, and were accused by Uncas of giving, notwithstanding their recent assurances, aid and shelter to the hostile tribes.

  55. He had, from the first, been strongly advised by Condé and Turenne to destroy the fortifications of the less important towns, retaining so many only of the larger as to insure the subjection of the provinces.

  56. The villages of Blenheim and Luetzingen had been strongly palisaded and intrenched; Marshal Tallard, who held the chief command, took his station at Blenheim; the Elector and Marshal Marsin commanded on the left.

  57. The pensionary was strongly solicited by his friends to gratify the people by interceding for the pardon of the criminals; but he resolutely refused to adopt any such mode of gaining popularity.

  58. That of the King of England is strongly marked by the duplicity which was the distinguishing characteristic both of himself and of his court as then constituted.

  59. But in Stage D this groove has become very strongly marked in surface views, and looks like a part of the original blastopore of Stage C.

  60. Hertwig), and is moreover more solid and more strongly tinged by colouring reagents than the remaining constituents of the germinal vesicle.

  61. Braun also expresses himself strongly in favour of the flask-shaped cells functioning in the nutrition of the egg[388].

  62. The remarkable observations of Professor Greeff (19) on the parthenogenetic development of the eggs of Asterias rubens tell, however, very strongly against this explanation.

  63. This stage I have not met with, nor can I see any grounds for connecting these bodies with the formation of the yolk, and the fact of their not staining with osmic acid is strongly opposed to this view of their function.

  64. I cannot document that with any specific items which were discussed, but it is pretty strongly a general feeling that this had come out during that discussion.

  65. I was very strongly opposed to segregation, and I am sometimes very violent on that subject, because it hurts me that I live in Texas you know and I do not have colored friends.

  66. And if it didn't, it would be enough for me that I strongly suspect you of disapproving of the affair.

  67. His glance was singularly reassuring; he liked the young man's face; it strongly resembled that of Madame de Cintre.

  68. Beauty and deformity are now more strongly marked than in the lower degrees of the scale of being.

  69. How strongly is the desire for society manifested in these words of Silvio Pellico, when forbidden to converse with his fellow-prisoner.

  70. It is in the early period of a nation's existence, the period of its origin and growth, of its weakness and danger, that the love of country most strongly developes itself.

  71. Among the competitors was a young and timid girl who was conscious of her inferiority in the art, yet strongly desirous of success.

  72. This is owing not more to the love of the ideal, which is usually very strongly developed in early life, than to the desire of knowing what presents itself to the mind as something new and unknown, yet with the semblance of reality.

  73. The patient is strongly excited on any thing that at all rouses the feelings.

  74. The early fathers of the Christian Church were strongly tinged with Platonism, and the Realistic theory accordingly very naturally engrafted itself upon the philosophy of the middle ages.

  75. The incongruity of his present position and appearance with his general neatness of person and dignity of manner would appeal strongly to the sense of the ridiculous.

  76. Does the fact that I am inclined, and strongly so, to a given choice, prevent me from putting forth that choice in the shape of executive volition?

  77. He was a tall man, strongly made and very black; and he stared before him on the table like one stupid.

  78. You know that I have little fear in my composition, and that I care not about death; but I feel the presentiment which I speak of more strongly every hour.

  79. The prisoners protested strongly against this, but without avail.

  80. To appeal yet more strongly to the chivalric hospitality which characterized the chieftain, Sir Niel consented that his wife and daughter Isoline should accompany him.

  81. The wall itself was some four-and-twenty feet in height, and nine in thickness, consequently the spaces between the turrets on the top of the wall formed broad level platforms, which in case of a siege were generally kept strongly guarded.

  82. The imaginations even as the feelings of the young men were already strongly excited, although their thoughts, perchance, were less akin than might have been expected.

  83. Well, I hope you don't feel too strongly about him," she said.

  84. He was not as a rule a clumsy person, but he felt strongly the need of some extraneous incident.

  85. On the other hand, his deportment was too rigid for naturalness, and she was conscious of some quality in his rather too steadfast scrutiny of herself which militated strongly against her usual toleration.

  86. So far as I am concerned, Letitia," he said, "I think that I have never before felt so strongly the desire to leave London.

  87. He was moreover earnestly entreated to be baptized; but this was very strongly opposed by a person in the room.

  88. We strongly recommend this book to the clergy for their own use and for lending to thoughtful and painstaking readers.

  89. Moreover human sacrifices among other nations are strongly condemned, in one passage Jehovah expressly saying that they were not to be offered to Him.

  90. And the sacredness of the city is very strongly insisted on.

  91. And this is strongly confirmed when we reflect that the difficulty of knowing how a free being will act, however great in itself, seems as nothing compared with the difficulty of creating a free being.

  92. And this is strongly confirmed by a little remark as to the desert of Shur, which lies between Egypt and Canaan, and which is described as being before Egypt as thou goest towards Assyria.

  93. These are very strongly in favour of its early date; (1.

  94. And this is strongly confirmed by the book itself; for a large part of it distinctly claims to have been written by Moses.

  95. Moreover, some of the other laws, though applicable to Canaan, are of such a character as to be strongly in favour of an early date.

  96. This similarity in doctrine is indeed so marked that it strongly suggests the same authorship; and if so, it makes it practically certain that the Fourth Gospel was written by St. John.

  97. And this is strongly confirmed by the analogy of nature.

  98. This is the question we have to decide; and we will first consider the Egyptian references in the Pentateuch, and then its Laws, both of which are very strongly in favour of an early date.

  99. These are of a widely different character, and each appeals most strongly to a certain class of minds, so each is often said to be the chief argument for Christianity, but they are probably of equal value.

  100. For when the Resurrection was first announced, the most obvious and decisive answer would have been for the Jews to have produced the dead Body; and their not doing this strongly supports the Christian account.

  101. And, as we shall see, their motives, their conduct, and their sufferings, are all strongly opposed to such a theory.

  102. This is strongly insisted on in the warning clauses of the Athanasian Creed.

  103. At a signal from the emperor the strongly concentrated centre of the French army moved forward in a dense mass, directing their march towards the plateau, which they made all haste to occupy.

  104. The admission of Maine alone would have given a preponderance to the free states, and for this reason it was strongly contended by southern members that Missouri should be admitted as a slave state.

  105. When the Constitutional debates began the trend of opinion seemed strongly against slavery.

  106. This proposition found many advocates and many opposers in this country, it being strongly objected to by northern Congressmen and favored by those from the South.

  107. The next day, after dreadful fighting, the tide turned in favor of the Union forces, which had been strongly reinforced by General Buell during the night.

  108. The allies, strongly posted, still outnumbered the French, and had abundant reason to expect victory.

  109. It was strongly defended, and all his efforts to take it proved in vain.

  110. The Great Men who Founded our Nation=] There is one circumstance that impresses us most strongly in this great event, the remarkable group of able men who laid the foundation of the American commonwealth.

  111. State Socialism=] A principal cause of the break between William and Bismarck was the system of partial state socialism established by him, of which the old chancellor strongly disapproved.

  112. The most influential members of the Assembly had been arrested during the preceding night, and when the hour for the session of the House came the men most strongly opposed to the usurper were in prison.

  113. The dark columns of troops were strongly intrenched behind a small stream, frowning rows of guns threatened the advancing foe, and hope returned to the emperor's heart.

  114. He quietly went to work, and, having strongly garrisoned Saltillo, placed his men so as to seize all the advantages the position offered.

  115. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strongly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    strongly fortified; strongly heated; strongly inclined; strongly intrenched; strongly keeled; strongly marked