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Example sentences for "knowing what"

  • It seemed a sad business to go back now and tell Annie there were no loaches; and yet it was a frightful thing, knowing what I did of it, to venture, where no grown man durst, up the Bagworthy water.

  • Knowing what I knew, I had better, far better, be dead.

  • Knowing what I did of Pharos I could not find it in my heart to credit him with the possession of so much kindly feeling.

  • Knowing what was in your heart, I laid my plans accordingly, and here I am.

  • The colonel ate his breakfast without knowing what he was eating; however, he could not talk to Esther at that time.

  • This let them into a large room where a fire was burning, and a soft genial warmth met them, along with a certain odour, which Esther noticed and felt without knowing what it was.

  • When I say knowingly, I mean, knowing what it is to be a child of God, and to be born again.

  • You have no way of knowing what's in me--what other thing I might have been?

  • As she speaks, and crying under her breath, she pushes the sand by the door down on the half buried grass--though not as if knowing what she is doing.

  • And I say here to-day, knowing what I am saying, I never saw upon the witness stand a man who appeared to be more candid, more anxious and desirous of telling the exact truth than E.

  • It was for honour's sake--how could he live and face them all, knowing what he was, even if they did not know?

  • Happiness consists in knowing what we want, or in imagining that we want something.

  • But it always comes to that in the end, whenever we talk about it, and I am never any nearer to knowing what love is, after all!

  • That you should have done so without my authority astonishes me much; that you should have done so at all, knowing what you do of my principles, astonishes me more.

  • Knowing what we know, it may seem a pointed question.

  • If that Quaker society got a hint of it, there's no knowing what a hullabaloo they might make.

  • Knowing what I wanted to say to my mother, my faculties seemed to be paralyzed when I tried to say it.

  • Knowing what I now knew, I felt that I loved her just as dearly as ever.

  • Knowing what I now knew, the last sacrifice I could make to her would be to obey her wishes.

  • You won't even give me the poor satisfaction of knowing what you're doing," he said.

  • Or rather, knowing what he wanted to do, he couldn't make up his mind to do it.

  • I am a little mad, and there is no knowing what folly I might commit were I allowed to continue at liberty.

  • Barrington stood out clear and distinct, definite in word and action, knowing what he intended to do and doing it without thinking of failure; Lucien was a shadow in comparison, indistinct, waiting rather than acting.

  • Sir, did you not say to my father only to-day as you sat at dinner in the hall, that France was groaning under oppression, and there was no knowing what would be the end of it?

  • One who is one and is knowing what everything is could be directing and she is directing that is she is reasoning and being reasonably understanding what everything is can be directing so that what comes is coming.

  • In not neglecting knowing that Wilbur is a young one she is admiring Wilbur and in admiring Wilbur she is telling everything, she is telling that Wilbur is knowing what he is knowing and not neglecting that thing.

  • What Mr. Lincoln was after he became President can be best understood by knowing what he was before.

  • Still Brettison must have practiced a great deal of cunning for his friend's sake, and there was no knowing what he might have done.

  • That, knowing what I do, compelled from our old associations to be silent, I cannot--dare not go near her again.

  • His intention was to hurry back to his own chambers, feeling that it was impossible for him to go near Bourne Square, knowing what he did, but the yearning for one to share his knowledge proved too strong.

  • Jimmy thought it was rather the other way about, in the sense that he was desirous of knowing what he could do for the editor; but he smiled feebly, and murmured something about a letter he had received.

  • Knowing what we know now, it will be a comparatively easy task to expose the witness Kemp under cross-examination, and show his evidence to be false.

  • If Hill was threatened by Birchill, his first impulse, knowing what a powerful protector he had in Sir Horace Fewbanks, would have been to go to him and seek his protection against this dangerous old associate of his convict days.

  • Knowing what he did, he was afraid that if he was allowed to discover the body and inform the police, he would let something slip when the police came at him with their hundreds of questions.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knowing what" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also very; always going; bring about; done with; dozen men; gave orders; going right; height from; knowing good and evil; knowing look; knowing nothing; knowing that; knowing the; knowing what; long succession; married state; morally wrong; much trouble; one thousand five hundred; other good; rather open; tablespoon melted; that place; thrown overboard; water were; would propose