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Example sentences for "anesthetized"

Lexicographically close words:
anes; anesthesia; anesthetic; anesthetics; anesthetist; aneth; aneu; aneuch; aneugh; aneurism
  1. In turn, this unfettered realm of imagination, peopled with sylphs, nymphs, fairies, contained latent and most propitious possibilities for progressive orchestration.

  2. The fruits of Spohr's activity as a composer present a rather peculiar mixture of progressive zeal and conventional mannerism.

  3. Thus unvarnished phrases of Corelli and Alessandro Scarlatti were boldly transfused into the works of Händel when his own Muse failed him.

  4. Care, however, should be taken to inject just sufficient of the solution to penetrate beyond the zone of operation laterally, to insure sufficient space for the insertion of sutures into anesthetized tissues.

  5. He anesthetized the patient and delivered the child with forceps, and without perineal rupture.

  6. A somewhat analogous case, though not ending fatally, was reported by Hertz of a woman of twenty-six, who was anesthetized for the extraction of the right second inferior molar.

  7. Payne anesthetized the patient, applied the forceps, and extracted the fetus without further accident.

  8. There is a curious accident recorded that happened to a young man of twenty-three, who was anesthetized in order to extract a tooth.

  9. Shaw's statements regarding Governor Connally's condition and his remaining conscious until he was anesthetized by Dr.

  10. He described the fact that Governor Connally was conscious up until the time he was anesthetized in the operating room.

  11. Now Ricky French especially has the air of a demonstrating anatomist over an anesthetized body.

  12. Ted and Oliver must have one talk though before it all happened beyond redemption and Ted started wearing that beautiful anesthetized smile and began to concoct small kindly fatal conspiracies with Elinor and Oliver and some nice girl.

  13. Failing in this manner of procedure, the affected animal is to be cast and anesthetized with chloroform.

  14. The man was anesthetized with chloroform, October 10.

  15. According to Bérard, these phenomena of the anesthetized wounded (who are men recently evacuated from the front and other hospital cases) are of larval alcoholism brought out by the anesthesia.

  16. He was anesthetized in December and several drains were inserted; no result.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anesthetized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anesthetized; arctic; asleep; autistic; benumbed; blunt; catatonic; chill; chilly; cold; comatose; cool; dead; dispassionate; doped; dreamy; drowsy; drugged; dull; frigid; frosted; frosty; frozen; heartless; heavy; icy; immovable; impassive; insensible; insensitive; insusceptible; languid; lethargic; napping; nodding; numb; objective; obtuse; passionless; senseless; sleepy; somnolent; soporific; soulless; spiritless; stuporous; unemotional; unfeeling; unimpassioned; unloving; unresponsive; unsusceptible; unsympathetic; untouchable; yawning