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Example sentences for "impassive"

Lexicographically close words:
impasse; impassibility; impassible; impassion; impassioned; impassively; impassiveness; impassivity; impasto; impatience
  1. There is a fat, impassive type like Buddha.

  2. There was the undoubted miserable failure of her marriage,--the strong possibility of her husband's impassive coldness at her futile flight to his side, at this hour.

  3. The familiar solid figure, with the reserved, impassive face came nearer; Lane reached out his hand.

  4. Then, with a serenely impassive mien, he resumed his seat upon the log.

  5. They lay in the moonlight like fallen statues, their bronze limbs motionless, their high, stern features impassive as death.

  6. Landless, still upon his knee beside her, watched her with a beating heart, while the Susquehannock, leaning upon his gun, bent his darkly impassive looks upon them both.

  7. At length, and when the patience of the whites was well-nigh exhausted, the pipe came back to where the half king sat with lowered eyes and impassive face.

  8. Jud was far more shaken by the adventure than Joe, who was as impassive as ever.

  9. Later on, when the rest of the party roused themselves before sunrise for another day, they found the scientist sitting grim and impassive in the star-shine, still holding the tiny cold hand of the little Indian girl in his.

  10. Her partner was evidently one of the younger Senators, one of those juvenile enthusiasts of forty-five who beat their breasts for some years upon the Senate's impassive front.

  11. Miss Madison could manage to look impassive if a cyclone were raging within her.

  12. I wish that the President and the Senate would begin to play, but they look as impassive as the statues in the parks.

  13. Young as John was, he understood the whole matter as he studied the restless Steve, and compared him with his impassive hero, sitting immovable.

  14. Both women felt all this peace and beauty of the morning dimly, and it disturbed Mrs. Councill because the other was so impassive under it all.

  15. She shot one indignant glance at his impassive face, for he held in rigid control the fire that was consuming him.

  16. For some moments Father Chupin had been studying, with an impassive countenance, the storm of anger he had aroused.

  17. Tall, angular, and solemn, he was as cold and impassive as the stones of his church.

  18. The face is impassive and calm, and the lips, though slight and almost feminine, have an indefinable firmness and character.

  19. He was a pale discontented looking youth, apparently twenty-two or twenty-five, and his servants waited on him with an impassive doggedness of servility, that made its comment on the temper of the master.

  20. His very face and bearing had in them an impassive calmness which magnetised those who watched him.

  21. Every eye turned simultaneously to where Alfred Inglethorp was sitting, impassive and wooden.

  22. His face was impassive as ever, and the strange unreality of the man struck me afresh.

  23. As it was, all glances flew to that silent and seemingly impassive figure upon which all open suggestions and covert innuendo had hitherto fallen without creating more than a pressure of her interlaced fingers.

  24. I only know that I strove to preserve an impassive exterior.

  25. A woman has great aptness in concealing a mortal hurt, and, from what I had seen of this one, I thought it highly improbable that all was quiet in her passionate breast because she had turned an impassive front to the world.

  26. But remembering that he who laughs last laughs best, and that the cause of mirth was not yet over between Durbin and myself, I was able to preserve an impassive exterior even when I came under the major's eye.

  27. The imposing servants inspired awe; they were ceremonious and impassive as if habituated to the most extraordinary actions; as if nothing this lady did could surprise them.

  28. Don Jose, who had made every effort to be impassive when, hours before, the swordsman's death was considered inevitable, shuddered on hearing this.

  29. The sallow-faced Russian, impassive of face, might have been a carved ivory mask.

  30. He laid this on the table, the Turk watching the proceedings with an impassive face.

  31. Frau Meyer got up and leaned over the Fraeulein at the desk, and whispered into her impassive ear.

  32. She was never free of terror, and found herself studying her husband's impassive face, wondering what was behind those dull eyes, fearing the worst always.

  33. Done turned quickly, and started back a step with some amazement on beholding the pale, impassive face of the stranger who had attacked Stony at their camp in the Black Forest.

  34. He was a tall, gray-haired man, with a long, impassive face of peculiar ashen color.

  35. Much to his disappointment, Rouletta remained impassive in the face of this startling announcement.

  36. Kirby's usually impassive face was a sight; it was fearfully contorted; it was the countenance of a maniac.

  37. Kennedy sprang up in his chair and glared angrily at his impassive companion.

  38. He sat down, his hands on his knees, his hat at a more wonderful angle than ever, impassive but solemn, with the aspect of one who appreciates his responsibilities.

  39. His cold, impassive tones sent an icy chill to his hearer's heart.

  40. He seemed overjoyed to see me, so far as one so impassive shows his feelings; and at once assumed that I desired our former relations to be restored.

  41. Then St. Just looked up at the impassive figure.

  42. For a few seconds, he felt a touch of genuine regret, not unmixed with remorse, and the feeling showed itself in his usually impassive face.

  43. His face remained impassive as usual, nor did he make the slightest movement.

  44. St. Just looked on unmoved while, one by one, to lend vraisemblance to the tale, the articles that had been found on him were handed round the circle of impassive listeners.

  45. The young lord instinctively recoiled from any communication with his master armourer, whose grave and impassive face revealed nothing which might be passing in his mind.

  46. During this period he had remained as it were neutral--an impassive spectator of her union with a man who happened to be himself.

  47. The trick succeeded; for in the hurry-skurry that ensued the impassive girl positively laughed outright.

  48. The tea-men, however, remained firm, their countenances impassive as ever.

  49. Ni, as the farmer came up and halted, surveying each of us in turn with an impassive scrutiny.

  50. Her household was governed with a cold impassive exactitude; there were never any hitches, or even high words.

  51. I have seen him perfectly impassive under heavy fire.

  52. Bismarck, impassive as he seemed, must have had his emotions as he quitted this scene of triumph for the banquet-table of the Kaiser of his own making.

  53. But though Odysseus pitied her in heart, His eyes like horn or steel impassive stood Within their lids, and craft his tears repressed.

  54. And Odysseus sitting by Penelope, "Though in his heart he pitied her sad grief, His eyes like horn or steel impassive stood Within their lids, and craft his tears repressed.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impassive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    aloof; anesthetized; apathetic; arctic; autistic; backward; bashful; blank; blunt; bored; bovine; calm; careless; catatonic; chill; chilly; cloistered; cold; constrained; cool; dense; detached; discreet; disinterested; dispassionate; distant; drugged; dull; dwindling; emotionless; empty; even; expressionless; fishy; forbidding; frigid; frosted; frosty; frozen; glassy; guarded; halcyon; heartless; heedless; hushed; icy; immovable; impassive; impersonal; imperturbable; inaccessible; incurious; indifferent; inert; insensible; insensitive; insentient; insusceptible; introverted; isolated; laggard; languid; lethargic; listless; mindless; modest; moldering; objective; obtuse; offish; pacific; passionless; passive; patient; peaceable; peaceful; phlegmatic; placid; quiescent; quiet; regardless; remote; removed; reposeful; reposing; repressed; reserved; restful; restrained; reticent; retiring; rocky; secluded; sequestered; sheltered; shrinking; smooth; soulless; spiritless; steady; still; stoical; stolid; straight; subdued; subsiding; suppressed; tranquil; unapproachable; unconcerned; uncongenial; undemonstrative; undisturbed; unemotional; unfeeling; unimpassioned; uninterested; unloving; unmindful; unmoved; unperturbed; unresponsive; unruffled; unsusceptible; unsympathetic; untouchable; untroubled; vacant; waning; withdrawn; wooden