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Example sentences for "undisturbed"

Lexicographically close words:
undistinguished; undistinguishing; undistorted; undistracted; undistributed; undivided; undivulged; undo; undoe; undoer
  1. Passing from imagination to fact," said solemnly the old surgeon, "I have seen the body of a man lying upon the ground where it had lain undisturbed for eighteen hundred years.

  2. Let the smoothest-faced, sweetest-tongued and gayest-hearted man in the world undergo what I have undergone, and he will discover how many unrecognized devils have been dormant in the serene and undisturbed depths of his being.

  3. And sink the white kerchief deep, deep in the wave, That my head may repose undisturbed in the grave!

  4. Could your Imperial Highness stand by with folded arms and see the whole monarchy, a prey to the flames, sink into ashes at your feet, that your head might rest undisturbed on the lap of the woman you love?

  5. But the artist continued undisturbed to paint in his figure of Death; and the face was the counterpart of that of the Censor.

  6. The home of many," I replied, "is undisturbed for years!

  7. Yet the undisturbed demeanour of the minister confounded me.

  8. Not a moment of undisturbed repose have I enjoyed for the last two months.

  9. To you, Cora, I will urge no words of idle encouragement; your own fortitude and undisturbed reason will teach you all that may become your sex; but cannot we dry the tears of that trembling weeper on your bosom?

  10. Hawkeye spoke to him in Delaware, when the young chief took his position with singular caution and undisturbed coolness.

  11. He paused and turned his head quickly toward a thicket, and then bent his eyes suspiciously on their guide, who continued his steady pace, in undisturbed gravity.

  12. Hawkeye, perfectly undisturbed by the other's manner.

  13. Mrs. Preston's head was lying on the doctor's arm, while he knelt beside the table, watching her pale face in its undisturbed sleep.

  14. Even in these limits of life, when the whole world was banned, it seemed impossible to hold undisturbed one's joy.

  15. In the existing state of Europe a war with Great Britain would have involved the United States in the long-continued agitations of Europe and deprive them of all the advantages of neutrality and undisturbed commerce.

  16. Our troops remained in undisturbed possession of the field, covered with the dead and wounded of our opponent; and his broken forces fled to the river or wandered through the woods.

  17. Undisturbed thereafter, Taylor continued his march, removed all the stores from the fortification at Berwick's, and on the 21st of July moved up the Teche.

  18. Mrs. Gratacap returned to her patient as undisturbed as though the countess had merely requested her presence as a matter of courtesy.

  19. Let the count remain undisturbed until he is convalescent.

  20. There indeed we shall inherit an everlasting kingdom, undisturbed by misery and calamity.

  21. It was useless to point out to her that her alfresco life was singularly blessed and free from care, and the happy lot of any one who could loiter all day by this laughing stream, undisturbed by debt or ambition.

  22. Along the foot of the mountain flows a clear trout stream, secluded and undisturbed in those awful solitudes, which is the "Mercy Brook" of the old woodsman.

  23. There are no other undisturbed tombs of the Caesars in existence.

  24. Big Tom brought his companions to the place, and on consultation it was decided to leave the body undisturbed till Mitchell's friends could be present.

  25. Heaven only knows, however, the pathos of this apparently undisturbed life.

  26. The social order it covered was that of monarchical England, undisturbed by the fiery philippics of Byron or Shelley or the radicalism of a manufacturing age.

  27. It must please the author of "Ramona" to know that it continues in the old ways; and I trust she is undisturbed by the knowledge that the rage for change will not long let it be what it now is.

  28. He had not yet come to a desire to share his secret with any confidant, but preferred to be much alone and muse on it, creating a world which was without evil, without doubt, undisturbed by criticism.

  29. Undisturbed by social claims or public interests, the very noise and whirl of the gay metropolis seem to hem him in and protect the world of his own imagination.

  30. She read Emerson for his sweet spirit, for his belief in love and friendship, her simple Congregationalist faith remaining undisturbed by his philosophy, from which she took only a habit of toleration.

  31. I trust that her autumn is a peaceful one, and undisturbed by either the humorous or the satirical side of Nature.

  32. Men who had been drunken became reclaimed; fairs and markets were undisturbed by quarrelling; factions which had been at feud for centuries smoked the pipe of peace together.

  33. Richard slept undisturbed the sleep of the infantine and just.

  34. These were the thoughts that then possessed the undisturbed mind of Sir Henry Wotton.

  35. Such might be the case with those produced by the vibrations of a bell, when the surrounding air is undisturbed by other causes, and is uniformly elastic at equal distances from it.

  36. As for Jim and his friend, they lay full length upon the deck in the bows of the vessel, keeping a bright look-out over the bulwarks, and apparently undisturbed by the excitement of recent events.

  37. You were tired out, so I allowed you to sleep on undisturbed while Ali and I had a long chat.

  38. It was easier for her when her lover was away, for he wrote delightful letters, but they rarely had one happy and undisturbed hour together.

  39. The communities which dwelt to the north-east, beyond the Vaal River, while distracted by internal feuds chiefly arising from personal or family enmities, were left undisturbed by the colonial government.

  40. The other glanced wistfully at the undisturbed end of the table, and then out through the window at the brilliant sunshine.

  41. And Zoe Lawless remained where she was, undisturbed by everything and everyone about her, as oblivious as the sick man of external things.

  42. The heavy stocks of goods imported last autumn, or laid in from our own manufactories, remain undisturbed and untouched upon the shelves.

  43. They did not contemplate the necessity of amendments for any other causes than such as, after calm, deliberate, undisturbed consideration should be judged necessary.

  44. Nigel went to her assistance, but not without a glance at the open window; which Martha, as acute as if undisturbed either by passion or terror, failed not to interpret justly.

  45. And while thus the censure of a fellow-mortal meets no internal testimony to own its justice, this insensate self-complacency is undisturbed also on the side toward heaven.

  46. And I murmured to myself, "But if this be the soul, why is it so undisturbed and undarkened by the sins which have left such trace and such ravage in the world of the brain?

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undisturbed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    calm; cloistered; comfortable; cool; dwindling; easy; even; gentle; halcyon; hopeful; hushed; impassive; isolated; moldering; nonchalant; pacific; peaceable; peaceful; phlegmatic; placid; quiescent; quiet; reposeful; reposing; restful; secluded; sedate; sequestered; serene; sheltered; silent; smooth; sound; still; stolid; subsiding; tranquil; undisturbed; unimpassioned; unmoved; unperturbed; unruffled; untroubled; waning