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Example sentences for "peaceful"

Lexicographically close words:
peace; peaceable; peaceableness; peaceablie; peaceably; peacefull; peacefully; peacefulness; peacekeepers; peacekeeping
  1. But the heat drove the hardy northmen back to their hills, and Upper India reverted once more to its old peaceful life, Delhi to dreams.

  2. So far as princes and principalities went it was a very distracted country; so far as the peasantry went it was a very peaceful one.

  3. Already he had conceived and carried out the almost inconceivable project of allying himself in honourable and peaceful marriage with the Rajputs.

  4. At this juncture the city gates opened, and a peaceful procession passed out, bearing the recognised symbol of a marriage proposal, a cocoa-nut.

  5. He wished, and he ordered, what we should nowadays call a "peaceful demonstration to the tribes.

  6. The six years which had passed since he had succeeded to his father had been fairly peaceful ones.

  7. Faith must still believe that Audrey wanted nothing so much as a peaceful time at home for her work.

  8. She would be miles away from that dear peaceful spot, with only a rough country road to look out on, and the desolate-looking moor in the distance.

  9. So life touches life a moment, thrills and bids it stay--as two drops of water in a peaceful stream may touch for an instant and in the next be parted by the waving reeds.

  10. His slumber was not of the peaceful kind.

  11. We expressed sympathy and assured her our mission was a peaceful and honorable one, we wanted something to eat and had good money to pay for it.

  12. The homes of the people were comfortable and everything looked peaceful and inviting to the thousands of poor, tired soldiers as they went marching by.

  13. In all probability it was only the last of a long series of otherwise unrecorded irruptions by the mountaineers on the more peaceful dwellers in the lowlands.

  14. Then the Nunne'hi chief told them they had deserved their punishment for attacking a peaceful tribe, and he spared their lives and told them to go home and take the news to their people.

  15. The first permanent mission was established by the Moravians, those peaceful German immigrants whose teachings were so well exemplified in the lives of Zeisberger and Heckewelder.

  16. Cornudet raised his voice: "War is a barbarous proceeding when we attack a peaceful neighbor, but it is a sacred duty when undertaken in defence of one's country.

  17. Others followed, and minute by minute the mountain gave forth its deadly breath and a white puff of smoke, which rose slowly into the peaceful heaven and floated above the summit of the cliff.

  18. A shy nature upon this plane of susceptibility suffers anguish from an uncontrollable body; and even in peaceful moments the memory of the discomfitures so inflicted may distort a man's whole view of the world around him.

  19. She compared his peaceful and uniform life with the mystery which surrounded the stranger.

  20. That happy, peaceful evening was but too soon interrupted by the events to which we will now introduce the reader.

  21. Your tastes, your character, your angelic virtues, fit you also for the enjoyment of such peaceful pleasures and associations.

  22. The sea, perfectly calm, was like a peaceful lake, and its soft murmurs were scarcely audible.

  23. Salem is, as it should be, a peaceful spot.

  24. Beautiful, silent, peaceful time; where no clocks strike the passing hours, no whistles scream the round of toil.

  25. It was the first marriage of Englishman and Indian in the colony, and meant much to the struggling settlers in furthering peaceful relations with the savages.

  26. The peaceful pictures of this little book, multiplied many thousand times, have to be set as a background to the lurid pictures of the Book of Judges.

  27. Put on the whole armour of God,' and when the time comes to put it off, you will have a peaceful assurance as far removed from despair as it is from boasting.

  28. Besides, he probably felt that he would have little chance of winning distinction in a kingdom which was to be a peaceful one.

  29. David personally is promised the continuance of God's help; then a permanent, peaceful possession of the land is promised to the nation, and finally the perpetuity of the kingdom in the Davidic line is promised.

  30. We need nothing more for peaceful acceptance of His providences for ourselves and our brethren.

  31. Certainly there was ignoring of the benefits of the peaceful reign, which had brought security and commerce.

  32. How far beyond his era was the writer who felt that the fairest page in his book was not that which told of battles and triumphs, but that which portrayed a peaceful reign, when swords were turned into ploughshares!

  33. It usually leads to a deeper and more peaceful and harmonious religion than is attained by those who have given the world the better part of their days, and have only the last fragment of them to give to God.

  34. Samuel's peaceful service is contrasted, in the second half of the first verse, with the sad cessation of divine revelations in that dreary time of national laxity.

  35. We need not discuss that remarkable series of judges, who were champions rather than the peaceful functionaries whom we understand by the name.

  36. At every step the view is confuted which makes him a far-seeing statesman who inaugurated and carried through a peaceful revolution.

  37. How much do they tell of the peaceful and holy life which was here closed; how much recall of that triumphant struggle with the weakness of humanity!

  38. So it was at noon; and at night they go to their father, and I have my own hour of peaceful thought.

  39. Later comes the peaceful possession of life, which is as a revelation when the first flare of youth has passed away; but for Dorothea that peaceful time was not yet.

  40. Not of harvests to come, not of peaceful home hearths do they speak in their sorrow.

  41. Occasionally came a long, low, peaceful breath: it seemed floating on the warm shadows.

  42. What a great peaceful star was pausing over the gable of the old palace!

  43. As Frank walked away he thought of two peaceful faces in that upper chamber.

  44. Here, behind the walls, all was sweet and peaceful afternoon, and high overhead hung a pale daylight moon.

  45. It was one that little Dolly, still playing in her childish and peaceful valley, could not understand.

  46. The day's work is over for those who are lying in the peaceful enclosure.

  47. The window was open, the moonlight fell upon her little bed, where she had dreamt so many peaceful dreams, and Dolly set her light upon the window-seat, and stood looking out.

  48. As the boats float shorewards, peaceful sights and sounds are all about, borne upon the flowing water.

  49. With our own looks, with the familiar eyes of others, it watches us through life, the good angel and comforter of the stricken and desolate, the strength of the weak, the pitiless enemy of home and peaceful love and tranquil days.

  50. There was not a sound but the breaking of the water, and all around looked so still and peaceful that I deemed I might safely venture to ramble a little way in quest of game.

  51. The road still skirted the mountains pretty high up, yet still amidst the woods, whence now and then we caught a glimpse of the river shining below, very sweet and peaceful in the gray light of the morning.

  52. The long light flashed on the peaceful Thames, and the great, grim castle was gilded all over its western side.

  53. As may be supposed, the peaceful vale of Ll---- from this time forth became an altered place to Eustace Trevor.

  54. And all through the lonely watches of that night; lock and bolt from within, secured, shut out from all intrusion, the agonized communion of the living with the peaceful sorrowless dead.

  55. No," said Don Ippolito, blushing a little, "they are nearly all of peaceful intention.

  56. The bridge across the stream lay still and peaceful in the sunlight.

  57. The colonists were gathering in their crops, and the little cluster of cabins lay peaceful and deserted in the golden autumn sunlight.

  58. The usually calm depths were stirred, and the peaceful current of his daily duties became convulsed.

  59. No warning of these issues in the peaceful grey light of morn.

  60. No star shone, no moon shed its peaceful rays upon the earth, and for a few moments he allowed the deathlike lethargy of nature to overpower him.

  61. Lord Hartfield rented a chateau on the slope of an olive-clad hill, where he and his young wife, whose health was somewhat delicate at this time, spent a winter in peaceful seclusion; while Lesbia and her brother travelled together in Italy.

  62. Lord Hartfield went a step farther; and within a week of those two funerals of servant and mistress, which cast a gloom over the peaceful valley of Grasmere, he brought down a famous mad-doctor to diagnose his lordship's case.

  63. Forget for once, in this peaceful shade, The sordid ways in which dollars are made, And food and drink and raiment.

  64. No less than five times did Saracen emirs lead their hosts into the country, endeavouring to overcome it not only by force of arms, but by the more peaceful and more certain method of introducing their own industries and customs.

  65. Five days later she was laid at rest with her husband in the peaceful little cemetery at Bonn.

  66. She saw he was discomposed, and therefore, with a feminine instinct, found more to say than usual before she made her peaceful way to bed.

  67. The Rector put on his own robes with a peaceful mind, feeling that he had done his duty, and, with Mr Leeson behind him, came to the church door with great solemnity to meet the procession.

  68. Mr Wentworth was still lingering in this peaceful pause, when he heard, in the stillness, hasty steps coming down Grange Lane.

  69. No more pain for him now, but the long and peaceful sleep of the just.

  70. But the course of this peaceful and happy life was not to run thus smoothly to the end.

  71. All that Prince Nikola could do to conquer Europe by "peaceful penetration" he certainly did.

  72. It is almost impossible for those who have led a peaceful life to realize that real human blood is going to be shed.

  73. However after times will praise, This portion, my prophetic bays, Cannot deliver up to th' rust, Yet I keep peaceful in my dust.

  74. The quarter-day does ne'er affright Our peaceful slumbers in the night.

  75. Though while we living 'bout the world do roam, We love to rest in peaceful urns at home, Where we may snug, and close together lie By the dead bones of our dear ancestry.

  76. Fat be my hind; unlearned be my wife; Peaceful my night; my day devoid of strife: To these a comely offspring I desire, Singing about my everlasting fire.

  77. Good hope was then entertained of a peaceful settlement, and Herrick's ode, enthusiastic as it is, expresses little more than this.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peaceful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    agreeable; agreeing; akin; amicable; attuned; bland; bloodless; calm; cheerful; cheery; cloistered; collected; comfortable; commodious; compatible; concordant; congenial; convenient; cool; corresponding; cozy; cushioned; cushy; dispassionate; dreamy; dwindling; easy; equable; even; frictionless; friendly; gentle; halcyon; harmonious; home; homelike; homely; homey; hushed; idyllic; impassive; inactive; intimate; isolated; judicious; luxurious; mild; moderate; moldering; orderly; pacific; pastoral; peaceable; peaceful; peacetime; philosophical; piping; placid; plain; prudent; quiescent; quiet; relaxed; relaxing; reposeful; reposing; restful; roomy; secluded; sedate; sequestered; serene; sheltered; silent; simple; smooth; snug; sober; soft; soothing; sound; still; stolid; subdued; subsiding; sympathetic; tame; temperate; together; tranquil; understanding; undisturbed; united; unmoved; unperturbed; unruffled; untroubled; waning; warm

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    peaceful settlement; peaceful solution