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Example sentences for "frosted"

Lexicographically close words:
frosen; frost; frostbite; frostbites; frostbitten; frostily; frosting; frosts; frostwork; frosty
  1. Yes, the door closed immediately, yet Eudoxia Pence had a clairvoyant sense of what was going on behind that rather plebeian partition of black walnut and frosted glass.

  2. The shadows of the trees on the frosted ground are dull.

  3. A cosey armchair stood ready for Jessie, with a foot-cushion below it, and the marble slabs of bureau and mantel bore fragile wealth of Bohemian and frosted glass and Parian ornaments.

  4. From the clear soup, to the ice-cream, syllabubs, and frosted cake which were the dessert, each dish bespoke intelligent and elegant housewifery.

  5. The October winds, tossing the late oats and the frosted heather, were lashing the Otter sea into heaving waves and flakes of foam.

  6. Not that the lowland Moor has not its dead, frosted grace in its winter winding-sheet, and its tender spring charm, when curlews scream over it incessantly.

  7. The writer uses a frosted electric bulb in a dark-room lantern, and tones the light to the proper degree for low powers by means of frosted-glass plates which slide into the grooves which have held the ruby and orange glasses.

  8. Ordinary gas-light and the incandescent electric light are unsatisfactory, although the latter gives good results when subdued with a heavily frosted globe.

  9. After that, Rosa brought in tea and toast, and the little frosted cakes that were always such a favorite with Billy's guests.

  10. Oh, and I suppose you'll be sending a frosted cake to the Lowestoft lady, too, eh?

  11. A half hour later Sandy burst through the round door of their igloo to find his chum nursing a badly frosted face.

  12. Dick procured a small piece of the bone as a keep-sake, though for the present his frosted nose was enough to keep the episode in his memory for several weeks to come.

  13. The policemen had just returned from a long, fruitless trek eastward, and the Corporal had frosted his feet.

  14. The sky was black, and the peaks beyond cut into it like frosted wedges of iron and steel.

  15. His eye rested a moment on the square stone tower with its frosted cross that pointed to the sky: then travelled with a leap of many thousand feet to the enormous mountains that brushed the brilliant stars.

  16. My own affections are always frosted over with the Englishman's reserve.

  17. All day the fog has remained: I look out now thro' the yellowish atmosphere across a field which is frosted over, the grass and brambles stiff and glassy.

  18. Just below the densely black projecting gable of the house I saw the crescent moon lying on her back in a bed of purple sky, and I saw our little white frosted garden path curving up towards the garden gate.

  19. It frosted the wool of a few sheep seen in silhouette, and then slowly disappeared in mist.

  20. Then she added a little comb of frosted silver, and laid out several morning-dresses of various hues and styles for the inspection of her mistress.

  21. It was made of frosted silver; it was filled with water as clear as the sky.

  22. The faces of the accountants were of pale gold, for they were an untanned breed, and the face of the old man, their controller, was frosted silver.

  23. Presently he walked over to the window and scraped a peep-hole on the frosted pane with his dirty thumbnail.

  24. Penny crossed to her father's office, tapping on the frosted glass door.

  25. Several times they paused to wipe their frosted goggles.

  26. On either side of the frozen ditches, tall frosted evergreens provided friendly protection from the stabbing, icy wind.

  27. Deliberately keeping to the left hand side of the road, she studied with deep interest the long, snow-frosted fence which bounded the grounds.

  28. I remember when I was a boy," went on the Chancellor tranquilly, "I used to take great pleasure in drawing pictures on frosted window panes.

  29. To hide his smile, the Chancellor passed over to the window and began drawing pictures on the frosted panes.

  30. We had escaped the clutches of the wind, to drown in fog, and in five minutes I had beside me a small, ghostly form with frosted hair, and a white rime on his jacket.

  31. Nobody I know is dishin' out roast beef and frosted cakes for the askin'.

  32. The most convenient light is that given by a 32 or 50 candle-power electric light in a frosted globe, and with the filament waved.

  33. Greville Macdonald, furnished either with a thirty-two candle-power frosted burner or with a Nernst light, is most suitable.

  34. I did as he bid me, and presently the flames went up, as steady as in a chamber, in the midst of the frosted trees, and I beheld these two brothers take their places.

  35. The other burned steadily by itself, and made a broad space of light upon the frosted ground.

  36. My eyes followed his, and rested almost pleasantly upon the frosted contexture of the pines, rising in moonlit hillocks, or sinking in the shadow of small glens.

  37. Sharon, and touching the outer tips of his frosted eyebrows with a huge gloved thumb he clicked to the roan and was off to a sprinkle of bell chimes.

  38. On a stand beneath the powerful picture of the lion behind real bars was a frosted cake of rare beauty.

  39. I need only mention a white favor or two, and a frosted silver flower, because I reserved the same for Josephine Cerinthia.

  40. The frosted flower flashed shudderingly against the lamplight, and with its motion without a pause opened the overture, as by those words themselves invoked and magically won from the abyss of sylvan silence.

  41. Anne peeped out from her frosted gable window with delighted eyes.

  42. But her hair has been frosted up pretty well, and there's plenty of trouble lines around the eyes.

  43. I don't know what there is special about a set of frosted face shubb'ry that sort of suggests bank presidents and so on, but somehow they do.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frosted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.