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Example sentences for "frostbites"

Lexicographically close words:
froo; frore; frosen; frost; frostbite; frostbitten; frosted; frostily; frosting; frosts
  1. The early winds, with a piercing temperature, start a flush of scarlet, while frequent frostbites leave figures in black.

  2. The day, although bright, proved severe, for most of the natives had frostbites about the face.

  3. Many new frostbites were again noted in camp.

  4. In mountainous districts, where the snowfall is heavy and the cold often intense, frostbites are not uncommon, even among animals running at large.

  5. Simple frostbites are best treated by cold fomentations followed by applications of a 5 per cent solution of carbolized oil.

  6. I have referred to the circumstance that I suffered much from frostbites during the winter.

  7. Frostbites are not common amongst Russian troops, even in the severest weather; but I had some trouble from this complaint myself.

  8. They were out for a good time, and they had too much grit and courage to let such trifles as a few frostbites disturb their happiness.

  9. A great many frostbites occurred about this time, 30th, principally in the men's feet, even when they had been walking quickly on shore for exercise.

  10. Although frostbites were frequent during the winter months, immediate attention to the restoration of circulation prevented the occurrence of after-effects, so that no one suffered the loss of any more tissue than the superficial epithelium.

  11. Frostbites were common, but, perhaps for that reason, were not regarded seriously.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frostbites" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.