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Example sentences for "disinterested"

Lexicographically close words:
disintegration; disintegrations; disintegrator; disintegrators; disinter; disinterestedly; disinterestedness; disinterment; disinterred; disinterring
  1. He sees life as a pattern which he simplifies, and weaves a closely wrought fabric which is a symbol of human life as seen by a disinterested but happy observer.

  2. It is a disinterested service to literature.

  3. Yet it will not hold true that America is either disinterested or indispensable.

  4. It brought with it a moral elevation and a great courage that did not shrink from venturing life and fortune for a disinterested end.

  5. But, to do Burke justice, his was a disinterested fear, and it would be fairer to call it a hatred of cruelty.

  6. Disinterested virtue is first suspected and then viewed with incredulity.

  7. They make for hypocrisy, check advance in speculation, and teach us to estimate a disinterested sincerity at a cheap rate.

  8. Still, justice should be rendered to Lord Harrowby; a purer and more disinterested statesman never existed.

  9. Nobody imputes to Althorp a spark of ambition, and ample credit is given him for the most disinterested motives, and for making a great personal sacrifice in retaining his present situation.

  10. A not wholly disinterested plan was forming itself in her mind and gained added strength of purpose with each glance at Vernon's pale, troubled face across the table.

  11. Will you permit me to give you a bit of purely disinterested advice?

  12. While Napoleon had no throne but his rock, they had shown themselves as disinterested as faithful: when he had recovered his crown, they flattered themselves, that they should be recompensed with generosity.

  13. The revival or introduction of any manufacture demands encouragement from the powerful; if that is withheld, who will attempt them merely on disinterested motives?

  14. To practise throwing the sixteen-pound hammer requires rough ground and plenty of space, and as I was scheduled for that at the inter-hospital sports, it was necessary to work when not too many disinterested parties were around.

  15. From this point of view, if from no other more disinterested angle, we owe a great and continuous debt to the splendid people of Britain's oldest colony.

  16. If I know my own heart, I make these sacrifices with a disinterested view to the service of my country.

  17. But then she was led to do a foolish thing, for she began comparing Lord Lullworth with the other young men who had been visiting her in the fulness of their disinterested friendship for her.

  18. Yes, your sense of disinterested justice may be satisfied; but your heart, will it remain equally so?

  19. The question has been raised--Did Madame des Ursins always use the intimate and uncontrolled influence she had obtained over the young Queen of fourteen in a purely devoted and disinterested way?

  20. But Madame de Motteville, less passionate and more disinterested in her judgments, recognises certain advantages possessed by her.

  21. Nor were the latter's efforts entirely disinterested in the matter.

  22. Nehemiah lived till he became very far advanced in years, happy in the love of his people, and in the success of his honest and disinterested labors.

  23. This great and good man stands a noble example and instance of a zealous and disinterested patriot in the cause of religion and its Divine author.

  24. Accept my sincere wishes that your labors in the work of civilization and beneficent progress may be crowned with the success which is due to so bright an example of disinterested public spirit.

  25. A frank simplicity and cordial dependence upon the integrity and upon the sympathy of their children, will ensure to parents their disinterested friendship.

  26. A reasonable notion of punishment, and a disinterested love of truth, is well introduced by the following picture.

  27. Jack was in the costume which had flushed her curiosity so vividly on the pass and he appeared the same amused, disinterested and wondering traveller who had then come upon strange doings.

  28. His quivering words were spoken to a profile of bronze, over which flickered a smile as she answered with a prompting and disinterested analysis.

  29. From these remarks we gather how invaluable the trustworthy narrative of this disinterested and well-informed traveller would have been.

  30. There is nothing disinterested in the notion, because we cannot be at our ease with them unless they are at their ease with us.

  31. And, sir, you are not a disinterested witness, we must bear in mind.

  32. The more courageous and disinterested she is, the more care we must take of her.

  33. At these times she could not only pity all who suffered, but congratulate all who enjoyed, and could afford feelings of disinterested regard to Philip, and of complacency to Miss Bruce.

  34. All who had thus far taken part in this discussion had resembled partisans or advocates rather than disinterested judges.

  35. In order that an action may gain the approval of the spectator two other things are required besides its salutary effects: it must be a mark of character, of a permanent disposition, and it must proceed from disinterested motives.

  36. Accordingly an action or trait of mind is virtuous when it calls forth in the observer an agreeable, disinterested sentiment of approbation.

  37. The psychological roots of virtuous action are the social and disinterested affections, which nature has implanted in all beings, especially in those endowed with reason.

  38. The latter is a natural, though not a disinterested affection: happiness enjoyed with others is greater than happiness enjoyed alone.

  39. Hume is obliged by this latter position to show that disinterested benevolence actually exists, that the unselfish affections do not secretly spring from self-love.

  40. He apologized, and said he thought I would be proud of doing disinterested work, and he was sorry the mistake had been made regarding the sister who did it.

  41. He was the last man in the world to give pain to anyone, and I highly admired him for his disinterested work on The Register.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disinterested" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; aloof; altruistic; apathetic; benumbed; blah; blase; bored; candid; careless; casual; chill; colorless; comatose; committed; dedicated; detached; devoted; disinterested; dispassionate; disregardful; distant; dull; easygoing; equitable; even; fair; generous; heartless; heedless; honorable; hopeless; humble; impartial; impassive; impersonal; inattentive; incurious; independent; indifferent; just; lackadaisical; languid; lethargic; liberal; listless; lofty; mindless; modest; negligent; neutral; nonchalant; numb; objective; passive; perfunctory; phlegmatic; reckless; regardless; remote; resigned; selfless; slack; sluggish; soporific; spiritless; stolid; stupefied; supine; torpid; unbiased; unconcerned; undiscriminating; uninfluenced; uninterested; unmindful; unprejudiced; unpretentious; unselfish; unsympathetic; withdrawn