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Example sentences for "unbiased"

Lexicographically close words:
unbending; unbends; unbeneficed; unbent; unbeseeming; unbiassed; unbidden; unbind; unblamable; unblameable
  1. The way in which I am most able to aid the cause of the country is to sit quietly here, and give my sincere and unbiased opinions upon all that passes which appears worthy of particular notice.

  2. Thus it is, that the thoughtful and unbiased student looks upon Cobbett’s character and career.

  3. There is no skepticism so offensive as that which doubts the facts of honest and careful observation; no Infidelity so gross as that which disbelieves the deductions of competent and unbiased judgments.

  4. And here it may be remarked, once for all, that no man who has subscribed to creeds and formulas, whether in theology or philosophy, can be an unbiased investigator of the truth or an unprejudiced judge of the opinions of others.

  5. The main object of the book is to present facts in an unbiased way and for the first time we have them in anything like completeness.

  6. This truth must be apparent to any unbiased mind!

  7. Unbiased observation goes to show that there are no peoples without certain conceptions that may be regarded as precursors of the later god-ideas.

  8. That these creations, to say nothing of any other proofs, point back to powerful religious personalities, the unbiased will regard as certain, though from this third point of view the question is of subordinate importance.

  9. I do not conceal from myself, however, that the present work will excite discussion and bring forth legimate objections, and will only satisfy independent and unbiased investigators.

  10. It is prudent, then, to observe with unbiased judgment all such matters as these, and to try to determine their causes, which are perhaps of different kinds and more numerous than has ever been supposed up to the present time.

  11. When a thoughtful and unbiased Mohammedan examines the Westminster Catechism, he knows that beyond any question I am spiritually insane.

  12. When I, a thoughtful and unbiased Presbyterian, examine the Koran, I know that beyond any question every Mohammedan is insane; not in all things, but in religious matters.

  13. But even if we leave out of consideration any matter of sympathy, if we look upon the situation in an entirely unbiased spirit, the conclusion which I propose to lay before you appears to be irresistible.

  14. I am far enough outside to look on in an unbiased way; but they treat us architects in the same fashion.

  15. What was more, I wanted an honest man who would form an unbiased opinion.

  16. Nasmyth looked thoughtful, and when he answered, it struck Lisle that he was making an effort to give an unbiased opinion.

  17. These brief and imperfect outlines from two small and generally forgotten books, ought to satisfy any intelligent and unbiased student how completely the general thesis may be demonstrated from the ancient records themselves.

  18. Our job would be to analyze each and every UFO report and try to find what we believed to be an honest, unbiased answer.

  19. This was the unbiased processing of UFO reports through normal intelligence channels.

  20. If anyone became anti-flying saucer and was no longer capable of making an unbiased evaluation of a report, out he went.

  21. We asked an astronomer, whom we knew to be unbiased about the UFO problem and who knew every outstanding astronomer in the United States, to take a trip and talk to his friends.

  22. In concluding his judgment Mr. Willis took occasion to remark that he had formed his opinion of the case on its intrinsic merits, unbiased by any political considerations.

  23. He wants my first unbiased judgment; he's right, of course, but it's too late for that now.

  24. You all thought my version a bit wild, but here's confirmation from an unbiased witness.

  25. I beg Professor Grasset not to confound the impartial, unbiased research for scientific truth with spiritism.

  26. What man, sincere and unbiased in his opinions, could repeat to-day the famous credo quia absurdum?

  27. An unbiased investigation of the dogmas and their supposed historical foundations will prove that the salvation which Christianity offers, and the means by which it proposes to effect the world's salvation, are extremely fanciful in nature.

  28. THE JESUS OF PAUL The central figure of the New Testament is Jesus, and the question we are trying to answer is, whether we have sufficient evidence to prove to the unbiased mind that he is historical.

  29. These are the unbiased facts as given by Professor Goodnow in his book on city government.

  30. Historical research owes a debt of gratitude to Father Grisar for the calm unbiased manner in which he marshals the facts and opinions on Luther which his deep erudition has gathered.

  31. Voigt gives as his opinion that: “In this matter Luther neither showed himself unbiased nor did he act uprightly and honourably.

  32. With respect to sympathetic curiosity, unbiased responsiveness, and openness of mind, we may say that the adult should be growing in childlikeness.

  33. Yet to an unbiased judgment it would appear plain that a man must be interested in what he is doing or he would not do it.

  34. It was like the contrast between her indolent face and her clear, unbiased gaze, that would not flinch or deceive itself from or about anything that it met.

  35. But before doing that, let us also commit ourselves to an unbiased interpretation, free of any racial prejudice.

  36. These are all tasks of high order, requiring a broad perspective and an unbiased viewpoint.

  37. These men had thrown off the fetters of education, and were, unbiased by any sectarian feeling, being guided solely by their prayerful researches into divine truth as revealed in the Bible.

  38. The unbiased people, observing the face of things, could do no other but look for the Messias.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unbiased" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    candid; detached; disinterested; dispassionate; equal; equitable; even; factual; fair; fence; frank; honorable; impartial; impersonal; independent; indifferent; just; literal; lofty; neutral; objective; selfless; square; unbiased; uncolored; uninfluenced; unprejudiced; unselfish