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Example sentences for "equitable"

Lexicographically close words:
equipped; equipping; equips; equipt; equis; equitably; equitant; equitation; equite; equites
  1. But equitable as these propositions were, they were rejected.

  2. When we speak of the power to lay taxes, we understand by it a demand of money from the community, regulated by fixed and equitable principles, indiscriminate as to persons, and the species of property taxed.

  3. In their decision, they will doubtless equally consult what is due to equitable considerations and to the public interest.

  4. Have none of my fellow-creatures an equitable right to any part which is called mine?

  5. In the same year, by answers from the several subordinate meetings, it was ascertained that an equitable settlement for past services had been effected between the emancipated negroes and their masters in all save three cases.

  6. They excluded the imperial councillors who advocated more equitable views, and the Archbishop of Mentz himself ceased for a time to appear in the diet.

  7. It was not sufficient to dismiss from every public office the pensioners of foreign princes, and substitute pious men in their place; the federal compact must be remodelled, and settled upon a more equitable basis.

  8. It would throw upon one description of persons in the community that burden which ought by fair and equitable distribution to rest upon the whole.

  9. But the Parisians were not long doomed to enjoy the quiet and prosperity which had been obtained for them by the equitable laws instituted by Julian.

  10. I will also add another establishment which has existed for many years and always conducted their business on equitable terms, being that of M.

  11. The king was so equitable as to order the cause to be tried by the great council!

  12. If a prince, much dreaded and revered, like Henry, obtained but the appearance of general consent to an ordinance which was equitable and just, it became immediately an established law, and all his subjects acquiesced in it.

  13. By this spirit of devotion, no less than by his equitable and politic administration, he gained, in a good measure, the affections of his subjects.

  14. It seemed equitable that one who had cultivated and sowed a field should reap the harvest: hence fiefs, which were at first entirely precarious, were soon made annual.

  15. This equitable sentence was no sooner known in England, than Leicester and his confederates determined to reject it, and to have recourse to arms, in order to procure to themselves more safe and advantageous conditions [f].

  16. He was a merciless punisher of calumnies; he restrained the exactions of the treasury wherever he could; he was a careful discriminator of right and wrong; an equitable judge, and very gentle towards those placed under his authority.

  17. On the breaking up of the Clermont Phalanx and the Cincinnati Brotherhood, Mr. Warren went to the spot where both failures had taken place, and there found four families who were disposed to try 'Equitable Commerce.

  18. It was then that he developed the doctrine of Individual Sovereignty, and devised the plan of Equitable Commerce, which he labored on incessantly for many years.

  19. After supper I had conversation with several persons on Mr. Warren's plan of 'Equitable Commerce.

  20. Why should it be the same with the economic reform desired by socialists, that is the equitable division of wages; for example, by the aid of a coöperative system or by the reduction of capital to a minimum?

  21. This request appeared so equitable that he complied without hesitation; but Ambrose, foreseeing the consequence, prevailed upon the emperor to have the matter determined by a council of the Western bishops.

  22. By such regular and equitable methods of providing for all classes of employees, a zeal and independence was fostered.

  23. It recommended that the Red River and Saskatchewan districts might be "ceded to Canada on equitable principles," the details being left to Her Majesty's Government.

  24. All the fruits of victory were lost again in the congress of Passau, and the diet of Augsburg, when an equitable peace seemed guaranteed to the Protestants.

  25. He brought forward two resolutions, to prevent bribery at elections, and secure a more equitable representation.

  26. The reason of this is, that good laws are no permanent security, unless enacted by equitable methods.

  27. The people are not merely to have good laws, well administered; but they must have an equitable mode of making those laws.

  28. We believe that where domestic difficulties arise, no appeal should be made to legal tribunals under existing laws, but that all difficulties should be submitted to the equitable adjustment of arbitrators mutually chosen.

  29. Nothing else "is an equitable mode of making laws.

  30. At a meeting of the Guardians on April 1st, a resolution was adopted declaring the mulct to be unequal, and advising that steps be taken to place it upon a fair and equitable basis.

  31. The victor made himself loved by the Britons, by his equitable and wise administration, and continued to reside amongst them till the abdication of Diocletian.

  32. He lessened, as much as possible, the tribute levied on the vanquished Britons by an equitable adjustment, suppressed the most onerous monopolies, and multiplied the means of transport and commerce.

  33. Equitable provision had been made for each of them, it being intended that Henry should succeed to the English throne, as well as to the territories of Normandy, Anjou, and Maine.

  34. Anxious, however, for the liberty and independency of their country, they took care to stipulate very equitable conditions, ere they intrusted themselves into the hands of so great and so ambitious a monarch.

  35. This equitable sentence was no sooner known in England, than Leicester and his confederates determined to reject it and to have recourse to arms, in order to procure to themselves more safe and advantageous conditions.

  36. I therefore respectfully suggest that Congress might aid both the army and naval services by a definite provision on this subject, which would at the same time be equitable to the communities more especially interested.

  37. More than that, he agreed to confer with his client and arrange an equitable settlement.

  38. To what lengths he carried this equitable procedure evinced itself during the trial of a railroad suit, at which counsel on the other side were, so to say, caught napping.

  39. The prætors, as the guardians of social faith, admitted every rational evidence of a voluntary and deliberate act, which in their tribunal produced an equitable obligation, and for which they gave an action and a remedy.

  40. Either the Roman landlord was expelled by his strong and insolent guest, or the annual payment, a third of the produce, was exchanged by a more equitable transaction for an adequate proportion of landed property.

  41. In the exercise of private justice, he was equitable and rigorous: a shameful and pernicious venality was abolished, and the offices were filled with the most deserving candidates, by a prince who had sense to choose, and severity to punish.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equitable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    balanced; candid; defensible; deserved; detached; disinterested; dispassionate; due; equal; equitable; even; fair; fit; good; honest; honorable; impartial; impersonal; indifferent; judicious; just; justifiable; justified; lawful; legal; level; meet; merited; neutral; nonpartisan; objective; proper; reasonable; right; rightful; square; straight; unbiased; uncolored; uninfluenced; unprejudiced; upright; warrantable; warranted