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Example sentences for "rest upon"

  • Those projections at the mast-head serving as shoulders for the top or trestle-trees to rest upon.

  • Pieces of soft wood, covered with canvass, placed on the trestle-trees, for the eyes of the rigging to rest upon.

  • A wedge used to secure anything with, or for anything to rest upon.

  • The point, however, was too important to rest upon an observation made from such a distance, and I therefore abstained from mentioning it subsequently.

  • We had to squeeze ourselves through narrow fissures, and often to get round overhanging ledges, where our main trust was in our feet, but where these had only ledges an inch or so in width to rest upon.

  • It is not to rest upon professions of the Candidate, or protestations of his Friends.

  • So strange indeed are the obliquities of admiration, that they whose opinions are much influenced by authority will often be tempted to think that there are no fixed principles[13] in human nature for this art to rest upon.

  • This one, to be sold at auction, was made after a newer pattern, and, as my eyes continued to rest upon it, the desires to have it in my parlor was fully formed.

  • Proverbs are generally based upon experience, and this one, I am ready to admit, is not without a good foundation to rest upon.

  • My relief was great when the conversation flowed on again, and in another channel; for I then perceived that suspicion did not rest upon me.

  • If you prefer the weight, you must have a small shelf for the weight to rest upon, when it has descended sufficiently low, or the cards will be forced entirely out by the thread.

  • Give each leg a shoulder for the sides to rest upon.

  • If this subjective community is to rest upon an objective basis, or to be applied to substances as phenomena, the perception of one substance must render possible the perception of another, and conversely.

  • Thy lap fain would I rest upon, Though faithlessly from thee I fled Still thy chains draw thy wand'ring son Oh!

  • Therefore his bearing did not, could not please her, and she allowed a glance of annoyance to rest upon him, which did not escape his notice.

  • But no matter how many false and culpable ideas it has--its principles, nevertheless, rest upon a foundation of morality.

  • But there must be some ground for foreknowledge to rest upon; otherwise it is conjecture, not knowledge.

  • But I confess the theory of such a long period of judgment does not seem to me to be sustained by the most approved rules of exegesis, and therefore I am unwilling to rest upon it to sustain my own hypothesis.

  • Above us there are fields of ice stretching many a league, save where some needle-shaped summit of naked rock, too steep for snow to rest upon, shoots up in lonely grandeur thousands of feet, and defies the raging elements.

  • It is Allah's will that mortal eyes shall never rest upon it, therefore bad fortune and violent death overtake those who defy the divine wrath and attempt to penetrate the mystery.

  • Go, and may the peace of Allah, the Omniscient, rest upon thee in the hour of thine adversity.

  • These will be each five feet eight inches in length, and four inside pieces, each six feet in length; this allows two inches at the top for the ends of the end-plates to rest upon.

  • Stat nominis umbra--their pretensions are lofty and unlimited, as they have nothing to rest upon, or because it is impossible to confront them with the proofs of their deficiency.

  • NOTES to ESSAY III (1) If we take away from the present the moment that Is just by and the moment that is next to come, how much of it will be left for this plain, practical theory to rest upon?

  • There must be distinct stages and salient points for the eye to rest upon or start from in its progress over the expanse before it.

  • When a Crown is dragged in the dirt and degraded, the probability is, that he whom the cap fits is the one whose head it ought to rest upon.

  • It is evident from the above account, that there is something very rotten in the foundation which the Scotch Peers have to rest upon.

  • There must be the contrast of plain surfaces with ornamented--plain for the eye to rest upon, ornament for the mind to enjoy.

  • According to the definition given of transcendental illusion, we naturally expect Kant's argument to show that the Paralogisms rest upon a failure to distinguish between appearance and reality.

  • Kant assumes as established that any such criterion must rest upon the a priori; and in this connection Berkeley is conveniently made to figure as a thoroughgoing empiricist.

  • The doctrine of objective affinity already developed in the above sections is now made to rest upon a new faculty, the productive imagination.

  • It can be shown to rest upon a complexity of generative conditions and to involve a variety of distinct factors.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rest upon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ancient name; but then; having slain; inclined plane; league broad; rational being; rebel battery; rest and; rest assured; rest billets; rest from; rest myself; rest thee; rest upon; resting place; resting upon; restore order; restore peace; restore the; restore them; restrain them; restrained himself; restrained myself; somewhere else; text decoration; tried again