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Example sentences for "neutral"

Lexicographically close words:
neurotics; neus; neuter; neuters; neutestamentlichen; neutralisation; neutralise; neutralised; neutralises; neutralising
  1. Spain remained neutral in World Wars I and II.

  2. The growing political and economic union of Europe suggests that Switzerland's time-honored neutral separation is becoming increasingly obsolete.

  3. Why can the Hudson Bay Company employee remain amid these scenes of blood and Indian vengeance against the white race, at peace, undisturbed, and, what is more loathsome, neutral in such a conflict?

  4. At other times neutral tones are deliberately produced by the combination of, for example, red and green lines.

  5. In this instance Dan would give the "Prince" the assumed character of a neutral merchant ship that desired to play a humane part.

  6. Under international law a naval commander is entitled to hoist any neutral or belligerent flag, including even that of the enemy, in order to maneuver into fighting position.

  7. The newly appointed Cherokee agent, having failed to reach his agency until late in the spring, proceeded to the neutral land in August, and again notified the trespassers to remove within thirty-five days.

  8. Their generally accepted western limit was the Catawba River and its tributaries, the region between this river and Broad River being usually denominated a neutral hunting ground for both the Catawbas and the Cherokees.

  9. The requirement of the treaty of 1866 as to the appraisal of the neutral lands was carried into effect by the appointment of John T.

  10. Rudolph Donnerhugel will send Arthur Philipson word when a fair and equal meeting can take place on neutral ground.

  11. Let us pass on to a more peaceful subject, to neutral relations, which are more profitable to men.

  12. Neutral relations (commerce) are but little developed among the uncivilised, and only begin really to assume any importance among the half-civilised; they attain a high degree of development among the civilised.

  13. Zulma resumed: "I am sure he is neutral like my father, and such will not be annoyed.

  14. You have resolved to be neutral in this war.

  15. If I took part in this war, I should do so openly, but so long as I remain on neutral ground, I will not allow my premises to be violated by either party.

  16. Insoluble in absolute alcohol, water and other neutral solvents.

  17. Thus the semi-liquid food highly acid in character comes in direct contact with the delicate intestinal walls which are accustomed, not to the acid, but to a neutral or alkaline medium.

  18. These constituents thus dissolved pass through the walls and recombine in the form of neutral fat droplets, probably during the passage through the walls, since they appear in this form in the cells.

  19. However, that in the fundus is neutral in character or even slightly alkaline, according to Howell, while that in the middle region is highly acid.

  20. He had no sympathy for the still human tenderness with which so many of us regard the mortal remains of those they have loved, or with the solemn or friendly interest in which that tenderness so often reflects itself in more neutral minds.

  21. In the present case, however, an ungraduated acceptance of the labour bestowed on him was part of the neutral attitude which it was his constant endeavour to maintain.

  22. His only proviso was that he should remain neutral in respect to its fulfilment.

  23. When the difference presented itself in a neutral aspect, it affected him like the casual peculiarities of a family or a group, or a casual disagreement between things of the same kind.

  24. Mr. Browning, for his own part, maintained a neutral attitude in the matter.

  25. N/10 silver nitrate solution, using a neutral solution of potassium chromate as indicator.

  26. The experiments were made on neutral lard and lard containing 5 per cent.

  27. The chief aim of the refiner is to remove these impurities without saponifying any of the neutral oil.

  28. It is extremely difficult to prevent discoloration of fatty acids, hence the products of saponification in this way do not compare favourably in appearance with those produced from the original neutral oil or fat.

  29. The granular mass will boil steadily, and the boiling should be prolonged, as the last traces of neutral oil are difficult to completely saturate with alkali.

  30. The dyer of silk requires soap, which is neutral and of a pleasant odour.

  31. This reaction also occurs with the neutral glycerides of these acids, olein being converted into elaidin, which melts at 32°C.

  32. The ester or ether value, or number of milligrammes of KOH required for the saponification of the neutral esters or glycerides in 1 gramme of fat, is represented by the difference between the saponification and acid values.

  33. Soaps intended for this class of work must be quite neutral (to obviate any possible alteration in colour by the action of free alkali), free from objectionable odour and rosin, and readily soluble in water.

  34. The fabric is thoroughly cleansed, for which purpose the soap should be neutral and free from rosin and silicates, otherwise a harsh feeling or stickiness will be produced.

  35. By persuading Brabant and Hainault to be neutral between France and England, the new pontiff broke up the last remnant of the Anglo-imperial alliance.

  36. In return for a huge ransom Charles was to obtain his liberty, be recognised as Duke of Brittany, marry one of Edward's daughters, and promise to remain neutral in the Anglo-French struggle.

  37. She felt herself for the moment in a neutral territory that was scarcely terrestrial.

  38. Realization of where and who she was came back to her with much more than the usual neutral relief at slipping into one's own personality as into the first protection available against the vague horror of nihility.

  39. Melton did not forbid her to take up her child, but he said in a neutral tone, "It would be better for her to lie perfectly quiet.

  40. The law of 1878 allowed communes to make grants to private schools on condition of their becoming neutral in the matter of religion.

  41. For she was close upon the tract of sand-hills--a picture of desolation in the sullen murk, the winding hollows between their pale formless elevations bearing a harsh growth of neutral tinted sword-like grasses.

  42. They resented England’s right to search neutral ships, with the result that the latter Power could not retain her supremacy at sea, a cause of Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown and the consequent loss of the American Colonies.

  43. His position was difficult in the extreme, for while Genoa posed as a neutral the French did very much as they pleased, and the Austrian Army, subsidised by England, was “slow beyond all description.

  44. In addition a large French frigate had put into the neutral port of Leghorn, which gave him further anxiety.

  45. Only two neutral ports came seriously under consideration; Batavia and Padang.

  46. The sinking of liners carrying passengers claiming citizenship in neutral countries was another precedent, which had the same effect with regard to diplomatic exchanges.

  47. Neutral nations, such as the Netherlands and Norway, found it necessary, to maintain their neutrality, to keep watch for such action.

  48. Germany's enemies protested against the illegality of these attacks; neutral nations protested because they held that their rights had been overridden.

  49. February, 1915, by the public of the neutral as well as belligerent countries.

  50. Neutral ships, in order to escape attack by German submarines had to resort to unusual methods of self-identification.

  51. In hostile and neutral countries the Courland invasion provoked comment indicating astonishment at the resources of the Teutonic powers in being able to extend their lines while already fully engaged on an enormous front.

  52. Her black hull, white deck houses, and lofty yellow funnels had been repainted a neutral grey.

  53. The torpedo from the recreant submarine had converted one more biassed neutral into a staunch moral foe of kultur.

  54. Extreme caution was necessary, since he had been specially warned not to commit anything that could be construed by a neutral state into an unfriendly act.

  55. Finally the ship from truck to water-line was painted a neutral grey; her name was changed, and under the White Ensign appeared in the Navy List as H.

  56. In the second place, it was agreed that "contraband of war" found on an enemy or neutral ship was a lawful prize; any ship suspected of carrying it was liable to search and if caught with forbidden goods was subject to seizure.

  57. The German decree added that, as the British admiralty had ordered the use of neutral flags by English ships in time of distress, neutral vessels would be in danger of destruction if found in the forbidden area.

  58. In the third place, international law prescribed that a peaceful merchant ship, whether belonging to an enemy or to a neutral country, should not be destroyed or sunk without provision for the safety of crew and passengers.

  59. A new question arose in connection with American trade with the neutral countries surrounding Germany.

  60. In effect, Americans were now licensed by Great Britain to trade in certain commodities and in certain amounts with neutral countries.

  61. The passages in brackets are the work of a neutral correspondent.

  62. I learn from a neutral merchant that----.

  63. Neutral nations notified by Germany that Consuls will not be recognized further.

  64. On receipt of wireless information that war had been declared, their ship promptly put into Rio Janeiro toward the middle of August, and it was two weeks later before the Wolfs found a neutral vessel headed for Holland.

  65. More anti-German riots in London; paintings removed from National Gallery to places of safety: Kitchener orders sobriety among soldiers; Germany protests to neutrals against seizure of Germans on neutral merchant ships.

  66. It is perhaps the most important question upon which neutral countries, and especially neutral English-speaking countries, should have a true answer.

  67. Has England shown a care for neutral States in this case?

  68. I was on the edge and frontier of a neutral State.

  69. Military attachés of neutral countries allowed to visit theatre of war.

  70. The drawback in being so neutral and so near the stage of all these dramatic proceedings, is that we are overwhelmed with "latest dispatches.

  71. All nations have cynically violated treaties at one time or another, but there is about a solemnly undertaken treaty by the great European powers and affecting the happiness of the smaller neutral States something particularly sacred.

  72. The German merchants are taking advantage of this arrangement, offering their goods to Russian consumers through their agents and branch houses and commercial agents located in neutral countries.

  73. In case of a shortage of war supplies Russia will be able to get them from neutral countries--for example, from the United States.

  74. Six hundred passengers poured out of the French train at noon into that neutral zone and started to walk to Swiss safety.

  75. We refused this stipulation, not because we were after those colonies, but because a so-called neutral power tried to impose conditions upon us she would never have dreamed of asking from France.

  76. Skill in taking bearings was essential, since there was no desire to err even a cable's length on the neutral side.

  77. Amongst the many services to be performed before the huge guns began to hurl their enormous projectiles at the foe, the buoyage of the adjacent neutral waters of Holland had to be made.

  78. Its direction was roughly south-west, which meant that it was being dragged away from neutral waters.

  79. They were cruising in neutral waters, but the German populace was not to know that.

  80. At the present time it is hardly safe for a neutral ship to be at sea.

  81. This torpedoing of neutral vessels is a praiseworthy affair," explained the count.

  82. He felt sorely tempted to descend and confront the two spies with the muzzle of the weapon until he realised that in a neutral country it is well to be discreet.

  83. Retreat both to Germany and to neutral ports was cut off.

  84. Those making for Scandinavia are generally left alone; it is only neutral vessels bound for British ports that are sunk.

  85. I vote we go cautiously, to make sure that we are in neutral territory.

  86. Once again, in spite of their cautious cruise in neutral waters, one of the ships had been sent to the bottom.

  87. Slowing down within hailing distance, her officers and crew came on deck to gloat over the sinking of a helpless neutral merchantman.

  88. This was obvious, since the buoy, actually on the line of demarkation, had been swept away from the neutral zone.

  89. The fact is, that although both the States and Canada export to the same neutral market, prices on the Canada side of the line are lower than on the American, by the amount of the duty which the Americans levy.

  90. If, therefore, the knowledge of a fact is to be arrived at, it is, above all things, necessary that the inquiry bear a tint so neutral that the person to whom it is addressed shall find it impossible to reflect its colour in his reply.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neutral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; anemic; apathetic; ashen; autonomous; bland; bloodless; broad; cadaverous; candid; castrated; changeable; cogwheel; cold; collective; colorless; conservative; cool; dead; detached; differential; dim; dingy; discolored; disinterested; dispassionate; dormant; dull; emasculated; equitable; even; faded; faint; fair; fallow; featureless; fence; flat; freethinker; frigid; frustrated; gear; general; generic; ghastly; gray; grey; haggard; high; idle; immobile; impartial; impersonal; impotent; inactive; indecisive; indefinite; independent; indeterminate; indifferent; individualist; individualistic; inert; insipid; intermediate; irresolute; just; lackluster; latitudinarian; leaden; liberal; libertarian; libertine; livid; lofty; low; lukewarm; lurid; lusterless; mat; mealy; meditative; medium; midway; milky; moderate; motionless; muddy; mugwump; mushy; nebulous; neuter; neutral; nonpartisan; objective; overdrive; pale; pallid; paralytic; paralyzed; passive; pasty; perfunctory; procrastinating; quiescent; rack; reverse; sallow; selfless; sickly; sober; sovereign; stagnant; static; stationary; tasteless; tepid; toneless; transmission; unbiased; uncolored; uncommitted; undifferentiated; uninfluenced; unprejudiced; unselfish; unsexed; unspecified; vague; vapid; vegetable; wan; watery; waxen; weak; white; wide

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    neutral commerce; neutral countries; neutral country; neutral flag; neutral gray; neutral ground; neutral nation; neutral nations; neutral port; neutral ports; neutral position; neutral power; neutral powers; neutral property; neutral rights; neutral salt; neutral ship; neutral ships; neutral state; neutral territory; neutral vessel; neutral vessels; neutral waters