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Example sentences for "individualist"

Lexicographically close words:
individualisation; individualise; individualised; individualising; individualism; individualistic; individualists; individualities; individuality; individualization
  1. We cling to the individualist manner, to that intense eulogy which concentrates its rays on the particular object of notice and relegates all others to proportional obscurity.

  2. Like Browning, he is a strong individualist and believes that the development of the soul is the one thing of supreme moment.

  3. It was Benjamin Tucker's Liberty, the exponent of Individualist Anarchism, which finally convinced me that "Liberty is not the Daughter but the Mother of Order.

  4. Josiah Warren, though a poor man, lived in an Individualist way and made his free-life social experiment in small country settlements, far removed from the great organized industries.

  5. Seeing the need of a dynamic that will create personal worth, the individualist has turned to religion and preached a doctrine of personal salvation.

  6. This individualist theory is held by those who are still in bondage to the individualism that has characterized social thinking in the last four hundred years.

  7. Along the lines of material progress, especially, the individualist has made good.

  8. Tucker and other individualist anarchists were equally opposed to authority, but they were not molested so long as they did not concern themselves with economic exploitation.

  9. The most anti-social aspects of capitalism, whether in its individualist or its collectivist form, are the grossly unequal educational and occupational privileges it gives the young.

  10. For radical democracy will not only be without danger, but useful and invaluable in the struggle of the progressive and collectivist capitalists against the retrogressive and individualist capitalists.

  11. He is too intense an individualist to be a good party man.

  12. In Sir Charles's early days, economists were still governed by individualist doctrines.

  13. It is upon this that the rampant individualist bases his individualism.

  14. So the query rises: Has the individualist never speculated upon the labor group becoming strong enough to destroy the capitalist group, and take to itself and run for itself the machinery of industry?

  15. But, just as I had been an individualist without knowing it, I was now a Socialist without knowing it, withal, an unscientific one.

  16. It is necessary to be on one side or the other--individualist or socialist.

  17. That is what the individualist regime gives us; all this will be transformed by the socialist regime.

  18. As has already been stated, they agreed generally with the individualist proposals of the Philosophic Radicals.

  19. Older men, like the Duke of Argyll, held by the individualist ideas of a previous generation, and Goschen refused to join the Government at all because he objected to proposed extensions of the franchise.

  20. This progress, qualified by many exemptions, was all that could be won in the face of individualist opposition to economic reform.

  21. His scheme was therefore "subversive of the religion and government of the country," and Tories like Castlereagh, Pietists like Wilberforce, and individualist economists like Ricardo joined in denouncing it.

  22. Moreover it is conceivable under given circumstances that an individualist might logically advocate measures (e.

  23. A distinction is made between Communist, Collectivist, and Individualist Anarchism,[1194] or simply between Communist and Individualist Anarchism.

  24. The first great grievance of the critical humanist against Rousseau is that he set out to be an individualist and at the same time attacked analysis, which is indispensable if one is to be a sound individualist.

  25. One tends to be an individualist with true standards, to put the matter somewhat differently, only in so far as one understands the relation between appearance and reality--what the philosophers call the epistemological problem.

  26. This is to risk being the wrong type of individualist--the individualist who has repudiated outer control without achieving inner control.

  27. The eccentric individualist argues that to accept control, to defer to some centre as the classicist demands, is to cease to be himself.

  28. But for the individualist who has broken with tradition to deny his head in the name of his heart is a deadly peril.

  29. I have tried to show elsewhere that the whole programme of the eccentric individualist is to get rid of this convention, whatever it may be, without developing some new principle of control.

  30. Moreover, the congeniality of this statement to the individualist point of view is obvious.

  31. The utilitarian and individualist point of view tends necessarily to lay stress upon bare force acting by fear and physical pain.

  32. Some of these writers are not, perhaps, to be regarded as orthodox Socialists in the modern sense, but their disgust with and contempt for Individualist competition is entirely in the vein of our teaching.

  33. What individualist or autocratic militarism will stand a chance against it?

  34. The extreme Social-Democrat and the extreme Individualist meet in a doctrine of non-resistance to the forces of Evolution--which in this connection they deify with a capital letter.

  35. They are questions that would be equally open to discussion in relation to an Individualist State or to any sort of State.

  36. Thus we discover Spinoza to be at one and the same time a Utilitarian and a Hedonist, the champion of Impulse and again of Reason, an anarchistic individualist and a herald of the right of society to rule the individual.

  37. The individualist will not make this a question of law, but will simply assert that, though the individual is the father of the state, yet he has no reasonable grounds for destroying it, so long as it makes no murderous attacks on its creator.

  38. The squirrels are individualist to a great extent.

  39. Even peasant proprietors who had lived for years under the individualist system returned en masse to the communal institutions.

  40. In individualist cravings men lost hold on the common wealth of nature.

  41. He preaches sympathy and mutual help, in an age torn by selfish individualist passions.

  42. In the sense in which the individualist uses the term socialist, there are hardly any socialists, and in the sense in which the socialist uses the term individualist, there are practically no individualists.

  43. I am as strongly convinced as the most pronounced individualist can be, that it is desirable that every man should be free to act in every way which does not limit the corresponding freedom of his fellow-man.

  44. In the first place, the very reforms which we propose for the indemnification of the victims of crime, regarded as a social function, as well as the operation of the punishment, have an individualist character.

  45. The influence of the individualist and classical school is here manifest, for, as M.

  46. Not many years before his death he declined to dub himself either Individualist or Socialist.

  47. He was thus in practical harmony with those individualists who except the land from the operation of the individualist principle, though he did not declare like them for land nationalisation.

  48. Individualist in thought, altruist in spirit, secularist in governmental theory, he was the herald of a time yet more modern than this laggard age of ours.

  49. Individualist in his very nature, his self-reliant spirit was able to face isolation or excommunication.

  50. There is however another side of individualist ethics which needs even more especial enforcement.

  51. A purely individualist or selfish use of them is not--to the normal Greek--even dreamed of.

  52. There are individualist anarchists, no doubt.

  53. There are anarchists who are not socialists, but hold strongly by an individualist constitution of property.

  54. The English anarchists have no permanent organization of any kind, and the one group are for socialist anarchism, and the other for individualist anarchism.

  55. But the world has not been made on this socialist principle alone, nor on this individualist principle alone, and it can neither be explained nor amended by means of the one without the other.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "individualist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.