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Example sentences for "high degree"

  • The state of the Army in its organization and discipline has been gradually improving for several years, and has now attained a high degree of perfection.

  • The feeling of the whole civilized world is excited in a high degree in their favor.

  • The Military Academy, on which the Army essentially rests, and to which it is much indebted for this state of improvement, has attained, in comparison with any other institution of a like kind, a high degree of perfection.

  • The faculty is undoubtedly useful in a high degree to inventive mechanicians, and the great majority of those whom I have questioned have spoken of their powers as very considerable.

  • Artists are, as a class, possessed of the visualising power in a high degree, and they are at the same time pre-eminently distinguished by their gifts of generalisation.

  • I may, however, speak of the French, who appear to possess the visualising faculty in a high degree.

  • We find them setting forth as ultimate a limited number of ethical principles of a high degree of generality.

  • Some states with a high degree of culture have not even made a pretence of having any such aim.

  • But the communication of pleasure may be the immediate object of a work not metrically composed; and that object may have been in a high degree attained, as in novels and romances.

  • British endeavour fostered the waterplane movement and has carried it to a high degree of perfection.

  • The methodical Teuton was the first to grasp the significance of these drawbacks; he has accordingly carried standardisation to a high degree of efficiency, as is shown in another chapter.

  • Captain Templer was an indefatigable worker and he brought the ballooning section to a high degree of efficiency from the military point of view.

  • The heart cannot feel simultaneously, in a high degree, two absolutely contrary affections.

  • Let us infer, then, that the immediate vivid and sensuous presence of the object is necessary to give to the ideas impressed on us by suffering that strength without which the emotion could not rise to a high degree.

  • It is necessary, lastly, that the ideas we receive of suffering should act on us in a durable manner, to excite in us a high degree of emotion.

  • A pure spirit cannot suffer, and a man approaching one will never awaken a high degree of sympathy.

  • It requires a high degree of culture to use slang with elegance and effect; and we are yet very far from the Greek attainment.

  • The affair assumes a high degree of importance.

  • And good in a high degree and rich in a high degree at the same time he cannot be.

  • Skilled labor, which needs brains, was carried to a high degree of performance.

  • It should come as no surprise that education was carried out, if not exclusively then at least to a high degree, in religion.

  • He possessed, in a high degree, the confidence of those who were the conscience keepers of the king.

  • For the family of the doctor he entertained a high degree of respect.

  • Among the individuals for whom Colonel Burr entertained a high degree of respect, was Jacob De Lamater, Esq.

  • In the meantime family discussions in the Close had brought to Joseph's knowledge a circumstance regarding Kirkwood which interested him in a high degree.

  • That he would before long seek pardon for his rudeness she felt certain, she felt also that such submission would gratify her in a high degree.

  • This excited Mr. Snowdon's mirth in a high degree; he rolled on his chair, and almost pitched backwards.

  • This is why a high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.

  • Nay more; to one who has the constant delight of a special individuality, with a high degree of intellect, most of the pleasures which are run after by mankind are simply superfluous; they are even a trouble and a burden.

  • But if a man is cheerful, and his spirits are supported by good health, it requires a high degree of suffering to make him lay hands upon himself.

  • Consequently we should try as much as possible to maintain a high degree of health; for cheerfulness is the very flower of it.

  • The designs reproduced in fretwork are in the main adaptations of some of those used in decorating surfaces, especially of the dog pattern; but they are always conventionalised in a high degree (see Pl.

  • But he was only one of several chiefs who have displayed a high degree of enlightenment and moral qualities of a very high order.

  • But in no case (with the possible exception of some of the figures carved by Malanaus) is the human form reproduced with any high degree of accuracy or artistic merit (Figs.

  • A high degree of self-government was attained in 1948.

  • Their chances in acquisition of high degree of ability and in advance from position to position also depends upon the policy of management and success of the enterprise.

  • The life that is wasted upon dahlias, must, prima facie, be the life of one heartless and insensible, and most probably, brutish in a high degree.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high degree" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cheese cloth; cups flour; high angle; high antiquity; high card; high character; high finance; high glee; high order; high percentage; high position; high potential; high protective; high time; high value; high velocity; high wages; higher authority; higher civilization; highest point; highly civilized; highly dependent; highly important; highway robbery; him that; many proofs