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Example sentences for "wan"

Lexicographically close words:
waltzes; waltzing; waly; wame; wampum; wance; wanchee; wand; wander; wandered
  1. We had eaten the last of our food twenty-four hours before, and could no longer wait for fair weather.

  2. Nevertheless I have hear'd o' men makin' an awful heap o' money that way; partiklarly wan man that made his fortin with wan stone.

  3. Wan evenin' he returned from wan o' his long journeys, and, being rather tired, wint to bed.

  4. May I niver more see the swate groves o' Killarney if iver I meddle with wan again.

  5. I wouldn't give wan snifter o' the say-breezes for all the di'monds in Brazil!

  6. Here's wan o' them trees that old black-face calls a maraja, with some splendid bunches o' fruit on it.

  7. My men grow mutinous day by day; My men grow ghastly wan and weak.

  8. John the Lorrainer, and I, there are no others to be named with us at the culverin," he would brag.

  9. Little she spoke, and all my thought was to enter the house before Elliot could spy me in my strange disguise.

  10. For seeing that the Maid herself was vowed (as men deemed) to virginity, it passed into my mind that she might think holy matrimony but a low estate, and might try to set my mistress's heart on following her own example.

  11. Faustus told him it was his will and pleasure to conjure him to be obedient to him in all points of those articles, viz.

  12. Just in the middle of these lamentations in comes Margery, who, having heard him, came armed and fitted for the fray.

  13. I am a poor man, and I should probably hog the treasure if I should find it.

  14. Supposing there was a treasure, and supposing you should stumble across it: would it be yours?

  15. The wan delicacy and waxen clearness began to flush with a rosy gleam, her eyes looked darker and yet full of light; and her lips instead of drooping at the corners crisped their pretty curves with a lively smile.

  16. The great head fell back, and the square chin dropped, a dull glaze spread upon the upturned eyes, a wan gray haze as of icy vapour crept across the relaxing face, and Donovan Bulwrag was gone to render an account of his doings in the flesh.

  17. The snow-cloud in the east began to lift, and the moon came out with a bronzy flush, as my uncle told me afterwards, and the broad expanse of snow was flickered with wan light and with gliding shades.

  18. And his cloudy flank upheaveth, and tinkleth the knitted mail, And the gold of the uttermost waters is waxen wan and pale.

  19. At last a wan smile stole to her lips, but it did not reach her eyes.

  20. As Adele came in now, her dark eyes looked their worry.

  21. Of course, I don't know how much she may have told you.

  22. Illustration: "She watched the flying scene from the car window.

  23. Dyin's that aisy--aisy enough, but for wan thing.

  24. As thrue as that yander tripod pump kills wan man out uv ivery fifty.

  25. Her right palm beneath his face, she stroked his long hair and his wan cheek with her other hand; and now she smiled with pride and reminiscence, now a grave, troubled look crossed her features.

  26. Two hours later, undaunted by the far howling of a wolfpack, as the wan crescent of the moon came up the untroubled sky, they reached the brink of the river, almost due west of where the southern end of Central Park hall been.

  27. With a cry, a sudden flushing of her face, now so wan and colorless, she seemed to throw all her senses into one sense, the power of sight.

  28. Wasn't the Eddy-stone Lighthouse cleared away wan stormy night, with the engineer and all the men, an' was niver more heard on?

  29. Once it was a Polish woman, wan and white, who carried her baby wrapped in a frayed shawl.

  30. Fetch that wan to wan av the b'ys," said he.

  31. Hodder had a moment of fear that she was indeed too late, so still the boy lay, so pathetically wan was the little face and wasted the form under the cotton nightgown.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wan" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    wander about; wandered about; wandered lonely; wandering about; want any; want anything; want every; want her; want him; want money; want none; want nothing; want some; want the; want thee; want them; want you; wanted her; wanted nothing; wanted them; wanted very; wanton destruction