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Example sentences for "livid"

Lexicographically close words:
lives; livest; livestock; livet; liveth; lividity; lividly; livin; living; livinge
  1. The latter had taken off his hat, and the young American noted a livid bullet scar in the centre of his broad white forehead.

  2. I drew aside his shirt, and perceived upon the breast a livid mark, which extended around the sides and back.

  3. Agonies are one of my changes of garments, I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person, My hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on a cane and observe.

  4. Among the Savii, Giustinian Giustiniani sat livid with anger, close under the eyes of that one calm, terrible Counsellor whose gaze, fastened upon him, rendered speech impossible.

  5. All round are flashes, lighting the livid Faces of straining gun-crews.

  6. Upon that obstinate mien, livid in the tawny light, the rain glistened as if there had indeed started from the stony pores a ghastly dew; but the thin lips were as tightly compressed as ever.

  7. At these moments his complexion became livid and cadaverous; his brow, especially just over the nose, was covered with deep wrinkles, and his beard appeared to bristle, and to assume its bluish hues.

  8. To appear to the best advantage this dainty sky-child should be seen on a bright day, when the livid green of back and crown may reflect the glancing rays of the sun with a delicate golden sheen.

  9. If a libation of blushes could appease an offended goddess, I was livid evidence of repentance.

  10. The billowy clouds of smoke that rolled to meet us were blinding, and the very atmosphere, livid and quivering with heat, seemed to become a fiery fluid that enveloped and tortured us.

  11. I never looked on death, but I saw its shadow on her livid face.

  12. Several died after a few days' sickness, and it was said purplish spots appeared after death, making ghostly contrast with its livid pallor.

  13. At sight of the livid and agitated countenance of the reverend father, the princess stopped suddenly, and grew pale.

  14. The only external mark of the intense agitation into which he was thrown by the calm words of Adrienne, was that the livid eyelids of the Jesuit, which had been hypocritically closed, became gradually red, as the blood flowed into them.

  15. The pale, transparent gold of his complexion was no longer tarnished by a livid hue.

  16. The Jesuit's features had lost the greenish hue peculiar to cholera patients, but remained perfectly livid and cadaverous, and so thin, that the dry, rugged skin appeared to cling to the smallest prominence of bone.

  17. He was still young, but his heavy and already livid head hung down upon the shoulder of one of them.

  18. The sweat poured from his livid face, which it made to shine; a few locks of his gray hair stood up stiff and moist from his temples.

  19. The mulatto's yellow face seemed to grow livid in the twilight.

  20. His face became almost livid with momentary rage, and the ill-assorted companions road on without speaking, until the Tompkins' mansion was reached.

  21. For a moment, always holding the bishop by the hair as the latter rose on his feet in the barrel, Thiegaud seemed to hold in his hand the head of a corpse, so livid was Gaudry's face.

  22. We had gone but a little way along it when Uncle Moses sank down, and, looking at his livid face, his panting nostrils and starting eyes, I feared that the hand of death was upon him.

  23. She came lightly along towards the house under the livid sky with the heather on each side of her.

  24. He was standing before an enlargement of one of his pictures livid with anger.

  25. In this court a crowd of wretched creatures with emaciated limbs, livid faces, and barely covered with a few loathsome rags, lay sweltering in the sun.

  26. A searchlight blinked and there followed another brief interval of silence, then, without warning, a tongue of livid flame stabbed the darkness and a shell whistled overhead.

  27. Tongues of livid flame leapt from their mouths and were followed by sharp reports.

  28. On perceiving a victim nearby, the gigantic cuttle-fishes become illuminated like livid suns, moving their arms with death-dealing strokes.

  29. As they made the rounds, the visitors took on a livid paleness, as though they were marching through a submarine defile.

  30. The southern day was a livid and foggy eclipse, repeating itself for weeks and weeks without the slightest streak of clearing, as though the sun had departed from the earth forever.

  31. Her nose had taken on the livid sharpness of the dead; her great mass of hair, reddening under the blow, was disheveled in golden, undulating tangles.

  32. Another of them is fascinated by its wicked beauty, and talks about its livid markings and its glittering eye.

  33. The livid sky threw a wan leaden light on the village which was now transformed into a lake of mud pricked by needles of water that dotted the puddles with drops of bright silver.

  34. But the youth understood and he turned a ghastly livid hue.

  35. The light continued to return by degrees, and the livid exhausted countenance of our Lord again became visible.

  36. The ship was plunging heavily, and the livid waves were racing before the wind.

  37. The water of the docks was of a livid turbidity, which teemed with the gelatinous globes of the sun-fish; and people were rowing about there in pleasure-boats, and sailors on floats were painting the hulls of the black ships.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "livid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    amethystine; anemic; angry; ashen; azure; blanched; bloodless; blue; cadaverous; cerulean; colorless; cross; dappled; dead; deadly; deathly; dim; dingy; discolored; dismal; doughy; dreary; dull; dusty; eerie; faded; faint; fallow; flat; furious; ghastly; ghostly; glaucous; gray; grey; grisly; grizzled; grizzly; gruesome; haggard; incensed; indignant; irate; lackluster; lavender; leaden; livid; lurid; lusterless; macabre; mad; magenta; mauve; mealy; mortuary; muddy; neutral; pale; pallid; pasty; pearl; pearly; pissed; purple; riled; sad; sallow; sapphire; sensational; sickly; silver; silvery; smoky; sober; somber; sore; steely; sultry; tabloid; taupe; toneless; uncanny; uncolored; unearthly; violet; wan; waxen; weak; weird; white; wrathful; wroth