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Example sentences for "dusty"

Lexicographically close words:
dustlike; dustman; dustmen; dustpan; dusts; dusun; dutches; dutchie; duteous; duteously
  1. Under the present stimulus she sat top in a couple of classes, grew slightly ruddier in face, and much less shrinking in manner.

  2. But this Laura had no intention of doing.

  3. But he waited in vain; and when they had walked a whole street-block in this mute fashion, it was he who broke the silence.

  4. The rain pattered upon the roof and the sky gloomed through the dusty garret windows.

  5. Whom next shall we summon from the dusty dead?

  6. The bare feet were covered now by a pair of run-down and very dusty shoes, and his blue calico shirt and well-patched trousers were always clean and neat.

  7. But she said nothing, just stared out at the sunny, dusty road.

  8. Marietje, lost in thought, was staring out at the sunny, dusty white road.

  9. The upper surface of the starch is generally scraped, to remove any dusty matter, and the resulting powder is sold in that state.

  10. The matters deposited near the commencement of the flue require to be washed; but not the other dusty deposits.

  11. Does not the lawyer spend all his days either in a dusty office or in the foul air of a court-room?

  12. Her enjoyment in any of these things was intensely vivid whenever, by chance, a stray sunbeam of the kind darted across the dusty path of her life; yet in all these her life was a constant repression.

  13. Below her now there floated past a tide of hot-blooded youth eager to make the most of the few hours left before the dusty trails called.

  14. The setting of the succeeding memories was a frame house on a dusty road at the edge of a frontier town.

  15. A Concord stage went its dusty way down the street headed for Newcastle.

  16. One of them was riding down the dusty road.

  17. Presently she would go and do things among the beehives; and after that, if that brought no solace, she would go in and turn the house upside down and get dusty and tired.

  18. When he did he was dusty and tired, but almost cheerful.

  19. His dusty and disordered clothes formed a singular contrast with the fresh and perfectly arranged toilet of Madame, who, notwithstanding her rouge, turned pale as the king entered her room.

  20. The great temple of Marduk is a dusty heap of brick rubbish, and the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar appears as a mean slag heap looking down upon a land desolate and empty.

  21. In spite of this slovenliness in detail there is colour and light in all recollections of Baghdad's dusty streets.

  22. Yet now that I am back in Rochester, the romance lingers around memories of dusty mahailas.

  23. His clothes were so dusty and his horse so foam-flecked and weary that it was evident that he also had left many a long mile of road behind him.

  24. Craning her neck, she could see the long dusty lane, with the bare withered hedges upon either side, and the dreary line of the railway embankment beyond.

  25. Show us the battered fountains, the brooding universities, the dusty libraries.

  26. It has a tradition already as dusty and wonderful as Abydos and Gem Aten.

  27. Eight of us hurried homeward After the happy treat, With run and bound; yet there were found Only the tracks on the dusty ground Of seven pairs of feet!

  28. They stand up high on the dusty shelves, Waiting and wishing, beside themselves,-- And nobody cares but me.

  29. Stuffed, dusty birds, and a shabby array of African spears, hung on the wall behind her.

  30. Near him on the dusty grass lay a scissor-grinder's wheel.

  31. Then the camels passed away along the dusty road, and I was left alone to wonder.

  32. They wandered up and down the same stretch of dusty white road, attended the same church and the same grog-shop, and slept in the same lime-washed barn of a barrack for two long years.

  33. They were drilled morning and evening on the same dusty parade-ground.

  34. His jaws were tied up, his turban had fallen over one eye, and he was dusty and angry.

  35. The palaces and joyous precincts empty now, the Devis all alone and desolate, sitting or asleep upon the dusty earth, weep bitterly in recollection of their loves.

  36. Their dusty streets appeared untenanted save for the ever-wheeling flights of pigeons, and the inevitable dogs, and everything had shunned the track of the chariot of the Egyptian sun-god, Ra.

  37. I wish they'd come all the way,' said Cecil; 'I was just thinking how dusty it was before I met you.

  38. Off went his hat, and out dropped the dusty silk handkerchief, not a little disconcerting him for the moment.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dusty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anhydrous; arid; ashen; barren; blah; blank; bloodless; bore; chalky; characterless; colorless; crumbling; crushed; dappled; dead; desert; dilapidated; dingy; dirty; dismal; drag; dreary; drip; dry; dull; dusty; earthy; effete; elephantine; empty; everlasting; fade; faint; farinaceous; fine; flaky; flat; fusty; glaucous; grated; gray; grey; grimy; grizzled; grizzly; ground; grubby; headache; heavy; hollow; humdrum; impalpable; inane; insipid; invariable; jejune; leaden; lifeless; livid; mealy; messy; mildewed; milled; miry; moldering; moldy; monotonous; muddy; musty; nuisance; pale; pallid; pearl; pearly; pedestrian; pest; pill; plodding; pointless; poky; ponderous; powdered; powdery; prolix; pulverized; ruined; ruinous; rusty; sad; sandy; sapless; scaly; scurfy; shredded; silver; silvery; singsong; slovenly; slow; smoky; smudgy; smutty; snuffy; sober; solemn; somber; sooty; spiritless; stale; steely; sterile; stiff; stodgy; stormy; stuffy; superficial; tasteless; taupe; tedious; thirsty; timeworn; uneventful; untidy; unvarying; vapid; waterless; wayworn; weariness; wooden; worn; worthless