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Example sentences for "sapphire"

Lexicographically close words:
saponifying; saponin; sapped; sapper; sappers; sapphires; sapphirine; sapping; sappy; saprophytes
  1. The moon shone majestically in a sapphire sky and a few lights glimmered on the distant shore.

  2. A sea of flowers lay spread beneath him, while beyond a more formal part of the grounds, crowned with white terraces and set with cypress-trees, rose clear against the sapphire sky.

  3. Visconti drew his sword, and held its glittering cross high up against the sapphire sky.

  4. The houses stood clear against a brilliant sapphire sky, and above them moved a silver banner, the banner of the Viper.

  5. Twas far away, yet painted on the skies, It seemed a marble cloud of glorious dyes, Where yet the rosy morn, with lingering ray, Loved on the sapphire pediments to play.

  6. Judith arrived in her room late one afternoon with the news that Maizie Gilbert had lost a valuable sapphire and diamond pin.

  7. A valuable diamond ring belonging to Miss Seaton and a diamond and sapphire pin belonging to Miss Gilbert have disappeared.

  8. The steamer is in sight,' she said, and I raised my head again and saw the boat, a small moving blot with a trailer of smoke, far up the sapphire sea.

  9. And a diamond and sapphire tie-pin and a gold watch, and all sorts of other things.

  10. We spent an unforgettable Sunday among the distant high hills, beside a little lake of our own discovery, its glinting waters sapphire and chrysoprase.

  11. While I was gazing into the case, Mr. Garner opened a safe behind him, laying before me a large sapphire set with diamonds in a platinum brooch; a beautiful stone, in the depths of it gleaming a fire like a star in an arctic sky.

  12. I dressed in cheerful haste, took the sapphire pendant from its velvet box, tiptoed into the still silent schoolroom and hung it on the tree, flooding on the electric light that set the tinsel and globes ablaze.

  13. They stopped for lunch on a warm rock beside a singing waterfall, and at last they turned an elbow in the stream and with suddenly widened vision beheld the lake's sapphire expanse and the distant circle of hills.

  14. The larger component is of the third magnitude, and of a golden yellow colour; the smaller of the sixth magnitude, and of a sapphire blue.

  15. Highest, the blue of the sky, ascending from pale turquoise to transparent sapphire filled with light.

  16. The upper sky looks quite black, shading by violet and sapphire into turquoise upon the horizon.

  17. I will decide on this pale dress, and put over it the net-work of gold thread with sapphire knots; that will go well with the head-dress.

  18. But to-night we are only ourselves, so I will wear the chaplet of golden corn with sapphire grapes.

  19. On hill and dale the cities pour their gay and fair; Along the sapphire lake they sail, and quaff like wine the balmy air.

  20. From the wild morass, On the sapphire lakelet set within it, Magâ sails forth with her wee ones daily.

  21. The eyes, momentarily blinded by the full glare of the sun, miss the delicate shades of violet and sapphire in the smoke from a wood fire.

  22. Their families live there with them, and there is no one else and nothing else, save the little sapphire lake lying in the bare hills.

  23. Myself, I gave thanks to God, silently and alone, that those two flags were floating side by side there on that mountain, beside the little sapphire lake, instead of at the head of Chilkoot Inlet.

  24. A sapphire mist drifts over it, without obscuring the exquisite tintings of rose, azure, purple, and green that flash out from the glistening spires and columns.

  25. To her joy, it was one of those brilliant mornings when the sky seems a dome of sapphire sparkles, and the crust of the snow with the sun on it is like white star-dust overlaid with gold.

  26. There were a diamond and sapphire necklace, strings of pearls, earrings, rings, and broaches.

  27. He liked to have his beautiful granddaughter stand at his side and receive his guests in a brocaded ball gown, with the famous Campbell diamonds blazing in her hair and the diamond and sapphire necklace around her throat.

  28. He on the wings of cherub rode sublime, On the crystalline sky, in sapphire throned.

  29. Whereon a sapphire throne, inlaid with pure Amber, and colours of the showery arch;" and id.

  30. Overhead billowy white clouds rolled and piled in the sapphire blue of the sky.

  31. The glitter of a sapphire ring on the stranger's hand attracted my attention, and it was as if he noticed the casual glance I cast at it, for he turned his hand so as to hide the ring.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sapphire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    azure; blue; cerulean; diamond; emerald; jade; livid; ruby; sapphire; stone