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Example sentences for "livestock"

Lexicographically close words:
livery; liveryman; liverymen; lives; livest; livet; liveth; livid; lividity; lividly
  1. Sugar production has lost out to dairy production and other livestock products as the main source of income in the agricultural sector.

  2. Livestock raising is the most important agricultural activity; poor soils limit the islands' ability to meet domestic food requirements.

  3. There were twenty-three cars of Texas livestock and California fruit waiting for a train out, and the drovers were becoming impatient, because they wanted to get up to Chicago to take advantage of a big bulge in the market.

  4. They met on a curve and engines, box-cars, livestock and freight are piled up in fine shape.

  5. His work proclaims him, just as a farmer's livestock all moo, whinny and squeal his virtues--or lack of them.

  6. Here they also bred and raised horses and cattle, and the care of livestock was a part of the curriculum.

  7. The raising of livestock is pursued with great enterprise, the hilly land being well suited for this industry, although many cattle are pastured on the lowland farms.

  8. Tartans, plaids and other woollens, and linen are manufactured at Kinross and Milnathort, which is besides an important centre for livestock sales.

  9. About 75% of the population depends on crops and livestock for its livelihood.

  10. Nomads and semi-nomads, who are dependent upon livestock for their livelihood, make up a large portion of the population.

  11. He gave over their livestock also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts.

  12. For every animal of the forest is mine, and the livestock on a thousand hills.

  13. He doesn't allow their livestock to decrease.

  14. If livestock is allowed to graze in the orchard, which is a questionable practice while the trees are young, the trees should be pruned and trained to fairly high heads.

  15. Moreover, livestock should be kept away from the trees until they are established and the branches of sufficient height to be out of danger of injury.

  16. To the livestock producer refrigeration in storage and in transit means everything.

  17. Financial Aspects of Livestock Industry ONE of the most significant and gratifying gains in the livestock business during the decade just past is the recognition of its financial soundness.

  18. Traylor, President of the First Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, declares that “loans on livestock are the best of all investments,” and President Thos.

  19. The local butcher or livestock producer can little better afford to kill and prepare his own beef than he can afford to tan the hide and make his own shoes.

  20. Without it the great packing interests could not exist and livestock husbandry would revert to the primitive and unprofitable conditions prevailing fifty years ago and described in the preceding chapter.

  21. So it has come about that world demand determines prices and governs buying activities in every town and village where livestock is purchased.

  22. There are two distinct divisions of the process of turning livestock into available meat supplies.

  23. It also has considerable agricultural potential with its vast steppe lands accommodating both livestock and grain production.

  24. Agriculture is the most important sector, with livestock accounting for about 40% of GDP and about 65% of export earnings.

  25. Our livestock consisted of twenty-eight horses, one hundred sheep, three kangaroo dogs, and one sheep dog.

  26. Livestock is plentiful and the prices are moderate.

  27. The livestock is of the finest breeds; the products of the fields and orchards are the choicest.

  28. Independent farming gave rise to the improvement of breeds of livestock by selective breeding.

  29. If red-top were as palatable to livestock as blue-grass, it would have one of the most prominent places among our pasture grasses.

  30. The introduction of alfalfa into the eastern half of the United States will prove a boon to its depleted soils, encouraging the feeding of livestock and adding to the value of manures.

  31. The feeding value of clover hay is so great that the livestock farmer cannot afford to leave a crop of clover on the ground as a fertilizer.

  32. The fertility of the soil is most safely guarded in regions devoted to livestock farming.

  33. Livestock may reject it the first time it is put into the manger, but a taste for it is quickly acquired, and soon it is eaten greedily.

  34. When the usual summer drouth is past, livestock can again be turned into the field.

  35. These variations are not wide enough to have great importance to the livestock farmer.

  36. The only danger is neglect, and especially when the livestock is removed to the pasture fields in the spring.

  37. The growth prevents the leaching of plant-food, shades the ground, adds nitrogen to the soil, smothers weeds, and produces material that is valuable as feed for livestock or an addition of organic matter to the soil.

  38. Much harm results from turning livestock on pastures too early in the spring.

  39. Livestock eat it greedily, and it is one of our richest coarse feeds.

  40. In a sense it was a wise provision, in that it served to identify the livestock which one happened to be driving along the high road, to prove the bona fides of the driver and his title to the stock.

  41. The "pass" law was first instituted to check the movement of livestock over sparsely populated areas.

  42. A squatter in South Africa is a native who owns some livestock and, having no land of his own, hires a farm or grazing and ploughing rights from a landowner, to raise grain for his own use and feed his stock.

  43. So that every individual inhabitant of a city occupies a larger space than some of these native farmers can have for themselves, their livestock and agricultural pursuits.

  44. Please let my lord pass over before his servant, and I will lead on gently, according to the pace of the livestock that are before me and according to the pace of the children, until I come to my lord to Seir.

  45. He said, "Behold, it is still the middle of the day, not time to gather the livestock together.

  46. There was a strife between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and the herdsmen of Lot's livestock: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite lived in the land at that time.

  47. He said to him, "You know how I have served you, and how your livestock have fared with me.

  48. They brought their livestock to Joseph, and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for the horses, and for the flocks, and for the herds, and for the donkeys: and he fed them with bread in exchange for all their livestock for that year.

  49. Now Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah, his daughter; and his sons were with his livestock in the field.

  50. God made the animals of the earth after their kind, and the livestock after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind.

  51. Won't their livestock and their possessions and all their animals be ours?

  52. God remembered Noah, all the animals, and all the livestock that were with him in the ship; and God made a wind to pass over the earth.

  53. Of the birds after their kind, of the livestock after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every sort shall come to you, to keep them alive.

  54. Your servants have been keepers of livestock from our youth even until now, both we, and our fathers:' that you may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.

  55. Our farms and our livestock will be our only means of salvation after present food stocks are gone," he said.

  56. The slightest sign of injury or illness in an animal caused the Mayor's livestock committee to call for help.

  57. I was sure there was more livestock left that campin'-place than we followed in.

  58. They had been doing some tall riding, and their livestock was simply unfit to go farther.

  59. Livestock was incapable of caring for itself, and Harky was too close to the earth to let any living creature suffer for lack of attention.

  60. Livestock should really be taught to eat coon meat so a man, with complete freedom of conscience, might spend all his time hunting coons.

  61. Besides the horse, Rafe's domestic livestock consisted of some pigs that ran wild in the woods until Rafe wanted pork, which he collected with his rifle.

  62. Evidently the tree is intolerant of browsing by livestock, as few were growing in the pastured areas in 1948, but as soon as livestock were removed these areas were rapidly invaded.

  63. Late in 1948, after the area had been made a Reservation, livestock were excluded.

  64. In "Horse Woods" one of the hillside areas that was open to livestock until 1949, this oak was almost absent, but it was abundant in adjoining parts of the woods that were fenced in the thirties to exclude livestock.

  65. Several acres of hilltop and south slope in the northwest corner of the area were protected from livestock and maintained for harvesting of prairie hay.

  66. Effects of Livestock Livestock importantly affected the trend of succession.

  67. These areas were utilized only at certain seasons, but by 1948 the effect of trampling and heavy browsing by livestock was conspicuous.

  68. The south slopes that were originally prairie, were evidently only sparsely clothed with trees up until the thirties when livestock were fenced out.

  69. After removal of livestock in early 1949, crab-apple spread into the edges of hilltop pastures, from the adjacent protected woodland.

  70. Agricultural sector use includes water used for irrigation and livestock watering, and does not account for agriculture directly dependent on rainfall.

  71. The natives run the smelters; use the heat to thaw frozen food for themselves and their livestock while they're melting the ore.

  72. We need the farms and livestock and the animal-tissue culture plant at Konkrook, and the farms at Krink and on the plateau back of Skilk, and we need peace and native labor to work them.

  73. Livestock contaminated lightly by phosgene, nerve agents, mustards, and arsenicals (such as vapor or liquid) may be slaughtered in the early stages of poisoning before the full effects of exposure are shown.

  74. Decontaminating cattle, poultry, and other livestock is only attempted when other sources of food are not available.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "livestock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animality; cattle; fauna; game; livestock; stock; wildlife

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    livestock carrier; livestock production; livestock products; livestock raising