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Example sentences for "animals"

Lexicographically close words:
animalibus; animalism; animality; animalium; animalized; animam; animarum; animate; animated; animatedly
  1. Many of the frantic animals were killed by their own riders or by the Persians on whom they were trampling, while others succumbed to the blows dealt them by the enemy.

  2. The animals which might be sacrificed were the horse, the ox, the sheep, and the goat, the horse being the favorite victim.

  3. According to Faure, animals experimented upon die in twelve to twenty minutes.

  4. Page’s experiments on the lower animals showed the lungs of a pale reddish color and not much distended; a few dilated air-cells might be seen toward their anterior borders, and there might be small hemorrhages over the surface.

  5. Cobos[744] experimented on animals by injecting oxygen hypodermically, as a means of artificial respiration.

  6. He gave strychnia to animals which died in convulsions, and found very irregular and partial congestions, generally not marked because death was so prompt; blood always fluid; no subpleural ecchymoses.

  7. This essay contains the reports of many interesting experiments on animals and the cadaver.

  8. As shown in all the experiments on animals and more especially in the cases of electrocution, the continuance or duration of the current has much effect on the resistance.

  9. The same lesions are found in small animals similarly treated.

  10. He experimented by deliberately infecting bullets and then firing them into cotton, and animals as well, studying the effect both on the bullets themselves and upon the animals.

  11. Experiments made by Orfila on animals with narcotic poisons prove the above statement.

  12. Experiments on the lower animals have shown that the pulmonary artery and systemic veins to the finest ramifications are distended with dark blood.

  13. In the animals first killed and then buried, the substance had not passed into the mouth or nose.

  14. In the case of calcination chemical analysis of the ash would detect the phosphate of lime, but this would throw no light upon the subject, since the ash of human bones and that of the lower animals is identical.

  15. This report gave details of various experiments made on animals to determine the amount of current and the time required to produce a fatal result.

  16. From one of their publications, entitled "Vegetable Cookery," I have extracted the following very brief summary of their views concerning the use of animals for sustenance.

  17. Does any one believe that, in these circumstances, man would prey upon the animals around him?

  18. And must not all nations, as society progresses and the millennium dawns, crowd out the animals in the same way?

  19. We should leave it to the animals below man to err, in quantity and quality, to an excess which constitutes a surfeit or a fever, and causes fullness and drowsiness, and a recumbent posture.

  20. There is no exception, unless man be one, to the rule of herbivorous animals having cellulated colons.

  21. The blood and breath of carnivorous animals emit an unpleasant odor, while those of vegetable eaters do not.

  22. Some of the old historians and geographers tell us that there are not so many domestic animals in the whole kingdom of Japan, as in a single township of Sweden.

  23. Those Bramins who abstain most scrupulously from the flesh of animals attain to the greatest longevity.

  24. Many like the flesh beaten; hence the origin of the cruel practice of the East of whipping animals to death.

  25. Generally applied to animals which are able to live both on land and in water.

  26. Shambles are the places where animals are slaughtered or where butchers’ meat is sold.

  27. The timid animals that start and flee at the sound of a stranger's voice suffer their own shepherd to come among them and handle them.

  28. And yet is there anything that so distinctly separates us from the lower animals as our capacity for God and for eternity?

  29. Men need not be in the kingdom of God in order to do much that is admirable, noble, lovely, because their nature as animals fits them for that.

  30. The nutritive properties of the earth and the air must have been assimilated for us by living plants and animals before we can use them.

  31. If we were to exist at all as a race of animals superior to all others, then all this is just what must be found in us.

  32. Heathens were as punctilious as Hebrews in their scrutiny of the victims, to ascertain what animals were fit for sacrifice by the absence of all blemish.

  33. There is something grand in any great assembly of animals belonging to the same race.

  34. Nimrod, despite the winding horn, the human relation to domestic animals that serve us is still barbarous.

  35. Everything said and done by the friends of the societies for protecting children and animals may not be wise; but there could be nothing more exquisitely ridiculous than to deride the societies and their labors for that reason.

  36. But meantime the mere knowledge that there is an association for the protection of children from cruelty, and another for the defence of animals against human brutes, is in itself a protection for both classes of victims.

  37. It was not nearly so fierce as the lines of fire I had seen zigzagging the black sky on the afternoon of the heavy rain, nor was there any thunder with it as then, but there was a strange, crackling noise, as of animals crunching bones.

  38. These acted like long-pent-up animals suddenly let loose.

  39. After seeing so many stuffed animals it was a natural thing for Andy to think the Indians were also stuffed.

  40. Guess I'll have to wait till they auction off some of the animals in the Washington zoo.

  41. Before going to see the stuffed animals Andy wanted to take a look at his favorite dinosaur.

  42. We saw all the quiet animals and Dip and the pretend Indians," Andy informed his mother.

  43. I picked up these animals only a quarter of a mile back.

  44. The cries of various animals echoed from the forest, and once a lion roared loudly; but without molestation from man or beast our little party toiled on painfully until dawn.

  45. The animals have fled to the mountains, and, besides, Oko Sam and his tribe of Gallas keep the game well thinned out.

  46. The tall peaks rose like spires around it, magnificent and bare in the last of the sun; and we surveyed this upper world, letting our animals get breath.

  47. I have never seen among animals any arrangement so civilized and so perverted.

  48. During the many weeks since the spring round-up, some of these animals had as usual got very far off their range, and getting them on again became the present business of our party.

  49. Then he rode out on the ditches, and met his man returning with the troublesome animals at last.

  50. So I stayed; and certainly our animals were very calm at visiting this scene.

  51. He had never put these thoughts about men and animals to himself, and when they were put to him, he saw that they were true.

  52. He examined to see if any animals were down.

  53. I find that the use of your whips and spurs are ineffectual in releasing the animals from the hold of the robbers, I intend with these pistols-- you observe them!

  54. This upper cave--for our robbers paid more attention to their horses than themselves, as the nobler animals of the two species--was evidently fitted up with some labour.

  55. The postboys scarcely looked round; but their spurs were buried in their horses, and the animals flew on like lightning.

  56. Here are hogs and dogs; other land animals we saw none.

  57. The kangaroo also is proper to Australia, and there are other animals of like kind.

  58. The separation of Australia by wide seas from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, gives it animals and plants peculiarly its own.

  59. It is not pleasant to hear you libel the higher animals by attributing to them dispositions which they are free from, and which are found nowhere but in the human heart.

  60. None of the higher animals is tainted with the disease called the Moral Sense.

  61. One of the animals wagged an ear and cleared his throat threateningly.

  62. The boat seemed to wallow and sprawl in the waves, as he had seen animals do on the farm when they gave birth to young.

  63. While other animals assemble in herds, or in pairs range through these boundless wilds, the sloth is solitary, and almost stationary; he cannot escape from you.

  64. But still these animals were nothing remarkable for size; and the strength of the poison in large animals might yet be doubted, were it not for what follows.

  65. Four-footed animals are scarce, considering how very thinly these forests are inhabited by men.

  66. In stating that four-footed animals are scarce, the peccary must be excepted.

  67. She stood up and looked about, aware of the danger she had courted by sleeping on the ground in a territory where savage animals were so plentiful.

  68. He had caught sight of them an hour before from the high-flung branches of a tree, and had hidden in the grass near the probable route of the animals once Barkoo and his men had charged them.

  69. His first instinctive impulse was to retreat, not because of fright, for he knew no fear, but because it was strange and unpleasant and, worst of all, there was that infernal din which only man of all animals can long endure.

  70. These are always treated in the same way with small shafts, and with animals seated on their angles, and are supported on bold corbels.

  71. The growth of animals comes quickly to an end, and when they cease to grow they cease to be joyful; but man, whose bodily development even is slow, is capable of rising to wider knowledge and purer love through unending ages.

  72. From this opening, an avenue also cunningly fenced and gradually widening towards the hills, was constructed, so that the animals driven thither, could escape neither to the right nor the left, but must needs plunge into the imprisoning park.

  73. The animals killed for meat were almost always cows, for the flesh of buffalo bulls could be eaten only during the months of May and June.

  74. The first of these were sworn to abstain from touching buffalo heads, and the second were forbidden the flesh of the calves until the young animals were more than one year old.

  75. In the old times the animals had tribes just like the Indians.

  76. Besides the almost innumerable utilitarian purposes for which the different parts of the animals were used, there was scarcely a phase of life or a ceremony in which they did not figure.

  77. Some are smooth-skinned and are used by insectivorous animals for food, while others are hairy and on this account are rejected as food, the hair having the power of stinging much the same as nettles.

  78. Those becoming encased in autumn are like the hibernating animals in many respects, lying dormant the winter through.

  79. The Arabs, taught, I suppose, by other travellers whom they had attended, were very eager to bring me natural curiosities; birds and animals and shells and plants.

  80. The river was much swollen and had been yet more so; the tracks of wild animals which the floods had disturbed were everywhere to be seen.

  81. Animals soon learn to love those that are kind to them, and even the family cat purred more cheerfully when resting by his feet, while he often gave it a kind caress.

  82. This kindly solicitude and thoughtfulness for the dumb animals about him was an evidence of the natural goodness of his heart.

  83. Now the war's ended and the jungle's all about us; we can't get the animals back into their cages.

  84. They broke loose like wild animals from a menagerie.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "animals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.