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Example sentences for "ascertain what"

  • Given a Pair of Propositions of Relation, which contain between them a pair of codivisional Classes, and which are proposed as Premisses: to ascertain what Conclusion, if any, is consequent from them.

  • Given a Pair of Propositions of Relation, which contain between them a Pair of codivisional Classes, and which are proposed as Premisses: to ascertain what Conclusion, if any, is consequent from them.

  • I am watching with considerable interest to ascertain what figure "the free-State Democrats" cut in the concern.

  • Now I wish to bring these facts to your notice, and to ascertain what is the result of your reflections upon them.

  • I carefully examined the President's message, to ascertain what he himself had said and proved upon the point.

  • We have accordingly, in the preceding chapter, reviewed the various kinds of Names, in order to ascertain what is signified by each of them.

  • For example, in order to ascertain what principle in the atmosphere enables it to sustain life, the variation we require is that a living animal should be immersed in each component element of the atmosphere separately.

  • And on this rock every one must split, who represents to himself as the first and fundamental problem of science to ascertain what is the cause of a given effect, rather than what are the effects of a given cause.

  • I must study the plain physical facts of the case, ascertain what is possible, and learn what appears to be wise and right.

  • Before going further it will be necessary to ascertain what is the precise nature and character of that demoniacal supernaturalism which is apparently asserted in the pages of the New Testament.

  • I must therefore endeavour to ascertain what is the extent of the supernaturalism asserted in the New Testament, and what is the degree of evidential value which its writers claim for it.

  • Obviously the first step in this investigation must be to ascertain what is the real state of this world, as a manifestation of the benevolence and justice of God.

  • It is not, indeed, easy to ascertain what is the precise idea which has been attached to a chaos.

  • In other words, we need to ascertain what exhibitions of these attributes are presented to us in nature, and in the economy of Providence, and how much of the evil in the world is to be imputed to man's perversion of the gifts of God.

  • In the same year Miguel Saucer applied for a commutation, when the Suprema instructed the tribunal to ascertain what he would pay for it and the same answer was given, in 1600, to a similar petition from Jaime Cornexo.

  • Without presuming to offer a solution of so complex a difficulty as this, I may suggest to you that it is of some importance to your intellectual life to ascertain what religion is.

  • There is, in truth, so much compulsion of this kind that it is not easy to ascertain what people do really know and care about until they admit you into their confidence.

  • In order to ascertain what it really was, I inserted my blade through the slits of the rough deal.

  • But, first, I endeavoured to ascertain what was on the top of it, and for this purpose I adopted a plan that had already served me more than once--of feeling through the slits with the blade of my knife.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ascertain what" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ascertain the; ascertain what; ascertain whether; can only; come fill; dear reader; different diameters; each army; four grains; fully developed; future ages; government must; had told; high land; inverted cone; many months; mental philosophy; minute quantity; moral principles; our sins; walked away; winged flies; yonder hill; your old